FOOD UTILIZATION PRIORITIES – THIS IS CRITICAL to attaining desired results from diet and supplementation. THE BODY’S PRIORITIES FOR FOOD UTILIZATION 1 – ENERGY REPLACEMENT (heat, movement, and bodily processes) 2 – REPAIR (revitalization or rebuilding of tissues) 3 – STORAGE (fat or energy reserves) ©copyright Bert Seelman 1989 CARBOHYDRATES = ENERGY (quick source, some […]
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[siteorigin_widget class=”Sydney_Video_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] “How To Heal,” basic’s, learn the basic’s to increase health, wellness, and performance here,! Healing can be taught, learned! there are significant unique points here to be noticed, if you are listening! Healing arts start with understanding the person and nutrition, basic herbal remedies and progress from there! Natural maintenance of our performance […]
Healing without exception…… Healing is possible, and in way more instances than most peoples LIMITED BELIEFS allow! People have way too many limiting belief systems, that stand in the way of them receiving help! If people could open their minds instead of being arrogant, and realize that even imagination is greater than knowledge in most […]
WEIGHT LOSS – THE LOSS ONCE- AND FOR LIFE, ……. We all have heard it over and over, about the lose and gain game! Well, it is a game, at least for those who are trying to CAPITALIZE on the game! It is not a game though, for the one truly wanting the weight gone […]
The cleanse first idea – Too many people today are trying to start on their way to health, in an awkward illogical actually very wrong way! How? Their problem is, their start is so “off,” because they are making an emotional decision, by what has sounded good, thought was good, or it may be that […]
HEALTHY, FIT, VIBRANT, WELL,….. DO YOU WANT IT, REALLY A lot of people “talk” this line of hopefulness! (you know the bla, bla, bla) Some even, make attempts, to LOOK LIKE they want it! Then there are the “real deal people who truly want fit, well, healthy!” For over 43 years now I have been […]
HEALTH, FITNESS, there is A DIFFERENCE……… Health, fitness, wellness, there is a huge difference in perception of what these actually mean, and what gets delivered! In a world of ever increasing knowledge, people are using way, way less of it! Fitness, exercise, and the like is still going backward! Little to no testing, proving, verifying, […]
Regaining health and physical performance, “The How to, Regaining health and physical performance, “The How to,” is or should be the most primary, important information to everyone!THIS VIDEO GIVES THE VERY SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT WAYS TO ACCOMPLISH THIS ALL IMPORTANT TASK. This video will give the viewer more than imagined, if they watch it […]
WHO CARES……..REALLY ©copyright Bert Seelman 2014 I have been in the health industry for over 43 years! During that time I have only seen the whole industry go BACKWARDS! THIS IS REALITY! Let us look at medicine, no great new cures, only new forms of MANAGEMENT! Why, because it is about money. Very few really […]
DOCTORS, are the helpfull…..REALLY? This article is factual; like it or not, it will reveal what is the REALITY of incompetence and misperception of what Doctors are NOT taught or qualified to do, in very self-evident and obvious terms! The following article is intended to help get the GREATLY DECEIVED PUBLIC to understand and warn […]