spirit – Results are Proof https://resultsareproof.com Health and Wellness Development Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:27:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 “HEALTH and the Whole Man” (the human being) https://resultsareproof.com/health-and-the-whole-man-the-human-being/ Sun, 26 Jan 2020 22:57:59 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9479

HEALTH and the Whole Man (the human being)


HEALTH as defined by Merriam Webster

1 a : the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit

        Especially: freedom from physical disease or pain

    b : the general condition of the body


2 a : a condition in which someone or something is thriving or

        doing well : WELL-BEING

   b : general condition or state

Man, “a simplified overview”….

Man is an electrical/chemical being (a simplified take)!

We are powered by electrical impulse to make muscles contract, causing animation or movement, and we are made of “chemicals” = substances, nutrients etc.!” 

Man, or the “human being,” “the whole man,” is made up of three parts!

There is the “Spirit, the Mind, and the Body”

The Spirit –  is the “animating force,” “the Life Force” which is “the electrical force or charge,” this must   be present…(note: atoms create electrical charge at the deepest level)

The Mind – The “reasoning,” fact gathering, emotional, logical, lying, justifying, a type of collector / recorder

The Body – The “physical structure,” is “the vehicle” that the Spirit “moves,” and “where the mind resides”  or what it rides around in…

Health is greatly misunderstood by many, due to the fact that most do not see, recognize, or consider “all three parts” or the make up of the whole being or man!

Hippocrates, statement:  note, there is a critically important point

It is more important to know “what sort of person” has a disease than to know “what sort of disease” a person has!

The important point is the word “sort” it is a “directive to key factors,” that can lead to “how, when and why” a disease could or did develop! Know that the word “disease” if broken down means, a state of unrest or imbalance, “dis/ease,” an un-rest, at the cellular level!

Because we are a being of complexity, or multiple levels or layers, we can have multiple levels, places, and beginnings for a state of disease or “unhealth to start!”

For “optimum health” all parts of “the whole man,” “Spirit, Mind, Body” must receive “adequate and timely requirements” for maintenance, growth, and repair, in order to maintain health, performance and length of Life!

Realizing that we are a “Spirit” being which is electrically animated or charged,” means “all negatives” in any parts of the “Spirit, Mind, or Body” can be a “draw or drain” on our animating force or electrical charge!  By compounding any negatives our “animating forces will be slowed or drawn down even more in abilities!

“Negatives” can be things like “exposures, environment, intake, output (work), ideas, thoughts, attitudes, and etc.!”

Life, is continued or found in our body by our having our “heart beating (animating) and pumping blood throughout!

Without the heart “animating, beating and pumping blood” to supply oxygen to all tissues we would die!

Without the heart beating (animating) our body would not produce the “electrical charge” (a type of static electricity) by the blood (pulsing) circulating the oxygen throughout our system!

So, the “life force” or “electrical charge,” being “the Spirit” if eliminated, would stop, leave, cease being present,” causing death!

NOTE: When there is a ceasing of brain waves, “life can still be present!” As long as “the heart is animated or beating,” this requires “electrical force or Spirit!”

When there is animation or movement, specifically meaning “that circulation of blood is happening,” this “requires” the Spirit, or electrical charge, so Life is still present! 

Ceasing of brain waves “does not determine life or death of the body or “the being!”

A body can continue to “live” without the brain waves, as long as “the heart still beats or animates” providing circulation of oxygen to the tissues and cells!

Interesting note: The heart has it’s own electrical system!

Life requires circulation (animation, movement) so that oxygen can reach cells, oxygen is necessary for cell growth, repair or rebuilding, maintenance, etc.!

The lack or absence of “Spirit” or the lack of “the electrical charge,“ (meaning no heart beats or circulation) would  determine, make, or cause “death!”

©copyright Bert Seelman 2020  

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


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Survival, Performance, and Maintenance of the “Human Being”…. https://resultsareproof.com/survival-performance-and-maintenance-of-the-human-being/ Fri, 24 Jan 2020 21:38:24 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9475

Survival, Performance, and Maintenance of the “Human Being”….


A “brief” description and or explanation:

The famous rule of three’s!

We can live 3 minutes without oxygen!

We can live 3 hours with shelter!

We can live 3 days without water!

We can live 3 weeks without food!

We are a “(3) three part” being, Spirit, Mind, and Body!

Spirit – The “animating force,” or “the electrical force or charge” which must be present…

Mind – The “reasoning,” fact gathering, emotional, logical, lying, justifying, a type of collector

Body – The “physical structure,” “the vehicle” that the Spirit “moves,” and “the mind resides” in…

“There are “(3) three constant factors” for physical life and function,” these make up our existence, and maintenance! The factors, needs, or requirements are “Nutrition, Exercise, and Rest,” or restoration!

“Nutrition,” is the materials and or nutrients that we are physically made up of!

“Exercise,” is the “action, movements, work, or stimulus” we receive daily! Which is movement or physical stress, and stress can be also nervous stress as emotional, labor, movement, recreation, and environmental!

Then there is “Rest” which can be referred to as sleep or “restoration” meaning “repair, or  rebuilding!” This type of rest could mean or be a “break” from usual physical activity, or “down time,”(lessened movement) and some see it as, “sleep!”

Even “rest or restoration” usually means lessened physical movement “outwardly!”

Yet, there is even movement at the cellular level when the body is “sleeping,” or in “restoration” mode! “Life or maintenance” requires “cellular activity” in processing nutrients for “energy, repair and future energy reserves or storage” (fat)!

“Restoration” also means “healing, rebuilding, and all the maintenance” of tissues for everything in the physical body!

“Nutrition,” the (3) priorities of intake

1 st – energy – fuel for warmth, movements, processes

2 nd – repair – growth, building or repairing

3 rd – storage –  or accumulating excess, storing fat as an “energy reserve”

Health, “the state of it,” is dependent on the level of function, that “all (3) three parts of the whole being” are operating at!

For the best performance, health, and “length of life,” function requires all (3) three parts receiving quality, adequate, and timely requirements!

FACT: Each individual has the ability to greatly influence their level of performance and length of life, all “through their knowledge (quality) and efforts of self-maintenance!”  

Bert Seelman  

For more information or greater details check our website, face-book, blogs, book, and you tubes!

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


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PROVEN PROGRAMS, Health, Fitness, Fat Loss, Wellness https://resultsareproof.com/proven-programs-health-fitness-fat-loss-wellness/ https://resultsareproof.com/proven-programs-health-fitness-fat-loss-wellness/#respond Tue, 07 Jan 2020 18:10:57 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9445
PROVEN PROGRAMS, Health, Fitness, Fat Loss, Wellness
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Healing Without Fail ……HOW https://resultsareproof.com/healing-without-fail-how/ Wed, 18 Dec 2019 22:49:11 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9402

Healing Without Fail ……HOW

Anything, any condition can be healed, provided the whole “three part” man is addressed!

Healing, true in depth is restoration to the original state.

One must have the correct knowledge and instruction from the Creator, or if you will, the manufacturer!


It’s about people…..about “their knowledge” for maintaining the quality of health, and length of life!       (Hosea 4:6, Psalms 90:10)

Their Good, Their True Healing….

Why are more not healed, “lack of knowledge!”  (Hosea 4:6)  “Read carefully!”

Why Physicians can not heal more, – wrong approach in addressing “the physical man first or the physical ONLY”

Not Knowing “what sort of man,” as in Hippocrates saying, is the key, which of three parts has need? Those needs must be met to increase flow, which allows total restoration!

Remember always, disease, “always starts” in the Spirit man! (Hosea 4:6)

Having conscious unity is necessary! Any separation causes disconnection less flow, disruption, disease, less flow!

People are Spirit first, not just a physical or mental being or body alone –

Until the Spirit is addressed which “rights all other parts” the other two parts cannot function properly!

NO real Healing can be even attempted – until the source of unrest  in the Spirit is addressed, flow will not and cannot be full!

Man is first, and foremost a Spirit!  A Spirit, a mind, a body = 3 parts

Legally speaking –

The Spirit is the “animating force” of life or lives (spiritual and physical)

When all “electrical impulse” is ceased, we are DEAD ! (animating force is gone)

Muscle contractions / =  Heart beats / = Circulation –  etc. (it’s animations)

This is Factual and Legal –

The Spirit is the “electrical charge” – which makes animations.

When the “heart stops and circulation ceases” the “spirit” is gone!

Simply – the Electrical Flow or charge must be “full or not impeded!”

Bad or no or low flow = bad / low charge = DEAD battery = Dead body

So, if there is sickness or disease, what is, and where is the problem manifested? 

First, discern and determine the problematic cause or causes for the dis-ease in the “Spirit man!”  

Then the cause must be removed, righted, or remedied, and if required the needs also met.

Problematic causes of disease, again usually start in the Spirit – “thoughts, emotions, attitudes, actions, etc.,” they then have or make varied physical symptoms!

Consider thoughts, emotions, actions, = electric impulses = POS. or NEG. those start attitudes, which create or trigger actions, either positive or negative!

NO total healing or restoration is possible until, Spirit or flow, is restored, and needs are met!

Spirit = animating, electric charges, flow …

Mind = Thoughts, attitudes = electric charges (pos / neg)…

No Positive in Spirit = bad flow / low flow…

No Positive flow = not good for function = low function…

Know that “separation” problems with the Creator, “equal or can cause” less flow in the Spirit man, which is lowered function, which can cause or make for disease!

Dis-Ease = is unrest at the cell level, which is a low flow level / a flow problem…

Healing – requires Positive or full flow. Or, Simply… all requirements at full capacity!

Preventive health, is a self-maintaining, to not allow disease or sickness…

HyperPreventioncould also be seen as a way to heal or cure” with “excess or more than adequate materials” for treatment, after a problem is manifested… and a time of “catch-up” is desired!

Preventive is the best and only responsible way for health to be cared for!

   ©copyright Bert Seelman 2006  rev 2019

Bert Seelman          ResultsAreProof,com


Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

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THE PITY POTTY…….  (about the “constantly sick”) https://resultsareproof.com/the-pity-potty-about-the-constantly-sick/ Sat, 14 Dec 2019 21:41:31 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9398

THE PITY POTTY…….  (about the “constantly sick”)




OK, OK, once in a very great while being sick is acceptable! (once in a rare while)

I have been working in the health field (the real health field) NOT THE MEDICAL LYING FIELD, for over 50 years now!   (that should count for some insight, understanding and experience)

Most everyone who gets sick, meaning a significant sickness, not just a cough ,cold, or flu, has been their own “engineer of that sickness!”

After all, each individual is “in charge of every decision” they made about what goes into (diet, intake) their physical body, and that same person is in charge of what their body, mind, and spirit are “exposed too!”

Now understand, “we all need reminders, outside input, varied perspectives, and “well-meaning direction” form those around us!”

However, too many, see others advice as “CONfronting,” when it could be they are “CARE-fronting!”

Why is it that “caring advice” is met with such disdain, and arrogance, Arrogance, means, contempt, prior to investigation and as said, it  is “so prevalent?  

It is like, others cannot have “well intent???”

After all, everyone today it seems, “due to peoples EGO’S,” is a “legend” of “knowing and doing everything perfectly” in their own minds!

If we as individuals, were to slow down and think (rarely if ever done), we would possibly see we have all lost perspective of “HOW WE ACTUALLY do things!”

(and in honesty most us have to cringe)

Yes, if we are “often getting or being sick,” then we obviously need to look “inwardly” at what we are lacking in our own “self-maintenance,…” because it is “obviously lacking!

However, the problem today is that the majority has selected or chosen friends, that are “suck-ups,” yes, men(or women), the “acceptance needy,”  you know, and not just “brown- noser’s, but full-blown ass-kisser’s! 🧐🙃  (those who are so needy and have to have you around)

You see the difference between a brown noser, and an ass-kisser, is simple and obvious, it’s “depth perception!”😊        (ass kissers are “in deeper” it’ almost the same though)

You see, most people “crave that acceptance, way more” than their own self-respect and being a real “truth teller!        – (telling the real truth scares many) 

Having charge of one’s own health takes effort, in that “you must first learn the actual working knowledge, and….. then you must put out effort” to build, keep or even maintain your health! Health does not just appear or just happen!

So, when that “sick person,” starts their “ACT” of “attention seeking” by complaining, whining, or any other action, REALIZE, that they brought it on themselves!

Of course, offer them some good, sound direction,…. some “outright truth!”

After all, that is “truth without brutality!”

That’s mercy, compassion, grace with using WISDOM!  That is REAL LOVE! 

Know, that if you are truly going to be a truth teller, your friends at first will be shocked, they will be extremely mad, “they will reprimand you vigorously!”

WHY, because the vast majority doesn’t have the spine to do what you did, and the mad are internally, VERY JEALOUS!”

Don’t worry, if you keep telling the truth, “the IMPORTANT individuals will respect you,” and you’ll like yourself much more,…. guaranteed!

NOTE: This is REALITY, and observation of over 50 years, and literally tens of thousands of clients! Know, this is why so many “stay sick,” their so-called ill health serves them well!”

I had to learn to “my great sadness,” that there are those “who do not, will not, nor even consider great consistent health!  Health does not “feed their insatiable sick need” for attention!

It is also my observation, that these types drove me the more intensely, to look deeper, to think harder, to understand more, to find healing for everything!

This point being,… I did not see how being sick, could serve anyone in a positive (perception) way! So, to these sick (mentally), I owe a debt of thanks too, after all we can learn from everyone!

©copyright Bert Seelman 2019

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


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ATTITUDE, Where “HEALTH” Starts……. https://resultsareproof.com/attitude-where-health-starts/ https://resultsareproof.com/attitude-where-health-starts/#respond Thu, 05 Dec 2019 17:31:30 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9369


I know, I know, …wrong!

Just because we “internally desire” to be healthy, because we “internally know” we “need” to be healthy, doesn’t excuse the “non-maintaining” of health….now ”open up, relax, before” continuing!

ARROGANCE is, contempt” prior to investigation….which “INCLUDES almost EVERYONE!”

IGNORANCE, is “what you are about,” “after you act ARROGANT!”

Note: In my field, I know that I have learned the very most, “after,” yes, “AFTER,” I learned that taking a breath, “hearing anyone, and everyone through, is the best opportunity for learning!”

We never know, (especially if you’re a “believer”) when an absolute “golden gem of insights and or knowledge,” or an “epiphany” Will come to us!…. Humble, humility,” are always the roads to the greatest of insights!

True health “is even when we can stop, breathe, control our thoughts, then make decisions with knowledge, not emotions, and feel, it’s o.k.!”

Remember Health requires care, “true care” for your “whole being!”

That looks like this!………

The Spirit needs, scriptural food for nourishment!

The Mind needs, factual logic, and knowledge for nourishment!

The Body needs, nutrition, water, and oxygen for nourishment!

Usually the unconsidered is…..the following!

The “whole being” needs or requiresrest or sleep or down time,… for processing, repair and replacement!


Chances are really high, that you as most, didn’t ever see or think about the above! We do, ALWAYS!


Don’t be an “I know it all,” it’s OK!     THINK ABOUT THE ABOVE….. “WE KNOW HEALTH!”

Our manufacturer (Creator) would like us to “maintain our whole being,” we fix and teach “Results proven Programs” that get “fast results,” for all areas of HEALTH!

©copyright Bert Seelman 2019

Learn more at ResultsAreProof.com


Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


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MEDICINE: Truth in Definitions https://resultsareproof.com/medicine-truth-in-definitions/ https://resultsareproof.com/medicine-truth-in-definitions/#respond Sat, 02 Nov 2019 16:32:06 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9295


Ideas & Definitions by Bert Seelman

Grammar & Style by Mark Parsons

A euphemism is an indirect, usually polite, way of referring to a disagreeable, if not morally repellent, aspect of life. It’s common to hear euphemisms when discussing things like death, sex, and defecation. For example, we may hear that someone “passed away.” The vast majority of adults recognize this as a reference to death. Only very young children, or mentally slow people, might ask, “passed where?” Or when a woman excuses herself from a dinner table to “go powder her nose,” no one is thinking she’s going to literally powder her nose (anyone in Miami excepted). Or when we hear a reference to someone who has recently “bought the farm,” no one is actually wondering why the person in question suddenly decided to withdraw all of his savings and make a down payment on a career change that’s dubious at best.

            However, sometimes euphemisms persist for such a long time that people actually become convinced that the euphemism, however colorful and obviously exaggerated it may have been, at least in the beginning, has now become accepted as the thing itself (see coke-whores in Miami, or just re-watch Michelle Pfeiffer in Scarface). This kind of unintentional irony may be amusing to the more enlightened among us, but can prove hazardous for those foolish enough to take them at face value.

            It is in this spirit of public-minded beneficence, that I would like to offer up a re-fresher on the euphemisms in a field that is certainly of great interest to all of us. The field of health and medicine has for too long been handmaid to a wide variety of euphemisms. Furthermore, there’s not a day—nay, an hour—when I can open my internet homepage without seeing heavily circulated articles on the subject of healthcare, health insurance, or medicine in general. Understanding that this is a field of great interest to both the public and politicians (politicians always being slavishly attentive to the concerns and general well-being of the public), I now humbly offer up a brief guide on decoding one of today’s more common euphemisms, “medicine.”

All medicines are of a class, which has multiple qualities by which they can be reliably identified to the knowing consumer. The FIRST and most fundamental aspect of ANY MEDICINE is…


  • It acts as a socially-accepted and SOPHISTICATED poison (Yes! There’s nothing that quite raises one’s status in the eyes of the pet-sitter rifling through your medicine cabinet, than a wide array of small plastic bottles with bold black type that says “5 Mg” or “25 Mg,” each one with a vaguely new agey-sounding name that inevitably includes a w, x, or z. So forget about that new iphone and get to the nearest doctor with a name that only an Indian who won a spelling bee could pronounce).


Next, all medicines…


  • Are a chemical concoction designed to “cover up” an irritating symptom. This masking of the symptom is a necessary aspect of any medicine because it diverts the consumer’s attention away from the 1st quality, which is to SLOWLY POISON the consumer, but doing so in a way that both raises your esteem in the eyes of all the drunk dinner guests rifling through your medicine cabinet AND makes whatever irritation led you to consult the so-called “doctor” in the first place. While this state of affairs often leaves an individual mistakenly believing they have been healed, it does provide a ready contrast should the sucker—oops, I mean “patient”—ever decide to try to ween himself off the juice.


  • ALL MEDICINES are conspicuously lacking any ingredients that would accidentally restore, rebuild, revitalize, or otherwise lead to some inexplicable improvement in the patient. Furthermore, there are ALWAYS many, many added negative side effects. This ensures that even if by some miracle the consumer shows some improvement with regard to the original symptoms, there will be many, many more that will probably arise in its wake. These side-effects can rarely fit on the label of the bottle itself, and will frequently be printed in 6 point (or smaller) Arial font, on both sides of piece of paper that’s been folded more than 7 times. This piece of paper is usually about the size of a postage stamp, and by virtue of the folds (both half-wise and accordion-style) nearly as thick. This results in a dexterous illegal factory-worker somewhere stuffing the list of side effects down in the cardboard box U-wise. While this design is very useful for exempting the medicine company from any legal liability, it does place the burden of having a pair of needle-nose pliers handy on the consumer.


  • MEDICINES are not only socially accepted (often shared), but elevate the status of the prescribee, allowing him to be a member of the much-ballyhooed “victim class.” That’s right! Just because you’re not black, or brown, or illegal, or some kind of degenerate who aspires to dress in drag and read picture books to little straight children at the local library, doesn’t mean YOU can’t have membership in this prized demographic. Also, should the patient survive the long course of symptom-masking, side-effect causing “suicide agents,” THEN you may become a member of the crème de la crème—yes! YOU will then be eligible to wear a STUPID SHIRT, or as they are euphemistically referred to, “Survivor” t-shirts (corresponding hats, visors, pins, ribbons, and bumper stickers are also available).


  • You’ve heard of Pay to Play, right? Well, all MEDICINES obey the law of P4P, or rather Poison For Pay. Furthermore, this aspect of Medicine follows the important law of Poison on a Continuum. That is, the more costly the “medicine,” the more POISONOUS. This is particularly important when it comes time to redeem your foolishness, vanity, and selfishness (not to mention self-inflicted suffering) for your Stupid / Survivor t-shirt.
  • The last and most important way to identify a MEDICINE is the source. Medicine is usually prescribed by egotist. The egotist is reliably identified by a white coat, a stethoscope around his neck, illegible handwriting, and a dismissive air of scumbag-entitlement and condescension which would otherwise be found only in 3rd world shitholes that have yet to abolish their sentimental attachment to the more rude aspects of some caste system. Often the lying egotist is referred to as “Doctor” by his staff and patients.





Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


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WHY, are we sick, ill, and broken…? https://resultsareproof.com/why-are-we-sick-ill-and-broken/ https://resultsareproof.com/why-are-we-sick-ill-and-broken/#respond Sat, 19 Oct 2019 14:23:24 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9228

Why we are “sick, diseased, broken,”


We are either in “conscious unity,” or we are in “conscious separation”….

Unity with our creator brings life, health, wellness…..protection

The scripture below tells the “WHOLE” of the reality we live in!


Hosea 4:6 King James Version (KJV)

6)  My people are destroyed “for lack of knowledge:” (our responsibility)

because “thou hast rejected knowledge,” I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me:

seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, “I will also forget thy children”


LACK OF KNOWLEDGE = THE WORD, not knowing it, seeing it, agreeing with it…..

Obviously when we are in “trouble,” being sick, diseased, broken, WE are NOT walking with or living in, “conscious unity!”


THOU HAS REJECTED KNOWLEDGE = WE have refused to live in or with agreement to what THE WORD STATES

Obviously, “WE are AGAINST the asking’s of our instructions


I WILL ALSO FORGET THY CHILDRENGOD hears not sinners, so it is “our causing” lack of their protection through our non-compliance (our sin)



This scripture clearly shows that “if we resume constant conscious unity with the creator,” we then walk back into grace and favor! This means healing “can now happenprovided we use what the physical body requires! Why Now…..”Because we are back in line or favor!


Note: Healing is GODS will……….   “WE” MUST MEET THE CONDITIONS……

WE must read the PROVISIONS OF OUR INHERITANCE…..(the scriptures)

WE are given free will, which means free choice……

So wherever your health is………IT IS BY YOUR CHOICES……….so OWN IT…..NO EXCUSES!


2nd ref.    Mk 11:23-28


Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a FREE CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

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Bert Sees Life… https://resultsareproof.com/bert-sees-life/ https://resultsareproof.com/bert-sees-life/#respond Fri, 16 Aug 2019 13:49:05 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=7944



“LIFE” – Is a sexually transmitted disease (dis/ease, unrest or dis-ease) with a terminal prognosis!

Definitions –  for the above statements understanding

Life – the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body

Sexual – having or involving sex

Transmitted – to cause or allow to spread

Disease – a condition of the living animal or one of its parts, that impairs normal functioning

Terminal – leading ultimately to death

Prognosis – forecast

We all know, it takes a sexual act to start a “LIFE,” then knowing that man is a three part being, Spirit, Mind, and Body, it is “understood” that the time or years of living toward or forward to death, that man will through his “make up”(thoughts, intents, and actions) of the three parts, will experience difficulties, or problematic unrestful periods, or times called, “dis-ease!” As well we all know that we will all die, so the prognosis is always “terminality!”

Dis-ease, or “unrest,” especially at the cell level can be sourced in many ways, any, and all through one or more parts of the man! “Disease” can “originate” in one part of the man, however, due to the man being connected or contained together in one vessel, each part has impact on the others! This impact causes unrest or “disease” or “disruption of function” at full potential in the other parts!

We all know that the “Spirit” of man, is an “electrical force” also called “LIFE,” which causes “animation or movement” through muscles contracting! The “Spirit” or “electrical force”(LIFE) also causes “thought transference”(brain waves, ideas, etc.) with the “Mental man” or with the “Mind,” the intellect!

The way the Human beings move or are moved, is by muscles being activated, contracted, meaning the man is then “animated!” As long as the “heart beats”(is animated, contracting) “LIFE” is considered present, when the heart stops beating, “LIFE” has left! This has been the defining of death legally!

SO, “Life” is the ”Spirit,” and we know that man can keep a Human/man living, even changing or replacing parts, (organs)! However, there is a very interesting point, man(doctors, medicine) can exchange or replace  anything, “EXCEPT ONE THING,” and that one thing is “BLOOD!”

Man has done everything “to pretend” or appear he can help “LIFE,” but one crucial thing, man cannot imitate, create, or find, is a way, “to replace blood!” Man can “say” he has kept people living, but “LIFE,” that is the “Spirit,” is found in blood, only! Without “blood” the “Spirit” or “LIFE” cannot stay or remain! “Spirit” or “LIFE” exists only in the blood!

Isn’t it interesting that in the Holy Scripture says, ”that the life of the flesh is in the blood,” Leviticus 17:11 !  kjv.

Interesting isn’t it, that also in the Holy Scriptures, “GOD” the “Creator” breathed “LIFE” into man Gen. 2: 7  (kjv)

“LIFE,” again, man, moving being animated, a living being!

Isn’t it interesting, how after all these years, man is just now acknowledging there are three parts to man! Each part has the “Spirit” connected to it, and it’s an electrical force, which has

negatives, and positives! So “negatives” are seen as a draw or lessening of power(charge), while “positives” are seen as an increasing of power(charge)!

In all the years that I have had the awesome opportunity, and privilege to help individuals, I have come to an observation! I have recognized a “universal trait” that literally deeply defines who a person truly is, and that trait tells their inner story, here and in the here-after, that trait is “selflessness,” or altruism! These individuals always have had more ability, plus way more positive results in helping others, in every area of others and their lives!

I always am reminded in helping anyone of what Hippocrates said; It is “more important” to know “what sort of person has a disease” than to know what sort of disease a person has. This clearly shows that knowing the three parts of man, “is what is required to adequately, and completely treat anyone!” Remember that “HEALING means to restore to original! Without knowing “all three parts” or “the whole man,” treatment cannot be complete or total in “restoring to original!”

Know that each part of man, the Spirit, Mind, and Body all have specific needs that are “required,” and “these needs along with the interactions” all must be understood, to  diagnose, evaluate, and accurately treat for health, healing, and wellness!

Bert Seelman                                                   ©copyright Bert Seelman 2019.




Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book



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Health, Healing, its all, with you in control https://resultsareproof.com/health-healing-its-all-with-you-in-control/ Fri, 15 Mar 2019 21:30:09 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=7042


HEALTH, With You in Control

Health, comes from  “your own self maintenance”….

If you slacked, ate what you want, not what you need,

got sick, then even sicker…..you are at fault!



SO, if you truly want health it’s there for the taking….

Yes, it will require some effort….

Healing means to restore to the original….


Anyone can get health, and anyone can be healed….

Unless you a limited thinker…then your done, deservedly S


THIS VIDEO WILL SHOW WHAT I get to see every day…..




Bert Seelman

Results Are Proof

The Great Fitness Fraud

Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ

Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman

Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book
