preventive – Results are Proof Health and Wellness Development Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:27:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Survival, Performance, and Maintenance of the “Human Being”…. Fri, 24 Jan 2020 21:38:24 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9475

Survival, Performance, and Maintenance of the “Human Being”….


A “brief” description and or explanation:

The famous rule of three’s!

We can live 3 minutes without oxygen!

We can live 3 hours with shelter!

We can live 3 days without water!

We can live 3 weeks without food!

We are a “(3) three part” being, Spirit, Mind, and Body!

Spirit – The “animating force,” or “the electrical force or charge” which must be present…

Mind – The “reasoning,” fact gathering, emotional, logical, lying, justifying, a type of collector

Body – The “physical structure,” “the vehicle” that the Spirit “moves,” and “the mind resides” in…

“There are “(3) three constant factors” for physical life and function,” these make up our existence, and maintenance! The factors, needs, or requirements are “Nutrition, Exercise, and Rest,” or restoration!

“Nutrition,” is the materials and or nutrients that we are physically made up of!

“Exercise,” is the “action, movements, work, or stimulus” we receive daily! Which is movement or physical stress, and stress can be also nervous stress as emotional, labor, movement, recreation, and environmental!

Then there is “Rest” which can be referred to as sleep or “restoration” meaning “repair, or  rebuilding!” This type of rest could mean or be a “break” from usual physical activity, or “down time,”(lessened movement) and some see it as, “sleep!”

Even “rest or restoration” usually means lessened physical movement “outwardly!”

Yet, there is even movement at the cellular level when the body is “sleeping,” or in “restoration” mode! “Life or maintenance” requires “cellular activity” in processing nutrients for “energy, repair and future energy reserves or storage” (fat)!

“Restoration” also means “healing, rebuilding, and all the maintenance” of tissues for everything in the physical body!

“Nutrition,” the (3) priorities of intake

1 st – energy – fuel for warmth, movements, processes

2 nd – repair – growth, building or repairing

3 rd – storage –  or accumulating excess, storing fat as an “energy reserve”

Health, “the state of it,” is dependent on the level of function, that “all (3) three parts of the whole being” are operating at!

For the best performance, health, and “length of life,” function requires all (3) three parts receiving quality, adequate, and timely requirements!

FACT: Each individual has the ability to greatly influence their level of performance and length of life, all “through their knowledge (quality) and efforts of self-maintenance!”  

Bert Seelman  

For more information or greater details check our website, face-book, blogs, book, and you tubes!

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


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SICKNESS, PAIN, SUFFERING,……CARING! Sat, 07 Dec 2019 19:34:51 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9380



Caring for the  Sick, Hurting Ailing, Obese, and just plain Fat…

One would think or at least hope, that an individual “would not want to allow for or give a possibility to” any kind of sickness, disease, or even a condition like obesity to work in the slightest areas of their life. 

But in reality “most are so arrogant” in that they “feel” that they can, by some special process avoid the “payments” (repercussions) to be made after having severely abused their physical body. ( eating or consuming what is totally detrimental to any or all process’s )

Yet, with all the worldly knowledge, research, and warnings “individuals still persist and insist” on doing “what they want” at any given time!

Oh yes, I have been a firsthand witness to the arrogance, pride, and self-righteous line of this thinking or action again  and yet again! 

The wrong thinking of “well that was so and so, or that’s not going to happen to me,” etc, etc.

Our bodies are all “basically” the same. We are all a chemical, electrical, spiritual charged beings, that have very specific needs and requirements. We all need the very same things, we all just need differing amounts! 

The process’s that work within us are the same, yet arrogance reins through thinking “we” are going to “get away with” what will and does happen ( it is just a matter of time) Sorry, but facts are facts!

Our physical lives in a way are like a credit card or debit card. We have the right to CHARGE on it, “HOWEVER” the bill will come in, be delivered or better yet “become due and payable” without exception.

Again, when I say that the “most persistent attitude out there” is that of “extreme arrogance” that is exactly what it is. The attitude of “well I tried”,” and it didn’t work”, so “I give up”, or “they need to like me just the way I am,” or what ever other EXCUSE one desires to use.  

It is mainly about “my way”, and “now” and or any other CONVENIENT coping mechanism that people can come up with!

It is beyond time for us as  individuals to “stop the political correctness” which has done nothing but weaken our society!

 It is time for us to “call” these individuals who choose to “do these selfish, self centered, emotional charged wrong doings to their health” by their correct name,” STUPID!”

Let’s talk the truth here! “Anyone (yes, anyone) who makes choices by their emotional or physical “feelings” is certainly not rational, logical, intelligent or responsible! 

My personal view (based on my experience of more than forty years) is that because most will not openly and assertively address them, they get to thinking and feeling “licensed, permitted, accepted” to continue. They actually find a “comfort zone” in this action or if you prefer to call it “in action!”

When an individual starts down this path of “I’m too busy, I’m tired, I will later, etc, etc, etc they are in trouble with a “four letter word” LAZY or sloth! You can try to use other descriptions like irresponsible, unlearned, etc., etc., but the real bottom line or “motive” is self, or another “four letter word” lazy! They are selfish! It is about them!

So, do you truly love them….only if, yes IF, you call them out!

Don’t wait for the problems to start!

See us about a “preventive proven plan!”

We have the proven answers that even the Doctors can’t do! That’s RIGHT!

We CARE more, that’s WHY, our clients “get well,” lose only fat, get more tested proven results, look younger, live better without the medications or the Doctor visits, FACT!


Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

For YOUR HEALTH go to……

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Check out my videos channel at Youtube

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MONEY….OR….MEDICINE….. Mon, 26 Aug 2019 14:17:34 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=8380


The Truth…. Right Now, Right Here







Quote :Bert Seelman

SO, I’m asking, Seriously…….



How You Caught something, …How it started……

If ….IF he really cared, HE WOULD KNOW “PREVENTION”…




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ACCOUNTABILITY, the missing ingredient, and requirement Tue, 05 Feb 2019 16:18:39 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=7009 ACCOUNTABILITY –
Fat, flabby, soft, unfit, sickly, lazy, tired, depressed…it’s your decisions, actions or lack of actions, and your diet.
The vast majority of people have never, ever known what it is like, to feel “truly healthy!”
No, they have not, not even close, and why? Because the vast majority of programs never incorporate enough factors, to get the real and or the full results available!
Everyone uses the lie, yes “LIE,”  “oh, I eat healthy!”  WRONG!  No, most do not even start to have a grasp on what eating healthy is, especially Doctors, Nurses, even nutritionist!
Think about it, IF…IF…nutritionist were actually knowledgeable, people in hospitals would be getting well and walking out healed! But it is a known fact, that even diabetics have to stay on their medications even under the care of nutritionist in the hospitals! This says so much, and it isn’t good!
People go to Doctors seeking a cure, yet the Doctors cannot even tell people most of the time “how they got  to their condition,” or “what exactly caused their state of unhealthy!” So, who’s stupid here? The individuals who seek the Doctors constantly, are the same individuals who lack preventive measures in their own physical maintenance!
If an individual calls a person on not taking precautions or not eating healthy, that person saying the something runs the risk of being ridiculed, hated, belittled, told they are being judgmental, and much worse!
No, today helping anyone, by helping them with “their accountability” for their own health, can run the better than not risk of being hated, ostracized, and shunned! When in reality, true care, is to speak the total truth, in well intent, for the long-term good of the others!
Arrogance it “contempt” prior to investigation, and arrogance is running wild in today’s society! Especially in the time of the “internet” when most think they know everything, about everything! Just try listening closely, to the responses people give when told or given any advice.
People pay professionals for guidance and then try telling the professionals “how they want the professional to help,” and how the work should be done! So, accountability is almost always met with denial, contempt, and a view of arrogance, in place of acceptance!
The number one obvious fact is, “that if, what the person thought worked, they wouldn’t be in the shape or position they are in!”
So if an individual truly desires “change, results, or a different outcome,” they need to hire a professional who has plenty of proof! Then trust, and comply with that professional, or at least shut up, and allow the professional to speak, direct, and then do what the professional directs them to do!
Remember, if a person is having an undesired effect in a specific area, it is usually because what is being done, is not what needs to be done! So, hire a professional, then allow them to do their job, helping them with your compliance!
Accountability is imperative to stay within the guidelines for the proper outcome, help by listening, and doing what is being asked! Put the EGO aside, get humble, have trust, and realize what you thought you knew, “didn’t work, usually isn’t, and continuing where you are won’t!”
       ©copyright Bert Seelman 2017
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929
Email Bert Seelman
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UN-HEALTH, the MOST GIVEN GIFT, for the HOLIDAYS…… Tue, 18 Dec 2018 19:55:22 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6925

If you are one that believes in “GOD,” and GOD has alot to do with the “HOLIDAYS” consider this…….

Consider if GOD IS WATCHING, what are our actions, and it’s all written down….

“Is our physical life of any importance?” If our physical life is important what are we saying by our actions?

Fitness, Health, around the Holidays….NO, not really….

Well it’s that time of year when most “justify their weight gains or admit the gain,” with a lot of laughing, because even they know “just how ridiculous and stupid it all is (this gaining of unwanted weight)!”

Yes, holidays seem to be a licensing of fat gain, which also means casting their health to the side!

Most, do not even take minimal preventive measures for their health most of the time anyway!

FACT: Holiday seasons always see more people with health problems due to this feeding frenzy, and justification!

Our diet, during the holidays becomes a thing of extra, extra, and more of extra. This extra comes in portions, types of fats, sugars, and of course alcohol, let alone less activity except for movement toward the feeding tables!

There is every possibility to “move through the holidays” with total satiation, contentment, and enjoyment, IF…IF… some thought, reasoning, logic and planning were to be used!

There is a word that most know, fewer use, and most never ever even consider – “Moderation!” Used, this word moderation, could be a literal life saver!

Fact is, that in just one day and in many instances just “one meal,” more damage can be done, than all the benefits gained, from “one week” of proper dieting!

Now think of this, this justification starts at Halloween, then repeats in larger form at Thanksgiving (which is a true eating fest), then continues at Christmas, and repeats again on New Year’s! No wonder most weight gain is at these times or in this season!

Now after this gaining, few ever lose the whole amount of the weight gained! First most do not truly “know factually how to lose just fat or weight” accurately! Then there is the factor of health, especially for the long term!

Ever notice how almost everyone states, how they eat healthy, and “how they know!”

WRONG, WRONG, and WRONG, it’s mostly all lies, and for justification!

Where is their PROOF! If what these individuals say is so true, why are they always sick, have the flu, colds, and have a multitude of other health issues?

Arrogance is “contempt prior to investigation.” Most have not looked at any real depth into their own health and what actually causes or creates bad and good affects!

Most are caught in their own justifying LIES immediately, just by the vision of their physical condition on the exterior! “Insanity” is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result! Most are not understanding, most are not even closely factual based, “most actually are desiring, hoping for, or expecting “acceptance of others” for their own sabotage of their health!” The sad, very sad part is, almost all others will never ever say anything to the opposite, to truly help them! Acceptance, is more important than truth!

Over the years that I have worked in health and physical performance, I have seen this justification of sabotage through these lies, and the ridiculous claims of “oh I know” and “I don’t normally do this,” etc., etc., etc.!

Then there is the individual who brings these points to light because they do truly care, but are very quickly slammed with slanderous, ill intended remarks, when all the intent of good and help is left not seen or understood! Grasping the fact that there are those who desire to see better health, longevity for others, is too often put in the “they are judging me” category! Or the verbiage is taken as they are being a know it all, or “a better than thou,” when “HELP” and “care” were the only and whole intent!

It is interesting to me to see, that when the arrogant individuals who saw those who cared enough to say things constructive, helpful, etc. are in NEED THEMSELVES, that THOSE nay-sayer’s CHANGE THEIR SONG! Now that they have become sick, ill, or are hurting, that the individuals who “were caring, saying the constructive” are now readily sought, and are actually able to be heard! SAD, ISN’T IT! Some may call it karma, I call it Divine!

Preventive rather than the repair or restoration is definitely easier, more comfortable, less painful! It takes little and returns much more to actually listen, then consider, rather than to berate, belittle, etc.!

Health, it determines not just the quality of life, but also determines the length!

Bert Seelman   520 327 2929                                   ©Copyright Bert Seelman 2017

read our book……visit our site… audios / videos……  info

see us for programs done long distance


Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
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HEALTH, INSURANCE OR ASSURANCE…. Sat, 10 Mar 2018 16:52:46 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6368
FLU’S COLDS INFECTIONS……ANTIBIOTICS Fri, 26 Jan 2018 16:20:12 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6279 FLU, COLDS, INFECTIONS……ANTIBIOTICS,
the Dirty, Huge Misconceptions, and what you should know…..
The lies we have all believed for their profit and our true loss……..
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929
Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

The TERRIBLE TRUTH of the SICK and Being Sick… Sun, 14 Jan 2018 18:03:49 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6271 The TERRIBLE TRUTH of the SICK and Being Sick…
Sickness is a later stage of “disease,”   “dis-ease” is or equals “unrest” at the cell level!
You are a brand new person physically, down to every cell every sixteen months. This is accomplished by the foods (nutrients) or lack of good foods that you consume, your intake. This is why the old statement of “you are what you eat” is so true.
You see every cell is small, but each is majorly important. Food either does something positive and good for you, or it does something negative and debilitating to you.
Today most people see food as fun, entertainment, a thrill, or a taste excursion, and not something that rebuilds or gives health.
The word disease is actually dis/ease or unrest or imbalance at the “cell level,” which when continued or progressed, turns into sickness or illness (meaning an ill status). Illness is a state of “lowered physical performance!”
People want life EASY and not with much in the way of having to really use efforts, not even in thinking. Most know way more about their computer or car, than their body, how sad is that? But of course “everyone” will say how they “know how to eat” yes they do, way too much, way too often, and not quality enough.
So SICK, is a mostly SELF ACQUIRED state. Earned by the person who is sick. Lack of action, to maintain, is still an action, called failure by default. Preventive measures are what build and sustain health!

Most people would be amazed just how good they could feel and be, if they used non emotional, factual, self evident preventive measures to improve themselves from the inside out.
Sicko’s, ill-o’s, poor me me-o’s, are needing to wake up get a life, and realize, we all SEE THEM. The fat, obese, etc., are a literal picture of what they are “on the inside, super selfish!” Just as the sick are seen!
Another major health factor is when a person is only having ONE BOWEL MOVEMENT a day, THEY ARE SICK! When a person is fifty plus pounds over weight, that is another LOUD STATEMENT about WHO they are and what they are about! Fat takes 3500 too many calories per pound to make, it doesn’t just materialize! Those are the ME NOW people, who do not want to take responsibility, just do whats easy and fun, selfishness, their self will is running riot!!
Constantly going to the Doctors, going for drugs, prescriptions to mask their ACHES and PAINS is
such a SELFISH move, as it cost everyone through increased insurance rates, and it says they don’t want to be around for their loved ones. If they would only value their health and use preventive measures everything could improve and quickly!
Just like so called Christians who teach the saving the souls, but walk around looking like the out of control they are, eating things they should not eat, all WRONG! The so-called spiritual are going around never thinking that the body is the “vehicle,” the housing of the spirit! This body needs to be kept up with care, in health!
Copyright Bert Seelman 2013,  revised. 2018
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929
Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

How to Beat the “HEALTH CARE COST’S”…. Thu, 07 Sep 2017 21:49:45 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6178
HEALTH, Are You Missing A Part… Tue, 05 Sep 2017 18:15:57 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6176 Health, are you missing a part???

Health, what is it, and do you “really” truly want to know? Most “think they want it,” many “say they want it,” however “very, very, few” actually seek it, and will move to it!                   ©copyright Bert Seelman 2013

Health is a state of being in which we are “operational” at an optimum level! This means the “whole three part man,” being spirit, physical, and mental. For instance when someone wants a “cure,” that word cure means to cause “relief,” or to “stop the pain” or to eliminate the “irritation or symptom.” Where “heal” means to “restore to the original”, or best operating condition, not just eliminate the symptom as in a cure. The word “health” comes from the word “heal” which is the first four letters of health.

Real health takes “efforts” of thoughts, with our desires, plus physical doings, about what is required in all three parts, spirit, physical body, and in mind! Wow, that in itself is just too much for most, “an effort!” How is it when someone says that “all areas have to be dealt with” that then the defense mechanisms go into “reactive protective” mode! Like saying, I don’t “believe in that,” or “that’s not so,” or “no way,” and any of hundreds of others. So let’s connect the dots of how it all flows together and becomes a “whole unit” of health! Maybe by looking into “what is” we can see how health is affected by everything!

Man is made alive by a “spirit” which is the “animating force” or an electrical charge or force. This force is operating at a certain strength or voltage if you will, and at a “vibrational frequency.” Too much or too little and the animating force is not working at the right level, so “dis-ease” or “unrest” at the cell level happens. If this force or electrical impulse leaves we are DEAD. If this force or electrical impulse is not optimal we are “dis-eased” or sick. Thoughts are “electrical impulses in our nervous system and can cause changes in the types or strengths of electrical flow. Good thoughts, equal good flow, bad thoughts uneven or bad and inconsistent flow. So our “thoughts good or bad” can actually cause nerve impulses which, are or can be a “stress” or dis-ease at the cell level. The spirit aspect is why medicine is not seeing and will never see the healing until this area is dealt with. There is way too much information to cover on this all here, so this will be another article.

Our physical body has certain “very specific requirements” for optimal function on a continuous basis. The certain needs or requirements are for our rebuilding, repair or maintaining our performance and functions internally and externally! We are “replaced” down to every cell in our body every sixteen months, and this allows us to make incredible positive or negative impact in our health! If a person truly wants to “make a change in their health” this is one place to start. So the physical body can literally replace or restore itself every sixteen months, so nothing is impossible to fix, restore, eliminate, or heal, if we are “truly willing” to make an effort early enough. This point is never even known or considered by most of the so called “health care professionals!”

The most difficult part of health is in the mental or mind aspect of humans! The spirit is the “life force” the body is the vehicle the spirit rides around in, but the “mind” is the most “dangerous of the trio. Man is a “ego” driven individual in the extreme. Ego to me stands for Edging God Out, and I have found this to be way too true! For instance when a person has been “taught something” especially if they paid money to learn it, this learning “has to be all, and everything!” It has to right and everything else is wrong!

When a human gets an idea that is one thing, but when a human adds emotion or perception to an experience that can become a “reality” to that individual. So emotion added to a perception equals most peoples reality, however it is not the truth or the reality at all! This is why our mind needs to be open, open to just listen carefully, open to a new way to apply something, open to a new way to see! Einstein said, “Imagination is greater than knowledge!” However most cannot even start to be open to new ways, another way, even considering a thought! Health is totally in our hands by the way we think, act, and do! Do you really want it?

For over 43 years I have seen “every condition” turned around and “so called medical experts turned on their heads,” by individuals who were open, and caring! Starting with the spirit first, all conditions are able to be healed! Starting by being a “know it all” absolutely brings continued sickness and death. An open mind with a willing spirit, is better than a “know it all ego” with a suffering or dying condition. Health requires being open, it takes your positive thoughts, backed with efforts, structured with getting “working knowledge” and you can have it!

Regarding “the know it all’s” who are mostly run by arrogance! Arrogance is “contempt prior to investigation!

Too many have forgotten that flight, phones, television were al a “NO WAY” at a not so long ago time! Healing is here, it is now, it is always possible, except for the arrogant! Even those who supposedly believe in GOD turn their noses up! So let the arrogant be and do your best to be open!

It is a know fact that there are exceptions to all conditions that were to be terminal, yet some did beat those predictions, so what can it hurt to listen, consider or even try?

Over the many years of working in the health and performance field I have seen way too many miracles to say no, or to say impossible! Staying open can only allow a possible better outcome!

For YOUR HEALTH go to……

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