ANTI-AGING…THEGREAT LIE AND STUPIDITY… BUT, …YOU CAN “BUY TIME”, HERE’S THE PROOF… A 20+ MINUTE LISTEN, well worth it too….. Time -factor in nutrition fitness and exercise http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/audiofiles/9.mp3 Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops and PRIVATE PROGRAMS, and CONSULTING For a CONSULT – CALL 520. 327 2929 For YOUR HEALTH go to…… […]
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THE PITY POTTY……. (about the “constantly sick”) THE HOLIDAY / Every day DRAMATIST…. THE SNIVELING, WHINY, SELF SEEKER…. THAT CONSTANT, CHRONICALLY SICKO….. OK, OK, once in a very great while being sick is acceptable! (once in a rare while) I have been working in the health field (the real health field) NOT THE MEDICAL LYING […]
Exercise – Lacking Results .…. 99+% of programs don’t have a clue…. The above statement is actually, factually, “being kind”….. IGNORANCE, is “the lack of knowledge!” This lack of knowledge or actual facts, along with incorrect applications is “the greatest problem” in getting actual, measurable, and continual results with exercise programs, and health! This lack […]
Exercise is, does, causes ©Copyright Bert Seelman 2016 Exercise, from the word Exert, as in Exertion Exercise is not recreation for enjoyment, or pleasure, Exercise is for causing a change! Exercise = is the Triggering, the Stimulus, a stressor to bring about a response! Exercise, is pushing muscle or muscles to a point beyond […]
Medicine, who’s lying……someone is, here’s proof! An oath is a vow a person swears to, a commitment that is never to be broken. Today we allow Doctors to get away with literal murder and crimes against humanity. Read the rest below and judge for yourself. Beware of who you trust and investigate who you deal […]