require – Results are Proof Health and Wellness Development Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:27:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Life and Health Sustainability..,critical considerations! Wed, 28 Feb 2018 18:03:58 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6300

Life and Health Sustainability, critical considerations!

Facts and considerations:

© copyright 2008 Bert Seelman

1. The human body grows a new stomach lining every 4 days, a new layer of skin every 28 days, and is basically completely rebuilt approximately every 16 months.

2. The materials we are built or regenerated from our intake or from what we eat, our nutrition. These materials also need time to be processed first, for reserves to be built for adequate response.

3. We are therefore only as good physically as what our diet or intake provides us over time.

4. As far back as 1936 Senate Document 264 stated our fields were unable to grow foods that were adequate for sustaining health.

5. Foods were not adequate for sustaining health more than 80 plus years ago and our fields are way more depleted now?

6. If we are to maintain health at even at a low level, we are already at a loss, let alone the idea of good or great health would require a far better diet than what is currently available.

7. Our health is dependent on the quality of our diet, the quality of our choices, and the working knowledge about what we specifically need or what our body actually dictates or requires.

8. If our nutrition is missing any of the required components this would create an imbalance and our system can then start to breakdown or will not be able to adequately respond.

9. Our likes, feelings, beliefs and thoughts have nothing to do with how our body responds, it is all about, what our body requires.

10. If we become weak, sick, or diseased it is for the reason that our body is unable to adequately respond.   We cannot become restored or re-vitalized. =re-vital-ized

11. Everything we take into our bodies has a positive or negative effect. It is the        accumulation of the positive or negatives that determines our overall condition.

12. When we seek a cure it must start from nutrition or it cannot be of a true benefit. If a cure or healing does not include nutrition it is only treating symptoms.

13. Without “all” the nutritional requirements for health, anything else is only a sustaining of the condition without true restoration or revitalization!

14. Prevention is the obvious way to avoid problems with health.

15. For true health, if anyone cannot understand prevention of a condition, how can we expect that they can determine how to cure it? This is self evident.

16. A drug can only mask or hide a symptom, so as to give “a type of relief” of a symptom.

17. Exercise in and of itself cannot build muscle, or health in any way, only nutrition can.

Nutrition = Materials  +  Time = Reserves for response = Response type or degree

`                                               © copyright 2008 Bert Seelman

According to Mr. Webster……or his dictionary

HEALTH =  the overall condition of a being,  soundness,  a condition of well being.

CURE =  relief or restoration to health,

CURED =  to restore to health,  to effect a recovery from.

VITAL =  of or characteristic of life,  necessary to the continuation of life.

MEDICINE =  the science of treating,  an agent used to treat,  something unpleasant.

DRUG =  a medicine used in treating,  a narcotic or hallucinogen, to stupefy or dull with. 


Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
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Water and oxygen a different view…….. Mon, 14 Jan 2013 03:52:33 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=972 Hydrated, dehydrated, or energized, charged it is all related……
Are you all wet……? Are you charged…?
Ever heard that statement? Well there is some serious thought that should go into it.
You see the human is made up of more water than anything else.
We are an electrical chemical being. Electrical because we are “charged” with an electrical charge that animates our physical body and that “charge” could be looked at as our “spirit.”
You see the “spirit” of a man is by law definition the “animating” force! When we are pronounced dead, we no longer have a heart beat and our heart must have that “charge” in it to pump the blood through our body to oxygenate and move our muscles.
Water is also H20 which shows that oxygen is in water and then through our blood one of the things that water does is to help oxygenate us or at least transport the oxygen in and through us, by utilizing water and blood.
If we are in a dehydrated state we are always “low energy” and that is again our electrical charge which also requires minerals. Water contains and or transports minerals which enable the electrical charge to be transmitted.
So if you are not getting adequate water, you “will be” low on energy. If you are low on water, you will be under oxygenated. It is that simple yet it is that important!
Four quarts per day minimum, or four ounces every waking half hour, not all that much or that hard to do. Without adequate oxygen your cells die, the body cannot repair at optimum and process’s slow down, because of low energy.
When a person drinks adequate water their energy level increases. Think about it, ever try to run as hard as you can and not crave water? Didn’t your body heat up?  When you got a drink your body cooled down and was given more water to carry and or transport more oxygen. Cooling the motor so to speak.
So water and oxygen they go or work together, for the electrical charge to transfer optimally through the body. Health and performance is actually very basic, yet there are factors such as these that must be addressed!
So drink adequate water and get your minerals. A good multi-mineral will have a full spectrum of macro minerals and a full compliment of trace minerals! The minerals will be usually “chelated” and many times derived from an ancient sea bed!
Health is made and maintained by giving the body adequate materials, and all the other required or essential nutrients that the body requires!
Bert Seelman
©copyright Bert Seelman 2013  520 327 2929

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