Coaches, Trainers, LIES, and JAWZERCISE……the TRUTH..
EXERCISE, Coaches, Trainers, .…Their Lies and “JAWZERCISE”
Exercise, with Personal Trainers, including Coaches, most know little to nothing about the facts physiologically, and applications, so their arrogance leads them while their programs severely lack measurable results because they are mostly made up of myths, lies, and talk or “Jawzer”cise!
Most trainers, and coaches have not been schooled or factually taught what works, and how to test or measure to get consistent results! Individuals need to beware and learn, actually know the right or specific questions to test if the person or program they are thinking of hiring or using knows enough, to ensure their desired results!
Most programs are empty words, non-factual, and are at best “sell jobs,” due to the fact their programs are made of archaic myths, half facts, and wishful promises! This video will shock many with just how much personal training is NOT DELIVERING, in health, in results, anywhere, and why!
Personal or fitness trainers, most coaches, their gyms, and programs have all become a place of sales, lies, fraud, and ideas, without any benefits short term or long term!!
Bert Seelman of talks about and lays out the actual ways to know the lies, facts, and fraud being played upon individuals! Bert has written the book, The Great Fitness Fraud, found on Amazon! If a person is looking for facts, correct applications, and real results, like actually gaining measured, tested, proven, physical performance, this video will list places to start!
Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops
For a FREE CONSULT – CALL 520. 327 2929
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