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With Youth and Youth Sports

We train the professionals, and we develop complete, “comprehensive,” tested, proven programs, for those aspiring to go to any level!

Sports usually are about or bring about, the desire for excelling, usually not just participating!

Sports are usually for being, showing, demonstrating, and competing, on or for a “higher lever of performance!” Our Programs, and consulting even deliver long distance, with “typical results” due to more facts, accurate applications, and support!
What Limits Sports Performance….?

To excel in sports there are several “limiting factors.” The most prevalent or most limiting factor is usually “EGO!”

We call the word Ego, an abbreviation for, “Edging God Out!” “Ego does not allow input,” unless liked. Ego does not allow humility. Ego is almost always believing “IT” knows all.

Providing Ego “is NOT the ruling entity” but Intelligence along with humility, confidence, and logic are present, major improvements can be realized, even on a constant and continuing basis!

There is a “misguide belief” that “Genetics” is the best or most important asset! WRONG!

“Intelligence with Humility” not Ego is “the winning combination.”

“Intelligence allows,” gathers, plans, and uses “facts to build a greater engineered plan of steady, consistent, measured, and continuing increases to provide increased performance.

“Intelligence and Humility” learn how to maintain those increases, and what it takes to “gain more performance in every area!”


Our programs “DO NOT” prescribe to the commonly used thread of thinking and applications used by “most all coaches as well as trainers!” Their thinking is of gaining increased performance, by “more training or harder training!” Factually not so!

This a very common accepted type of thinking and training that “is non logical,” ego centered, low intelligence based, damaging, and “abusive to the athlete at best!”

Our programs use facts, proven by consistent measuring, testing, and  further by constant improvements in all areas of actual performance on the field or in the event!

Youth Programs

Youth, are in my opinion the most severely abused of all age groups due to the fact that the vast majority of parents “who control these children’s lives,” are non thinking, non logical, self seeking or self indulged!

Get this point and please keep it at the front of your thinking!
Children are “formed in the womb before birth,” and even in the egg and sperm pre-makings are actually then in their FORMATIVE stages!

It has been proven “that DNA is not completely turned on or off” if “adequate nutrients” are not present in the egg and sperm stage!
This being verified and published in an article, “A Pregnant Mother’s Diet May Turn the Genes Around”

By SANDRA BLAKESLEE Published: October 07, 2003. (Read here)?

Parents almost never “pre-think of requirements” to fully advantage or form their child “before pregnancy!”

When a child is in the pregnant mothers womb, how many women do you observe, “actually doing all” to gain maximum nutrient intake, “to form a better, more advantaged child?” Look around, observe!

When the child gets to school age and or gets involved with sports, their has already been “many stressors” upon the “young body, mind, and spirit” in its “formative life stages!”
These many stressors on the youth are “initial physical growth,” plus added “psychological or learning  stressors” registered in nervous responses, now add physical plus mental/emotional stressors of “learning, practicing,and training” for sports training!

NOTE: “We understand physical performance,” and sports, “plus the many differing demands” upon the individual involved! By knowing the demands our preplanning or actual engineering affords us the meeting of the needed requirements “in advance” this is a key factor of our consistent success!

It is no small wonder, “so many youth are injured, burned out, and stunted, in so many ways!” It is predominately due to nutrient and recovery needs “not only never met,” but not even understood or researched but, “not even considered by parents, let alone their coaches!”
This is inconsideration from our perspective is total “ignorance” and “gross negligence!”

We have had and worked with many youth “who have attained outrageous accomplishments,” mostly from having “parents who pre-planned, and pre-thought,” then acted on these important factors in the early stages of a sports program. These parents and some coaches, who sought these pre planned or engineered programs with long term sports goals, thereby developed children “who exceeded hopes,” while learning health and performance for life!

“Our programs of engineering or preplanning for physical formative requirements to be “met first,” helps, ensures, and or extends the reality of “length of life in the sport, and length of life itself!”

Thought for consideration:
The stress psychologically,  intellectually is added with the physical stress, in youth sports,so all flesh is effected or “registered by the inner connected nervous system!”
The “psychological impact” of training “without nutrient requirements” being adequately met, to allow “recovery or restoration” is to have “the great possibility” of limiting, even ruining “the attitude or desire” of ever desiring or doing anything in health, fitness or sports “for life!”
“Extreme care or caution” should be utilized when choosing a program, coach, and or a personal trainer!
A Youth Program would provide the following services to an individual under 18 years of age:





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