fitness writers for hunting magazines – self proclaimed experts
Fitness writers… For hunting magazines, are they self proclaimed experts…? Or is it a case of, EGO VS INTELLIGENCE?
Are you tired of going to your favorite hunting magazine to find some worthwhile “getting in shape information” and all you find is how great the writer is at everything?
How about how they want you to “spend all kinds of time” at the gym, or at running, biking, lifting and who knows what else? And to prove my point, they are talking how they get it done, WHO CARES about them, does it work for others, and who did they do it for, show us!
Let us get real here – I mean like life in the real world! Most individuals have a life. By that I mean a job that requires some time, effort, and attention. Then there is the family and those real commitments. Do not forget there is the house and the yard and the list goes on, and on.
I have been around the country and have had the opportunity to see and hear enough to know that everyone or at least most everyone would “like to be in shape.” The hunter who is in shape can travel rougher terrain easier, cover more ground, and climb to better vantage points, has more chances as a rule. The hunter who can travel with a little or a lot less effort enjoys the hunt more!
Predators live on what they can overrun, out climb, and out think. They need to get to a point or place first where the opportunities are for that prey! Hunters are predators of a type. So to be more physically fit is a distinct advantage – not just for hunting but for health and longevity as well.
It is the stronger animal which survives most often. We as people don’t always see our strength as performance. For most people to be somewhat “in shape” is far better than to be in poor shape! This is where these so called fitness writers or “fitness buff’s” like to strut their “stuff” about what they know, and how it should be done!
Most of these writers are wrong, very wrong! I have been in the human performance field for over forty years. I have had the pleasure to work with extreme professional athletes, yet work with rehabilitation of the very aged, and even young children. People need to know there are certain simple facts if applied correctly and then given the right or better choices of foods can help a person to “get in decently good shape in minimal amounts of time.” Oh, let me also say with minimal equipment.
Think about this: it is easier to get any job done with a better, more factual approach. When we have the facts and the proper sequence or applications we can do more with less in less time. It is simple. It is called being effective and efficient.
In my profession I have had to get athletes to an improved level of performance in minimal amounts of time and even under extraordinary tight time-tables. This forced me to learn what the facts were and how to apply them. I needed to get their bodies to”recover” faster from the stress of exercise.
There are three essential factors to be dealt with. They are exercise, nutrition, and rest or time. Exercise is a stress or stimulus to “make the body respond” hopefully in a positive manner through added strength and endurance. Nutrition provides the body with the materials to build, restore, and repair. Time is another factor, as time is needed to absorb and process the nutrition and make the body ready to respond.
Fitness writers for the most part are gravely misguided souls as they tend to lean to what sounds right and what has been commonly taught. When it comes to the public they deserve the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth – at least I see it that way! I am tired of seeing these articles steal the “hope” out of people getting what they want and deserve. Articles that want you to spend way too much time and effort and are totally misleading. Either you are an expert in fitness or are you an expert in hunting or are you an “expert”at all”???
Just because a person can run a marathon themselves doesn’t mean he can train everyone else. Have you ever asked a race horse how he prepared for the race, or asked a coyote how he trained to catch a rabbit? Can the coyote teach the fox how to catch the rabbit? Give me a break here, please! The point being, does the training work for either sex, every age, and with any condition, every time? If it does then come talk to me or then talk to everyone!
I am and have been doing research in the field of human performance for over forty years. The methods used have taken people of all types to higher levels of physical performance whether it is in athletics or in improved health. It is all “human performance.” The approach is exercise is a stressor, to trigger the body, nutrition is the materials that we are built and rebuilt from, and time or rest is the time needed to accumulate and process these materials. How fast we can be “restored” is what matters. Health is, of course, the main consideration, not temporary advanced performance!
In today’s fast and furious world we can still get in shape or at least get in “better” shape with minimal time by utilizing the “facts with proper application.”
What I am going to present are the facts and how to apply those facts to get in shape without wasted efforts and wasted time. I want people to have the hope they deserve, to know that they “can get in shape,” and that it only takes minimal time. If something is a fact and it is applied in the same and proper manner it will always give the same end result!
The owner of PSE Archery, Pete Shepley, is 70 years old and is “in shape despite his age.” Why? Simple – he gets the facts! He is a pilot of helicopters and fixed wing planes, a roper, a business man, a hunter of extreme hunts, a grandparent and someone who “does not waste his time.” Pete works out less than 15-20 minutes and adds 20 minutes of cardio three times per week as does Jon Shepley. Yes, they supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals and eat “most of the time,” according to a nutrition plan based on what the body requires and can even be “eaten out.”
Great results have also been attained by some of the PSE Pro-staff who have participated in these same factual based programs. They know what works, why it works and have for over 30+ years!
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929
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