SICKNESS, PAIN, AND SUFFERING….. Or Caring for the Sick, Hurting Ailing, Obese, and just plain Fat… One would think or at least hope, that an individual “would not want to allow for or give a possibility to” any kind of sickness, disease, or even a condition like obesity to work in the slightest areas of […]
- Consultation Level 2
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HEALTH,…“ATTITUDE,” IS WHERE HEALTH STARTS….. I know, I know, …wrong! Just because we “internally desire” to be healthy, because we “internally know” we “need” to be healthy, doesn’t excuse the “non-maintaining” of health….now ”open up, relax, before” continuing! ARROGANCE is, “contempt” prior to investigation”….which “INCLUDES almost EVERYONE!” IGNORANCE, is “what you are about,” “after you […]
The Great Debate – “DO DOCTORS TRULY CARE…?” This “Old Lie,” will be settled here! Reality is in the, What the Person “Does”……. Reality is in, What the Person “Knows”….. Reality in this issue, is in the totality and naked revealing of just “ONE” FACTOR, ….”INTENT!” Everything a man does is “determined” by […]
CONSTIPATION,….. the “WAIT GAME” It could be called, the CANCER AVIODANCE GAME! Ok…Ok…. I have to say this…..DO YOU…. “KNOW YOUR SHI–”…..READ ON….SERIOUSLY NO POOP, ….A little poop, maybe an occasional poop …. EVERY OTHER DAY……every second or third day, and then it’s still a MAYBE? Once every 2nd to […]
HEALTH ”ASSURANCE”…… WAKE UP,…. Coaches, Trainers, even Physicians….. Yes, even “Medical Doctors”…. You know those arrogant, egotistical, types, which is 99.99% of them! DID YOU KNOW….. Humans are “renewed” (rebuilt) down to every cell within or in less than 16 months, with the exception of bones! Now the time frame may vary slightly from person […]
“Is Your Exercise, and Diet Program Truly Professional ?” DOUBTFUL…… Is you instructor, truly qualified,……doubtful…..see why! What are you paying for? Ask yourself these questions….. If they or you can’t answer these questions the answers and instructions are available! Imagine coaches, instructors and trainers could all “immediately get their client’s way more results” with an […]
BASIC HEALTH …..IMAGINE, YOUR IN CONTROL! CONSTIPATION Health is impacted by many factors, some “thought to be okay,” while others are more “obviously wrong!” The following is to possibly add improved awareness and better thoughts. This document might be a “call to action” about health and for increasing health through preventive measures to “avoid” problems […]
DIABETES –type 2, FIX IT NOW….. DIABETES IS A SLOW KILLER – “IF YOU LET IT”….LEARN HERE Beyond A Wish, “Actual HOPE, NOW!” This is for the greatest part a “self caused, self inflicted, self controllable, easily fixed,” health problem that usually ends up being, an attention getter…this can end up deadly! Like it….if not, […]
MEDICATIONS,…. THE MODERN DRUG DEALER’S PROBLEM, “HIS FINANCIAL ADDICTION” KNOW and UNDERSTAND, …..Medications, Are The Primary Scare Tactic, For Your Returning Payments…. Remember, (they say) you must take your medications! (the gate keepers famous last words) Medications are insurance for more diagnosing……then more testing or re-diagnosing! Medications Appear, and often, “DO” Relieve “The Immediate Ouch”…. […]
Comprehensive Health Programs… “Minimum Expectations” This article is to help “cause an awareness” of the “positive or negative effects,” that can be delivered, if a program or directing professional is truly knowledgeable! NOTE: The following are just “some” of the more in depth “real health markers” that can show someone the signs of lack, or […]