plan – Results are Proof Health and Wellness Development Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:27:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 GOING TO THE GYM……. And “WASTING YOUR TIME”……MOST EVERYONE DOES…. Thu, 30 Jan 2020 15:59:38 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9483



Ego makes more or most decisions for most, due to the fact that most everyone does what the majority are doing yet even though their actual measured or realized results are next to nothing, most believe they have it down when it comes to “what they are doing!” However when it comes to science and actual correct application most are way far away!

(don’t lie) When was the last time YOU TRULY (actually) MEASURED RESULTS?

YES, WITHOUT ACTUAL FACTS, knowledge or a solid fact-based plan the majority of individuals are wasting their time!  (be open minded here)

In fact, “if you are not actually measuring, testing, or keeping tack with records and measuring actual progress how do you or anyone truly know!

They don’t, but their “EGO” says they are doing great! 


Most see results in the beginning, but the results slow down! It doesn’t take long and the exercise is actually overdone! Yes, over done! Your muscles continue to get somewhat stronger; your heart gets stronger; your bones get denser!

But “THE INTERNAL ORGANS”  do not grow, get stronger and are “unable to keep up” with the increased demands from the continued exercise! (this is why results slow down)

This is why when individuals who have been steady at going to workout, and they miss a day, they see increased strength!

Hello, they didn’t get more exercise the “missed” a day!

So, what happened is, their body got a day to “catch up!”….FACT!

OFTEN, when an individual misses several days, they see a “big or noticeable increase in strength or endurance with their so-called “normal” workout! FACT!

Why, again, their body got a chance to “restore, or repair” itself more!

NOTE: they didn’t “get more stress from a workout,” they got an EXTRA DAY OFF, or more recovery time! 



There are several important ways to learn to HELP, RECOVERY! There are also several major ways to test and know WHEN YOU ARE READY for another workout!

 Don’t just keep pushing limits!

Get the facts, so you get your desire results!

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


For YOUR HEALTH go to……

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Check out my videos channel at Youtube

SUMMERTIME, BULGES….or BLUES Tue, 04 Sep 2018 18:51:44 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6460

Summertime blues….. or “Summertime bulges…?”

It is “summer is over”…. and what happened to me, my weight ….

Has it been another warm season feasting tournament, I mean after all it’s summer!!

You have WON the tournament!  You are now literally, LARGER THAN LIFE! Now you need help, and an answer, …fast!

At least you are larger than you should be, want to be, or anyone wants to see you be.

You have been here before, and here you are again, and it is not “whooppeee!”

So HOW can I get back in shape, fast, yet safe, without hunger or cravings????

How can I lose these bulges?

So you want to lose it again, this time lose it right, so you can lose it for life!

Weight loss, or actually fat loss, while still gaining lean muscle is a real possibility! There is a simple answer however it will take some effort and learning!

Understand that “you can literally,” eat more food, yet lose more fat, (without hunger or cravings)…while learning!

Fitness programs that gain maximum, tested, photographable, proven results, in less than you lunch hour 3 days per week! Or only 1% of your weekly time!

This plan WHEN DONE IN PERSON, is even DIABETIC SAFE, reduces med’s, improves blood chemistry, and is physician endorsed! All while losing only fat fast!

This program for non-diabetics can be learned in a book also! However results are subject to your ability to follow details!

With over 40 years of proof, and with clients who have lost OVER 220 LBS. IN 15 MONTHS! (now that is losing bulges fast)

The best part is, “most clients never regain excessive weight again,” because it is a true lifestyle program!

GET THE ANSWERS, for weight loss (up to a size every 2+ weeks) PLUS… fitness programs!


CALL – BERT for a PERSONAL “in person program, if in TUCSON” or an over the phone consult for needed questions….., no matter where you are, this works for fast long term results, even being done over the phone!  

We can counsel you by phone daily, even several times per day to support your results!

Yes, get the results that bring more motivation and directly from the person who designed these programs!

WHY NOT, do it, learn it once, and learn it for life!                       43 years proven!

Bert Seelman.   520 327 2929            ©copyright Bert Seelman 2018


Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

FITNESS, LIES ….WORSE NOW THAN EVER….. Tue, 24 Jul 2018 16:34:37 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6435


                                                   ©copyright Bert Seelman 2013 Rev.2018

I have been in the field of health, wellness, exercise, and nutrition for well over 43 years! During that time I must say the truth of the matter is, that man’s EGO knows no bounds and man’s lust for money definitely knows no limits, and to lie just to be thought right or get attention is allowable, and these are my serious observations in a very mild form! Also, I must say that fitness is DEFINITELY MUCH WORSE NOW, than 30 – 40, even 50 years ago!

I got into these fields because I had some serious health conditions, and I desired to have answers, that no one seemed to have! As I got farther into my years of questioning and research, I heard a new name come to the surface; it was “fitness!” Yes, it was being called “physical fitness” and I was absolutely shocked. Why was I shocked, it is simple, as I had researched what worked, and what did not work, and what worked was not as “popular” as what only sounded good! You see, TRUTH is not a priority for most, meaning if money can be had or made over a person’s well-being, YOU ARE TOAST!

Yes, it was very, very, important for whatever was being sold, that “the famous criteria for selling” of anything had to apply! This criteria, is needed to cause an “emotional buy in,” meaning it did not have to be “all” true, or it did not have to be fact, it just had to “sound good” and be what was immediately “perceived as the fix” or what appeared to be needed! So, it had to be CHEAP, FAST, and EASY! Then, whatever it was, would become “super star” idea etc., no matter what! Hey, if it sold, great!

Health had little to do with this “fitness,” it was about, does it sound right, does it look right, does it “get people excited?” If it could sell, and sell big, then that was all that mattered!

Health Clubs were not and are not really about health, they were about getting people in and selling a membership that hopefully the person would pay for, but never use! They should have been called “wealth clubs” for the owners! This membership money was the free money, for little or no responsibility to deliver any form of service! Then the gym, or so-called health club, could roll in the money with little to no outlay of any effort, while making scads of money on the poor customers for nothing being put in their court! It was and has been take, take, take!

Eventually, everyone starts to see it, they do not want to say so, so they still turn a blind eye to it as if hoping they will find some way, to get the results they have so desired!

Next, down the road of fitness came the “personal trainer,” who was supposed to get the client some results! I call them the “personal strainers, pocket drainers, no brainers, and entertainers!”  The programs these mostly misinformed, misguided, duped individuals pay for does not give any one of them, any worth-while teaching in how to guarantee their client any results! These certification companies are worse than robbers, cheats, and frauds, but hey the trainers don’t even know, until later on, much later on!

Gyms or so-called health clubs could care less if the client gets any result, the goal is to sell memberships, period, ANOTHER LIE! Who cares about the client? When it comes to programs that the trainers can use, there is no real physiological, fact based, plans what so ever! The instructors are not even in truly good shape, like ZUMBA should be called “BAH- ZOOMBA” when you look at the width of most instructor’s hips (butts)! Spinning is another one of the way over rated, supposed results producing classes, along with Cross Fit, and “I would be all too willing to prove it,” these are doing more wrong than good! Anyone wanting to put money on it, I’ll take all the bets?

Diets, and most diet plans are even worse, they most all are way damaging to overall health, like the HCG DIET, or the low fat diet, and all the meal companies that sell worthless foods and teach nothing of value to help the client long term! Then there are the Doctors who perform worthless modifications of lap band and gastric bypass to the body that leaves the person way worse than when they met, and worse off for life, MORE LIES! Get the money, the rest does not matter is their model, after all they are a “Doctor,” Yuk, Yuk, Yuk!  POINT: If a Doctor is supposed to know the body, and cure it, why can’t they help a person PREVENT the weight gain, and teach how to take it off without money making SURGICAL procedures? What are they really about?

So-called “personal trainers” are more deluded than the courses they take, and actually have the gall to sell their services “without actual proof by testing of any worth, as great trainers!” Again, it is MORE LIES, just get the money! But the bad part is, if you listen closely, is that everyone says, “oh I like this person or that trainer,” if a trainer was truly making you change and getting you out of your comfort zone, in reality they would not be “so liked!” Com’on here, really?

People should be much more careful to get the facts and learn proper questions to ask, and know the tests that should be done to actually verify results! This is about your long-term health people, what is your health worth to you, or “can you be so deluded that you have yourself believing that “YOU KNOW” what the facts are,” yea, sure, right! Remember most all decisions to hire a trainer and buy a gym membership are done on an EMOTIONAL BASIS! These decisions are done by feelings not facts, and research!

Get much of our info for free on our website, and youtubes, use caution, be smart, it is your health, money, time, and efforts, protect yourself!

NOTE: All the above is even worse with youth and student sports programs. Call or see us for what should be considered for real qualifications, for coaching and coaching staff, to protect your children long term! We will guide you to “those in the know!”



Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

EXERCISE – LACK OF RESULTS…….WHO’S STUPID? Thu, 10 May 2018 20:59:27 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6409


or lack of critical basic facts!

FACTS and proper applications are what always get results!

Lack of results for month after month, for those people working out in a facility or with a trainer says everything! Yes EVERYTHING!

When you see people training or being trained and see no results, even after months, it says someone is being taken, and if they are continuing the same program it shows either a SERIOUS LACK of INTELLIGENCE, or “they like” wasting efforts and money!

NO results, after weeks or months of efforts, says that facts are not being used, or that over training is taking place! Due to peoples EGO’S most never break this syndrome!

KNOW THIS….if you are exercising regularly and seeing NO RESULTS, then you are overtraining and over stressing the body so it CANNOT ADEQUATELY RESPOND!

THIS MEANS more damage than benefit is happening, while health is being compromised! FACT.

There are specific physiological “facts that when applied correctly” ALWAYS produce results!

The following video asks some basic logic and sense questions, plus some simple “observations!”



Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book


FITNESS….no….wrong…..MOSTLY FRAUDS…. Wed, 21 Feb 2018 16:50:13 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6293

FITNESS – nope -wrong- “MOSTLY  FRAUDS”

Enough already, how stupid can people make themselves look?

I’ve been in the health and human physical performance field for over 45 years, and it is far more BACKWARD than progressive!

IF in doubt about what I am saying here, remember I wrote the book on Fitness Fraud,…… read it The Great Fitness Fraud. on amazon. Some will actually learn more, far more than their Trainer or Coach even know! In fact some could read the book and go back and really “school” their old so called trainer or coach!

People go out and join every new craze, getting no more or better results, yet they swear they are! Liars to themselves, liars to others, it’s beyond PATHETIC!

NOTE: Using a name or gaining a certification DOES NOT MAKE IT SO.

Programs that use ballistic movements or kinetic energy causing more injuries than good, and kinetic energy causing more stress than good, FACT! Look around at programs that use kettle bells being swung, barbells being rapidly moved, jumping up and down of box’s and the like, it’s all kinetic! IT’S A LAUGH, let them TRY TO DO THAT SLOW, WITH RESISTANCE using only strength. …..IT WON’T HAPPEN!

THOSE DOING SUCH AND WORSE those teaching such do not know the difference between DEMONSTRATING STRENGTH, and BUILDING IT!

These same FRAUDS that brag and teach such lies never ever will take a real challenge, but only TALK, TALK, AND TALK, BECAUSE THEY WANT THE “MONEY,” NOT THE CLIENTS BENEFIT!

Then there are the realities of testing, multiple testing, not a measurement here and a weigh in there, but again NO WAY are these frauds going to jeopardize their income!

watch and listen —


Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

OVERWEIGHT, and for way too long… Tue, 26 Dec 2017 23:06:43 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6250 Overweight, and for way too long…
Having worked with overweight, fat and obese individuals for over 45 years, there are some “definite habits” and or excuses that are “common to most of these individuals, and most programs!”
Now understand, that this article “is not to slam, belittle, or degrade” anyone, as it is intended to “make aware” of some of these similar points for those who will receive and benefit from them. This is for their advancement in “ridding themselves of the problems!” The rest is in your face reality!
Note: the fact is, with fat there was no stalking, attacking, jumping on, of the fat, and it did not just materialize, it came about, for the factual reason of eating or consuming too many calories! Nothing else is possible!
Each pound of body fat equals the consumption of 3,500 calories too many! Thirty-five hundred calories translate to over, yes over 40 extra-large eggs, too many! Now when one goes to burn off these 3500 calories they must burn 3900 units of energy because there is a 400 calories extra requirement to get the weight off! So yes 3500 too many calories eaten, requires 3900 calories to be spent, to get that pound of fat off!
Now that we have established that fat does not just happen or materialize, that excuses are just that, EXCUSES, and that there must be accountability, let us look at just some of the most common excuses used!
Now realize that those who sincerely desire to truly “get the weight off, and keep it off,” must come to grips with just a few of the following “justifying fictitious reasons” why they have not lost faster or more!
Absurdities, excuses, justifications, but mostly and actually they are self-deluded LIES!

  • I did the best I could!

SORRY – Wrong, doing what is required is the only thing that works, not what you did or wanted to do!

  • I thought I made the best choice!

SORRY – Wrong, you have guidelines that are specific, your thinking got you overweight, so you’re thinking is way, way off, fact!

  • I ate way off schedule, because of my job being very busy!

WRONG – Your job will be there, there are alarms to use, and your priorities are way off, without your health, you won’t be around, your job is another excuse!
Weight Lossdoes not matter, is not a priority, and is not important” IF, “ANYTHING,” GETS IN THE WAY!
Somehow overweight, fat or obese individuals found the time, priority, and effort to eat or consume those 3500 extra calories, for each and every pound! And now, they want everyone to believe they cannot find the effort, time, or planning to get the weight off!
If success “IN LOSING” is not constant, and on-going, it is only for one reason, SELFISHNESS!
Excuses are not acceptable, justifiable, reasonable or just plain reality! Those who truly want the weight off, will get it off!
The individuals who truly want to lose, must allow for and secure a person, who will call them on every slight inconsistency, and without mercy, make them accountable!
There usually must needs be a financial, time, or some type of penalty if progress is not consistent! If there is no type of penalty, with accountability, usually progress will be minimal and only temporary!
Individuals who have allowed themselves to get out of control for prolonged periods of time, are the usually masters of selfishness, and manipulation, this is a fact!
Due to these problems and excuses, I have found that most “start out” desiring the loss, the discipline, the accountability, however most always there comes a point where financial costs must be used as a serious motivator! Being committed to people’s success is a real difficult, and problematic work! The price is often much, much, more than most realize, and we are not talking finances only here! How-ever the individuals who were serious, are always worth the cost!
So, if you know someone who truly, truly, wants the weight off at the rate of a size every 2 – 3 weeks, no hunger, no cravings, and to learn for life, send them IF, YES IF, they are serious! Otherwise, if a person is not serious, let them continue in their delusional state where they are happy and overfed!
Most program managements like the fee’s they receive and yet give little in results or learning!
We are committed to client’s long term success, not their excuses, or lies!
That is why we always deliver, what other programs can only promise!
©Copyright Bert Seelman 2017
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929
Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

The RIGHT INFORMATION, for Health, Diet, and Exercise! Sat, 02 Dec 2017 12:07:26 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6228 The RIGHT INFORMATION, for Health, Diet, and Exercise!
The real, tested, proven, working knowledge for all your results!
Healthy, fit, thin…..yea right…..WE ALL WANT IT…
It’s a pipe dream for most, because it is most always a “SELL JOB.”
Promises, promises, promises…..that’s what all these so called diets, exercise, and health programs promise.
Then they said “Exercise is good for you.”…..right….no actually it’s WRONG!  Exercise is actually adding stress to your muscles or body to trigger a hopeful positive response.
Then they said “this multi-level product is really all about your HEALTH! Sure, Sure, Sure! Isn’t it funny how the money truly is always “the deal.”
Then you went to a health club, RIGHT! The trouble is that nothing truly at all healthy happened to you! Of course the health club got wealthier from you, and if anything lost weight it was your wallet!
And of course let us not forget the personal trainer that did little but tell you what to do, and he or she could never really give you the real knowledge that got consistent nonstop results! Not that they knew better either. You see fitness is still in the Stone Age!
Wake up! YEA YOU…….WAKE UP …… is reality time!
The book “The Great Fitness Fraud” by Me Bert Seelman is and was written for one thing! Awareness, yes awareness, so anyone reading it would not be “sold” on yet another half hearted fragmented frustrating program.
When I set out to write this book I intended to bring to light the simple facts and how to apply them for people to get the results they wanted, every time. Not just with fitness but with true health. Fitness and health do not go together in the majority of programs. My goal was to educate individuals to recognize the frauds and avoid them wasting more time money and effort. So now this book gives the step by step way to get healthy and get results long term. The book is written in common sense ways of doing things in the right order and it teaches you to know why you are doing it. By knowing why you need to do something in a specific order it will help to create the “want to” to keep doing it! Without these understandings nothing has a “value” to keep doing it. The book is set up to make the old myths that we have all been taught go away and allow the facts and truths to stand out.
This book is truly a “life changer,” a “game changer” a body of knowledge that will help for a true lifestyle change! It is what I myself needed forty years ago to make things easier for my clients and myself. Every coach, instructor and personal trainer will be able to produce way more results from the layouts and information in the book. This book itself can be used as an instructional manual for trainers, coaches and their clients!
For over forty years I have been doing research and assembling facts to gain the optimum results for my clients whether in fitness or health! This book delivers the critical information of what, why and how I was able to assist people to get their results. If anyone has liked my blogs, they will love this book! It’s time to be healthy,thin,and fit!
An awesome Christmas gift for long term natural answers for health!
See our site for more FREE INFORMATION, the 1st chapter of the book FREE ….PLUS FREE  AUDIOS, …..FREE VIDEOS……LEARN
We GIVE AWAY more factual information than any other programs contain! 520 327 2929  Purchase: via

Health, Fitness,… WHO’S STUPID? Thu, 26 Oct 2017 18:46:27 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6200 Seriously, enough, it’s ridiculous, beyond a JOKE!
READ Carefully….
When you go to your “supposed Health Club, or Gym, or Doctor, or Personal Strainer” take a reality check, a serious look around at the silly people who are wasting their time!!!
Now if you actually talk to any of them most will tell you that they are making “great progress!” Yet you or anyone can see, they have not changed one slight bit at all!
People live in delusion, and self justify anything and everything, come on, you know they do!
SEE reality is that progress is very possible, and can be very fast, IF, yes IF a person will “put out some effort,” first for the right information, then have someone or allow for “ACCOUNTABILITY!”
Isn’t it time for reality, to truly get what you want and deserve with Health, and Fitness!
We can help, now before the Holiday Season and things get more out of hand!
Fitness, Exercise, and “HEALTH” Who’s Stupid, the lies and truths
Seriously, enough, it’s ridiculous, beyond a JOKE!
READ Carefully….
When you go to your “supposed Health Club, or Gym, or Doctor, or Personal Strainer” take a reality check, a serious look around at the silly people who are wasting their time!!!
Now if you actually talk to any of them most will tell you that they are making “great progress!” Yet you or anyone can see, they have not changed one slight bit at all!
People live in delusion, and self justify anything and everything, come on, you know they do!
SEE reality is that progress is very possible, and can be very fast, IF, yes IF a person will “put out some effort,” first for the right information, then have someone or allow for “ACCOUNTABILITY!”
Isn’t it time for reality, to truly get what you want and deserve with Health, and Fitness!
We can help, now before the Holiday Season and things get more out of hand!
Fitness, Exercise, and “HEALTH” Who’s Stupid, the lies and truths
Seriously, enough, it’s ridiculous, beyond a JOKE!
READ Carefully….
When you go to your “supposed Health Club, or Gym, or Doctor, or Personal Strainer” take a reality check, a serious look around at the silly people who are wasting their time!!!
Now if you actually talk to any of them most will tell you that they are making “great progress!” Yet you or anyone can see, they have not changed one slight bit at all!
People live in delusion, and self justify anything and everything, come on, you know they do!
SEE reality is that progress is very possible, and can be very fast, IF, yes IF a person will “put out some effort,” first for the right information, then have someone or allow for “ACCOUNTABILITY!”
Isn’t it time for reality, to truly get what you want and deserve with Health, and Fitness!
We can help, now before the Holiday Season and things get more out of hand!
Fitness, Exercise, and “HEALTH” Who’s Stupid, the lies and truths
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929
Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

HEALTH, in your control….. Tue, 11 Oct 2016 17:45:59 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=3988 HEALTH, in your control…..
 We live in a world where man can and does almost anything, from space travel, replacing organs, to finding anyone, anywhere, and “proving it with DNA!”
Yet “most do not believe” we can literally GUARANTEE, plan, engineer our having increased physical performance and healing, or improving our health and length plus quality of life, which is “physical performance,” however we can!
 “Limiting beliefs” is the problem,” the reality is it is possible, it is here, and now!
Here is how our clients have attained unequaled results, all measured, tested, proven, in healing, fitness, sports performance, each and every time the process is accurately, followed!    Over 43 years, of client success have proven, tested, verified!
How to “Guarantee the desired results, every time”……
Results, for increased physical performance” or “improved health of any condition” can literally be “Engineered,” by use of known facts being made “predictable, repeatable, and sustainable” in each and every case!
The critical “results desired, require,” all the factors being known, supplied, measured, and applied, in the proper sequence, “prior to” needs for the “desired response!
OR, for “guaranteed desired outcomes,” there must be prior, proper, adequate preparations already in place, “prior to or pre-planned,” BEFORE, the actual adequate response can be given, or gained!
 A Consideration…..
All truth passes through three stages, First, it is ridiculed, Second, it is violently opposed, Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer 
Our downfall in most everything, is limiting beliefs added to lack of efforts!    
Bert Seelman     ©copyright Bert Seelman 2016
                                  Over 43 years, of client success have proven, tested, verified!
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

Results, WHAT are you getting, want more? Thu, 11 Jun 2015 23:56:25 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=1272 RESULTS, WHAT ARE YOU GETTING…..
That’s right, results, what are you actually able to get or “measure of any real results” from your gym time, or program or what your so-­‐called personal trainer is supposed to be doing for you?
Have you been going to workout regularly and have not “actually gotten any real noticeable results,” that can be measurable, or photographed, or what people actually complemented, or commented on?
Do you realize, that if you are going to workout regularly and are not seeing results, that are measurable, it is because you are “overtraining, and your body is “actually UNABLE to respond enough” with positive results, and you are doing more harm than good? Actually you are damaging your health on a deep level!
Imagine, that you could be having more energy, and be eating more, while losing more actual fat! You could be working out as little as 20 minutes 3 times per week, and only 20 minutes of cardio each day while losing a size every 2 – 3 weeks!
Imagine, learning to cleanse, learning to eat the correct diet, that is even diabetic
safe! Learning the right supplements, learning more effective, efficient workouts, while saving your time! Learning how to minimize cardio work, and learning all this for a lifetime and it is a true lifestyle?
What if, there was and is a program that delivers all these, with client verified results and over 40+ years of proof! Well there is, and these programs are available for people to learn it once, learn it right, and learn it for life!
Our programs are actually “ENGINEERED” with physiological facts, accurate and
precise applications, and tested in more ways than any other program, anywhere!   see what our clients say

With our programs you can predict, repeat, and sustain results, because they are utilizing facts, so we actually teach you how not to be taken in by old thoughts, supposed techniques, and myths!
More facts used, so more tests to prove, meaning more measured results for you,
saving your time, money, efforts and most of all your health!
Our programs deliver “results that are typical,” provided client participation is committed, detailed, and consistent!
All programs are taught in a “private facility” if in our locale, with physiologically designed equipment! HOWEVER, even our out of town, state, and country clients get results that are typical EVEN AT HOME!
On the web go to
COPYRIGHT Bert Seelman 2015
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

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