whole – Results are Proof https://resultsareproof.com Health and Wellness Development Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:27:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 “HEALTH and the Whole Man” (the human being) https://resultsareproof.com/health-and-the-whole-man-the-human-being/ Sun, 26 Jan 2020 22:57:59 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9479

HEALTH and the Whole Man (the human being)


HEALTH as defined by Merriam Webster

1 a : the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit

        Especially: freedom from physical disease or pain

    b : the general condition of the body


2 a : a condition in which someone or something is thriving or

        doing well : WELL-BEING

   b : general condition or state

Man, “a simplified overview”….

Man is an electrical/chemical being (a simplified take)!

We are powered by electrical impulse to make muscles contract, causing animation or movement, and we are made of “chemicals” = substances, nutrients etc.!” 

Man, or the “human being,” “the whole man,” is made up of three parts!

There is the “Spirit, the Mind, and the Body”

The Spirit –  is the “animating force,” “the Life Force” which is “the electrical force or charge,” this must   be present…(note: atoms create electrical charge at the deepest level)

The Mind – The “reasoning,” fact gathering, emotional, logical, lying, justifying, a type of collector / recorder

The Body – The “physical structure,” is “the vehicle” that the Spirit “moves,” and “where the mind resides”  or what it rides around in…

Health is greatly misunderstood by many, due to the fact that most do not see, recognize, or consider “all three parts” or the make up of the whole being or man!

Hippocrates, statement:  note, there is a critically important point

It is more important to know “what sort of person” has a disease than to know “what sort of disease” a person has!

The important point is the word “sort” it is a “directive to key factors,” that can lead to “how, when and why” a disease could or did develop! Know that the word “disease” if broken down means, a state of unrest or imbalance, “dis/ease,” an un-rest, at the cellular level!

Because we are a being of complexity, or multiple levels or layers, we can have multiple levels, places, and beginnings for a state of disease or “unhealth to start!”

For “optimum health” all parts of “the whole man,” “Spirit, Mind, Body” must receive “adequate and timely requirements” for maintenance, growth, and repair, in order to maintain health, performance and length of Life!

Realizing that we are a “Spirit” being which is electrically animated or charged,” means “all negatives” in any parts of the “Spirit, Mind, or Body” can be a “draw or drain” on our animating force or electrical charge!  By compounding any negatives our “animating forces will be slowed or drawn down even more in abilities!

“Negatives” can be things like “exposures, environment, intake, output (work), ideas, thoughts, attitudes, and etc.!”

Life, is continued or found in our body by our having our “heart beating (animating) and pumping blood throughout!

Without the heart “animating, beating and pumping blood” to supply oxygen to all tissues we would die!

Without the heart beating (animating) our body would not produce the “electrical charge” (a type of static electricity) by the blood (pulsing) circulating the oxygen throughout our system!

So, the “life force” or “electrical charge,” being “the Spirit” if eliminated, would stop, leave, cease being present,” causing death!

NOTE: When there is a ceasing of brain waves, “life can still be present!” As long as “the heart is animated or beating,” this requires “electrical force or Spirit!”

When there is animation or movement, specifically meaning “that circulation of blood is happening,” this “requires” the Spirit, or electrical charge, so Life is still present! 

Ceasing of brain waves “does not determine life or death of the body or “the being!”

A body can continue to “live” without the brain waves, as long as “the heart still beats or animates” providing circulation of oxygen to the tissues and cells!

Interesting note: The heart has it’s own electrical system!

Life requires circulation (animation, movement) so that oxygen can reach cells, oxygen is necessary for cell growth, repair or rebuilding, maintenance, etc.!

The lack or absence of “Spirit” or the lack of “the electrical charge,“ (meaning no heart beats or circulation) would  determine, make, or cause “death!”

©copyright Bert Seelman 2020  

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

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ATTITUDE, Where “HEALTH” Starts……. https://resultsareproof.com/attitude-where-health-starts/ https://resultsareproof.com/attitude-where-health-starts/#respond Thu, 05 Dec 2019 17:31:30 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9369


I know, I know, …wrong!

Just because we “internally desire” to be healthy, because we “internally know” we “need” to be healthy, doesn’t excuse the “non-maintaining” of health….now ”open up, relax, before” continuing!

ARROGANCE is, contempt” prior to investigation….which “INCLUDES almost EVERYONE!”

IGNORANCE, is “what you are about,” “after you act ARROGANT!”

Note: In my field, I know that I have learned the very most, “after,” yes, “AFTER,” I learned that taking a breath, “hearing anyone, and everyone through, is the best opportunity for learning!”

We never know, (especially if you’re a “believer”) when an absolute “golden gem of insights and or knowledge,” or an “epiphany” Will come to us!…. Humble, humility,” are always the roads to the greatest of insights!

True health “is even when we can stop, breathe, control our thoughts, then make decisions with knowledge, not emotions, and feel, it’s o.k.!”

Remember Health requires care, “true care” for your “whole being!”

That looks like this!………

The Spirit needs, scriptural food for nourishment!

The Mind needs, factual logic, and knowledge for nourishment!

The Body needs, nutrition, water, and oxygen for nourishment!

Usually the unconsidered is…..the following!

The “whole being” needs or requiresrest or sleep or down time,… for processing, repair and replacement!


Chances are really high, that you as most, didn’t ever see or think about the above! We do, ALWAYS!


Don’t be an “I know it all,” it’s OK!     THINK ABOUT THE ABOVE….. “WE KNOW HEALTH!”

Our manufacturer (Creator) would like us to “maintain our whole being,” we fix and teach “Results proven Programs” that get “fast results,” for all areas of HEALTH!

©copyright Bert Seelman 2019

Learn more at ResultsAreProof.com


Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


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The Great Debate – Do Doctors Truly Care….Settled! https://resultsareproof.com/the-great-debate-do-doctors-truly-care-settled/ https://resultsareproof.com/the-great-debate-do-doctors-truly-care-settled/#respond Wed, 04 Dec 2019 01:22:16 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9363

The Great Debate – “DO DOCTORS TRULY CARE…?”

This “Old Lie,” will be settled here!


Reality is in the, What the Person “Does”…….

Reality is in, What the Person “Knows”…..

Reality in this issue, is in the totality and naked revealing of just “ONE” FACTOR, ….”INTENT!”


Everything a man does is “determined” by his “intent,” which is at the deepest levels, “either Selfish, or Selfless!”  It is “one or the other!”

Man is it appears, mostly about “me, not thee!”  Selfishness is a “total negative!”

True caring at the deepest levels are about “one word that changed all of history” through one man’s life! That word is, “giving,” if anything or anyone is giving, that is “caring, or about true care!”


Know that  “intent” is what all GOD believer’s deed’s will be judged from!  (1 Corin. 3 kjv.)


Never, let it be said, “that Bert Seelman hates all Doctors!”

This is not true; I only hate those who have a “lying and deceptive Spirit!”

Note: Bert is intensely opposed in every way to those who are not of the right intent, “yet profess to be of the healing arts” at any level.


When an individual “goes into medicine,” there are two major driving forces that appear! One, of the drives is as a “profession” for financial gain! The second drive is to “make a difference” to help people, souls, individuals, to heal, to stop pain and suffering! This second drive is said, “to be caring!” These two drives “seem” to become “clouded, mixed, often scrambled” of sorts!

Note: Careful continued observance, will with a little time, will clearly divide the insincere! 


However, “everyone” has what is “right and wrong written in their Spirit, heart, or on their soul!”

Watch your so-called “health practitioner,” watch them closely, you will quickly know where their “intent” is! Either it is “truly caring” or it is a profession for finances!

Don’t try to blend these, it is either money, or health, either “giving” or receiving ($)!


We are a three part being, meaning a Spirit, a mind, and body!

Hippocrates said, “it is more important “to know what sort of man” has a disease!” This knowing “what sort of man,” will show “where” the cause of the sickness or disease got started!

Even as or more important, we should fully know “what sort of man” we are trusting our health and our lives to!


True, real, sincere, healers, medicine men, and physicians are about relieving discomfort, pain, in all ways, and it is not limited to just the “physical body,” but the whole three part being! The true, truly caring, truly loving practitioner will know about and care about the whole being, in every way!


FACT: A “truly caring person” would learn preventive measures, to actually prevent individuals from having “any suffering or discomfort,” at all, ever! 


So, please spare people from the overstated “moronic bullshit” line, “my Doctor is caring,” just prove it, oh, and in multiples of proofs, please! Unless this person is “PREVENTING,” they are a  FRAUD!                                                                                            ©copyright Bert Seelman 2019

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


For YOUR HEALTH go to……





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Addiction – reality in treatment https://resultsareproof.com/addiction-reality-in-treatment-considerations/ https://resultsareproof.com/addiction-reality-in-treatment-considerations/#respond Sat, 14 Dec 2013 23:13:19 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=1138 ADDICTION – reality in treatment!
Points for consideration                                                            ©copyright 2011 Bert Seelman
Why is there so much failure in current styles of treatment?
Too much focus on counseling before actual focus can be given by the patient!
The problem: wrong or improper prioritization with addiction
Chemical or nutrient Imbalances not addressed correctly or in proper sequence!
Substance abuse – think what this is saying?
Too much of something while causing too little of something else.
This started with use of some substance / chemical / food etc.
Fact: chemical / nutrient imbalances are present, this is the reality
Cravings – because of the imbalances these cravings worsen causing the habits continue (especially depression). Cravings cause agitation or actual physical feelings. Agitation (physical feelings) becomes more intense as the nutrient balance becomes worse. Again causing worse feelings!
The Mind then fighting agitation tends to not be able to HEAR the consulting
Ability to concentrate is minimized at best!
Improving the chemical / nutrient balance would obviously stop or greatly lessen agitation! If there was a better balance the mental focus being shifted toward the agitation or imbalance i.e. feelings would be lessened or stop!
These physical feelings from imbalance with addiction are real, powerful and need to be addressed. Now counseling would be “heard” or at least have a chance at better reception and or effect!
If nutrient balance was implemented first at the start, then the ALL IMPORTANT FOCUS could greatly improve, thereby greatly reducing stress and strain on the individual, increasing their possible progress to a much greater degree.
POINT: The original problem is usually a “wounded Spirit.” Then the individual seeks to avoid the inner hurtful feelings by COVERING IT by utilizing another feeling or distraction! Whatever is utilized (chemical / food / action /etc) usually means more of that particular something bothering in their spirit is being increased cause the person to USE MORE SUBSTANCE depleting something else. This problem starts in the Spirit or the perception of the mind and ends up putting the physical out of balance. Once the physical feels bad, the individual wants to LESSEN that feeling too! So the action to lessen the feelings tries to control it! The vicious cycle starts in the Spirit or mind and must start with the physical (end stage / imbalance) to get the starting stage to receive its help more effectively.
Simply put, the physical must be brought back to some closeness of balance, before any minimally effective resolve can possibly happen! Or when the body stops screaming on the inside, the spirit and mind can start to hear better, for counseling to have any effect!
©copyright Bert Seelman
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
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SPIRIT, BODY, MIND….. THE THREE PART MAN https://resultsareproof.com/spirit-body-mind-the-3-part-man/ https://resultsareproof.com/spirit-body-mind-the-3-part-man/#respond Mon, 21 Oct 2013 00:11:23 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=1086
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the THREE PART MAN – explained

The truth of man being made of three parts is true, there is a spirit, a body, and a mind! However most have the true order and the inner workings wrong. Most information puts the three parts of man with body, then mind, and last the spirit, when mans main component is his spirit! The spirit is the “life force” or the “electrical charge” or the “eternal being.” The body is the “vehicle” that the spirit rides around in during this travel through life! The “mind” is formed after the spark of life starts, then the body starts forming, and then the “mind” remembers what it “perceives” is the truth, the mind is the justifier/liar, and or history keeper of the forming human!

Man has a soul which gives him a sixth sense, or the super natural sense. The senses are seeing, feeling, hearing, tasting, smelling, and the sixth sense is the supernatural sense, the spirit or spiritual sense!” The spirit of a man is where “intent” is registered or utilized with every decision! The way the whole man works is described and laid out here in this video by Bert Seelman who has been working in the healing field for over 43 years.

Learning why some healing happens and some does not is a part of these factors in humans!


Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book


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