SEE – Results are Proof Health and Wellness Development Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:27:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What Specific Results To Expect,… Tue, 21 Jan 2020 23:03:59 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9469

What Specific Results To Expect,…

With,….Exercise, Sports performance, Rehabilitation, Fat Loss….What’s Minimum!

With all the trainers, coaches, instructors, and various programs, how is it that fitness programs have ZERO STANDARDIZATION?

There are those programs that get Zero results, those that get slow, slow, results, and those you have to “just hope there maybe results!”

Why is it that programs vary so much with results? Because 99.999% of people selling programs are about MONEY, and EGO!

Why, because it’s about EGO, and MONEY!

It is almost always that the client gets the least benefits!

Standardization would require lots of schooling, which means lots of time, which means paying out money, and putting out effort!

People want everything now, today, immediately!

See, trainers want a professional sounding title, they want to make money! People wanting physical changes, want the results now, so they want to say they hired a “professional!” Everyone wants quick, fast, easy, and yesterday!

Why, “EGO!”

Ego on the part of the person taking the program, “ego” of them saying to themselves, o.k. I “like this program!” I’m going to the gym, I’m dieting, I have a trainer!  SAD HUH!

In reality these non-results getting individuals, have to JUSTIFY IN THEIR OWN HEAD, their continuing to pay for something they do not get, not even in part!  (their EGO needs acceptance, no matter what the truth is)

They are so insecure, they cannot face that they did something, that stupid!

But, the PROBLEM is, that most all individuals do very, very, little, to zero investigating into real physiological facts!

Most individuals are in “way to big of a hurry,” to get fat off and muscle up, and they must have it, NOW!

So, due to the “overwaiting, about overweighing,” most all use a feeling of “emotion to start” a program and “emotion to select” a program! NOTE: Using emotion is not logical nor factual! 

Most all coaches, instructors, and trainers all have an almost ZERO FACTUAL BASIS, for what they “teach others for their fee,” thus literally taking their MONEY!  

No, for sure most all or everyone of their applications, are at best  fraud, theft, lies,myths just wrong, wrong ,wrong!


When a person exercises, they are stressing tissues, trying to trigger a positive increase, to increase physical performance! (either losing fat, gaining muscle, strength, speed ,etc.)

That means “if they have not previously taken in or consumed the right nutrients” they are harming their health, FACT! Yet the person who they paid more than 98% of the time is “NOT FACT BASED” and in most cases cannot, will not and does not test to prove measurable positive results!”

So, “get the actual physiological facts,” the correct applications, “check references,” “before” you start any program!


Imagine the physical therapist works with people who have had very bad health set-backs, yet they do not know how to “HELP THE BODY RESPOND BETTER, SO THEY ARE ADDING STRESS!”

So, find the BEST, of instruction before you start! Take time to research, do your homework!

Call us at for information on what programs should contain, what to measure and test!  Get the facts… is a quick reference….

Learn what specific results should be expected…….(watch this video)

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

For YOUR HEALTH go to……

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Check out my videos channel at Youtube

ATTITUDE, Where “HEALTH” Starts……. Thu, 05 Dec 2019 17:31:30 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9369


I know, I know, …wrong!

Just because we “internally desire” to be healthy, because we “internally know” we “need” to be healthy, doesn’t excuse the “non-maintaining” of health….now ”open up, relax, before” continuing!

ARROGANCE is, contempt” prior to investigation….which “INCLUDES almost EVERYONE!”

IGNORANCE, is “what you are about,” “after you act ARROGANT!”

Note: In my field, I know that I have learned the very most, “after,” yes, “AFTER,” I learned that taking a breath, “hearing anyone, and everyone through, is the best opportunity for learning!”

We never know, (especially if you’re a “believer”) when an absolute “golden gem of insights and or knowledge,” or an “epiphany” Will come to us!…. Humble, humility,” are always the roads to the greatest of insights!

True health “is even when we can stop, breathe, control our thoughts, then make decisions with knowledge, not emotions, and feel, it’s o.k.!”

Remember Health requires care, “true care” for your “whole being!”

That looks like this!………

The Spirit needs, scriptural food for nourishment!

The Mind needs, factual logic, and knowledge for nourishment!

The Body needs, nutrition, water, and oxygen for nourishment!

Usually the unconsidered is…..the following!

The “whole being” needs or requiresrest or sleep or down time,… for processing, repair and replacement!


Chances are really high, that you as most, didn’t ever see or think about the above! We do, ALWAYS!


Don’t be an “I know it all,” it’s OK!     THINK ABOUT THE ABOVE….. “WE KNOW HEALTH!”

Our manufacturer (Creator) would like us to “maintain our whole being,” we fix and teach “Results proven Programs” that get “fast results,” for all areas of HEALTH!

©copyright Bert Seelman 2019

Learn more at


Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


For YOUR HEALTH go to……

Follow me on Linkedin and Facebook


Check out my videos channel at Youtube


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TIME and TRUTH….. it is limited, so opportunities await Sun, 09 Feb 2014 22:21:49 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=1182 TIME and TRUTH….. it is limited, opportunities await
Time is limited, and how we spend it is important, and it runs out, faster for some! So what you do, day to day is going by, think about it, do not waste it, takes every opportunity to make a difference!
Health has been my passion for most all my life and I see a lot of good and bad in the field of it!
God gives us choices, free will, and some awesome guarantees, as well as some warnings, and that’s real love! Real Freedom!
We go through life effecting others, “sometimes way more than we know.” How we affect them is not always up to us, as it is how the other person wants or allows it to impact them, also!
I watch people literally “kill themselves” through multitudes of ways. However the innocent are the ones I go to bat for the most!
Look at parents and how they act, yes “ACT,” they pretend many times to be “so caring,” wrong! The parents will often say things like, “I give my child “quality time,” this is so wrong except in the parent’s eyes. They get pissed off when I say, “Ever thought of giving them ADEQUATE TIME?”  You see, children need lots of time, not just what we think is enough, or right! What is required is required, nothing less is right!
Then there are the couples who are married for years and one of them is 100 – 200 lbs over weight, on meds., sick chronically and never ever tries to do anything positive! The person who is sick says, ”oh I love my wife or husband!” WRONG….WRONG…WRONG!  If someone REALLY LOVES ANOTHER, they will want to take care of themselves, to be living long enough to be with, care for, and help that “OTHER PERSON!” Otherwise the person is selfish! Period!
I have gotten to know some very, very, VERY neat, special people. But, I have met the WORST too!
I must say there is a severely growing LACK, in peoples doing the “higher thing” which is telling the “TRUTH!” We are allowing others to go out of bounds, and not call it! You know what I mean, yes you do!
I am saying if we know someone that is getting over the edge, with bad habits, bad ways, bad anything, if we truly care should we not speak up, and say “the loving thing?” They need it, they deserve it! Or is the real issue that you do not want to offend them, so they will be around for your needs? If so, you are sick, very sick, and selfish, plus you are in need some reality therapy!
Stuff the political correctness, the so called “kind word” and all the other LIES! When we allow others to go bad, we are allowing it for others to pay also, by our “licensing them” to continue!
Perversion is what the world has come too! Pervert means to change “from the original use,” that’s Mr. Webster’s explanation of it, and I agree, and it is time to give the truth out!
If you are overweight, chronically sick, in bad health, physically out of shape, whatever and you say you care about this or that… out….you may be getting caught in your own lies!
Make a difference, start today, stop the bla bla, and get some do- da!
People who do not take care of themselves physically, do not truly care “spiritually,” they are spiritual sloths, and that’s the blatant truth! How so, because life is life, it is all connected, they are the same in importance, and value as they work together! What we do daily is about how we care or do not care, selfless or selfish!
So care, take care, give care, other than for your own selfish intents!
So can you do it?…. Can you step up?…. Dare you step up?    It is said, “Truth, will set you free”…..
So time is wasting……tell it like it is….. would “you” really want less?….I doubt it!
BERT SEELMAN……… like me or not you deserve no less! When we speak the truth, we are also saving ourselves a whole bundle of problems down the road, as we will receive what is “our due” for having been self serving in not giving the whole truth as it might cause us loss of friendship! (It is better to slapped with the truth than lied to with a kiss! (an old but great saying!)
This truth is in and all through our programs, as we “truly care!”
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
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