Fat, obesity, sickness, “concerning the three part man” Fat is the result of choices….. Or our internal mental /spiritual “condition.” Obesity is the result of the “total sum” of our collective self motivated actions…..!!! Obesity is the total picture outwardly of where one has been or is inwardly…….self absorbed!!! The sickness obesity, brings on or […]
- Consultation Level 2
- consultation Level 3
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- fat loss
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- weight loss
Fat, Fatter, Obese….The WHY & HOW….. (A self evident observation) Or…….”Me now”. That’s the truth! Like it, or not, it is still truth! A “little” says something but,”more” says it all! “Excess” is a, to the point statement that is in all actuality “self evident!” No needs to do any explaining, […]
THE ANSWER TO A HEALTHIER LIFE ©COPYRIGHT Bert Seelman 2013 Fit, fat, unhealthy, sick, lazy, moody, it all is affected by “what you eat!” Yes and it is that simple unless you are that hard headed! A new stomach lining every 4 days, a new layer of skin every 28 days, and every cell every […]
Hydrated, dehydrated, or energized, charged it is all related…… Are you all wet……? Are you charged…? Ever heard that statement? Well there is some serious thought that should go into it. You see the human is made up of more water than anything else. We are an electrical chemical being. Electrical because we are “charged” […]
It is almost a New Year…. It has been another holiday feasting tournament! You have WON the tournament! You are now literally, LARGER THAN LIFE! Now you need help, and an answer! At least larger than you should be, want to be, or anyone wants to see you be. You have been here before, and […]
SOLUTION, and Not A Resolution, ……..a benefiting modified re-post! A New Year, and just how well has it been so far….!…??? Say no… Yes ….SAY NO….!!! No to the diets No to the health clubs No to the personal trainers First get “armed with the facts” right here, right now!!!’ Yes, take control, save time, […]
Watch and Learn The Truth About Exercise, Health……….Then share this so others can get better health and more results! FOR MORE INFO – Bert Seelman Results Are Proof The Great Fitness Fraud Performance Fitness Systems Tucson, AZ Phone: 520.327.2929 Email Bert Seelman Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book https://youtu.be/t9ROoag8Dys
This book can, will, and does the following: …if…IF …FOLLOWED AS DIRECTED! This book delivers factual, self-evident answers to questions, and explains the parts of the equation that prior to now have been missing, for constant desired progress. Relieving frustration and possible disappointment, it prevents failure! Gives understanding to the requirement of a proper balance […]
Exercise results, how quick to see them…..??? It is not the exercise that produces the result! Go ahead, now read that again, and again and again. Exercise is the “trigger” or the stimulus to cause the body to need to react. The reaction is to enable the body’s ability to endure or withstand or acclimate […]
HEALTH IS NOT A PRODUCT OF LUCK… Health is for the most part not luck, or a gift from God, but a valued, earned, or a maintained state! When a person is born into the world, their health is usually for the most part at its highest point. This is due to the fact that […]