Exercise, fitness, health programs are……..LOST !!! RESULTS….where are they, in the fitness, health, and weight loss programs? “Measured results”…….not even, the money grabbers are way too scared to do that! SUSTAINABLE RESULTS……..in your dreams, MAYBE! Money, is the goal, for trainers, instructors, gyms, and don’t forget the supplement companies! We can put a man on […]
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HOW TO GET, fast, best, and the most Results in fitness / health How to get actually know, you can or will receive the most, fast, and best results, that can be measured, tested, proven, actually guaranteed, from a program that is designed for weight loss, fitness, exercise, and health. The “REAL” answers and directions […]
[siteorigin_widget class=”Sydney_Video_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] “How To Heal,” basic’s, learn the basic’s to increase health, wellness, and performance here,! Healing can be taught, learned! there are significant unique points here to be noticed, if you are listening! Healing arts start with understanding the person and nutrition, basic herbal remedies and progress from there! Natural maintenance of our performance […]
WEIGHT LOSS – THE LOSS ONCE- AND FOR LIFE, ……. We all have heard it over and over, about the lose and gain game! Well, it is a game, at least for those who are trying to CAPITALIZE on the game! It is not a game though, for the one truly wanting the weight gone […]
The cleanse first idea – Too many people today are trying to start on their way to health, in an awkward illogical actually very wrong way! How? Their problem is, their start is so “off,” because they are making an emotional decision, by what has sounded good, thought was good, or it may be that […]
IMAGINE, Fitness Programs, THIS IS REALITY… RESULTS So what does your workout, gym, class, trainer, coach, weight loss program include, exclude, impart, provide or lack, specialize in, supposed to deliver, and what have you actually measured for your results on a steady and ongoing basis??? COM’ON…..REALLY, stop the thinking, and trying to find something, when […]
OVER TRAINING – learn what it is, why it happens, the factors Over training is the single most common problem for lack, slowing or loss of measurable results and lack or loss of increased performance, and an increase of worsening health! RESULTS =. added muscle = faster metabolism Strength Endurance Results are basically a positive […]
Muscle weight gain, fast, how, why, facts Muscle gain, or “proper weight gain”can actually be measured, fast, predictable,and repeatable especially with the facts plus accurate applications of how and why! So many coaches, trainers, and fitness individuals constantly strive to find ways to increase muscle or lean gain, yet they do not research and apply […]
Why, most health, fitness programs fail ! First before reading this check ego’s, emotions, and all non logical thinking at the door or pack your bags as you will be going on a “guilt trip!” What the main reason is, not lack of knowledge alone, but “Lack of Working Knowledge!” Why these programs fail to […]
HEALTHY, FIT, VIBRANT, WELL,….. DO YOU WANT IT, REALLY A lot of people “talk” this line of hopefulness! (you know the bla, bla, bla) Some even, make attempts, to LOOK LIKE they want it! Then there are the “real deal people who truly want fit, well, healthy!” For over 43 years now I have been […]