Reality 101- Sickness, pain, suffering, or health, a choice!
Reality 101- Sickness, pain, suffering, or health, a choice!
Caring for the Sick, Hurting, Ailing, Obese, and just plain Fat
One would think or at least hope, that an individual “would not want to allow for, or give a possibility to” any kind of sickness, disease, or even a condition like obesity, to work in the slightest areas of their life.
But in reality “most are so arrogant” in that they “feel,” that they can, by some special process, avoid the “payments” (repercussions) to be made or absorbed after having severely abused their physical body. (eating or consuming what is totally detrimental to any or all bodily process’s)
Yet with all the worldly knowledge, research, and warnings “individuals still persist and insist” on doing “what they want,” at any given time!
Oh yes, I have been a first hand witness to the arrogance, pride, and self righteous line of this thinking or action again and yet again!
The thinking of, “well that was so and so, or that’s not going to happen to me,” etc, etc.
Our bodies are all “basically” the same. We are all a chemical, electrical, spiritual charged beings, that have very specific needs and requirements. We all need the very same things, we all just need differing amounts!
The process’s that work within us, are the same, yet arrogance reins through thinking “we” are going to “get away with,” what will and does happen (it is just a matter of time) Sorry, but facts are facts!
Our physical lives in a way, are like a credit card, or debit card. We have the right to CHARGE on it, “HOWEVER” the bill will come in, it will be delivered or better yet, it will “become due and payable,” without exception.
Again, when I say that the “most persistent attitude out there” is that of “extreme arrogance,” that is exactly what it is. The attitude of “well I tried”, “it didn’t work”,
“I give up”, or “they need to like me, just the way I am,” or what ever other EXCUSE one desires to use.
It is mainly about “my way” or me, and “now” and or any other CONVENIENT coping mechanism, that people can come up with!
It is beyond time for us as individuals to “stop the political correctness,” which has done nothing, but weaken our society!
It is time for us to “call” these things, actions, and individuals, who choose to “do these selfish, self centered, emotional charged wrong doings to their health” by their correct name,” STUPID!”
Let’s talk the truth here! “Anyone (yes, anyone) who makes choices by their emotional or physical “feelings,” is certainly not rational, not logical, not intelligent or responsible, they are at very best, STUPID!!
My personal view,(based on my experience of more than forty years) is that, because most will not openly and assertively address them, they get to thinking and feeling “licensed, permitted, and accepted,” to continue. They actually find a “comfort zone” in this action or if you prefer to call it “inaction!”
When an individual starts down this path of, “I’m too busy, I’m tired, I will later, etc, etc, etc they are in trouble with a “four letter word” LAZY or SLOTH! You can try to use other descriptions, like irresponsible, unlearned, etc etc, but the reality is or bottom line or “motive” is, “self” which is another “four letter word.” They are selfish! It is about them! Most importantly, these actions or in-actions are self sabotaging, self deluding, and ultimately selfish at the deepest levels!
These individuals are the ones who love to say, oh, I love you! WRONG! What the are really saying is, “I want what I want, and when I want it, and to hell with you!” these people want you around when it is convenient, and on their terms!
Those of us and anyone else, who allows this, is an “accomplice” and especially in the “spirit realm!” When a person allows this, that person not speaking out, not saying the facts, that person is a wretched, sick, self centered liar, or a manipulator, to gain future friendship! That person is truly sick, demented, and Godless!
All conditions can be helped, cured, and or healed! We as humans need to require truth from everyone! In return we need to give the truth out, no matter what the cost, as truth is the true reality, and truth is dividing line! -healing without exception-
To help anyone create change, in their life, they usually need, “an abrupt interruption in their pattern’s!” Be it a “rude line of verbiage, a yelling at, or a sound slap in the face,” seriously! True love, is an ACTION, NOT A a low sensitive sounding sweet encouragement! Kind, is a not always mild, or meek!
Remember, we are dealing with a “persons life forces!” Time is after all very limited!
SO, go out and CARE, at a level that makes a true, real difference!”
We have clients across the globe and they all do not always like our depth of concern at the moment, they think we are Con-fronting them when in reality we are CARE-FRONTING them!
REALITY is being in the moment, while seeing long term! It is being about the here- after, or how will things be, AFTER we are HERE?
Health here, and in the here-after
©copyright Bert Seelman 2015
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929
Email Bert Seelman
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