THE ANSWER TO A HEALTHIER LIFE ©COPYRIGHT Bert Seelman 2013 Fit, fat, unhealthy, sick, lazy, moody, it all is affected by “what you eat!” Yes and it is that simple unless you are that hard headed! A new stomach lining every 4 days, a new layer of skin every 28 days, and every cell every […]
- Consultation Level 2
- consultation Level 3
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It is almost a New Year…. It has been another holiday feasting tournament! You have WON the tournament! You are now literally, LARGER THAN LIFE! Now you need help, and an answer! At least larger than you should be, want to be, or anyone wants to see you be. You have been here before, and […]
What are you paying for? Ask these questions….. Simple if your coach or trainer can not answer these questions they are not a true professional! If they or you can’t answer these questions the answers and instructions are in my book. Imagine coaches, instructors and trainers could all “immediately get their client’s way more measurable […]
©copyright 2011 Bert Seelman Personal training certifications are fraud, misleading and where to get the right answers DO NOT ACCEPT PERSONAL TRAINING CERTIFICATIONS, as a qualified, or as being good, it is fraud! Ever notice how someone says their trainer is certified? It seems that most take that certification as the person should be qualified […]
“The GREAT FITNESS FRAUD “ BY BERT SEELMAN…….. IS “NOT JUST ANOTHER PROGRAM” This is not another diet or exercise workout program. Way too often, a person’s nutrition plan and exercise routine work against each other, and almost all of them omit a vital ingredient, rest/recovery. For the first time, this program teaches how to […]