needs – Results are Proof Health and Wellness Development Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:27:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 “HEALTH and the Whole Man” (the human being) Sun, 26 Jan 2020 22:57:59 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9479

HEALTH and the Whole Man (the human being)


HEALTH as defined by Merriam Webster

1 a : the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit

        Especially: freedom from physical disease or pain

    b : the general condition of the body


2 a : a condition in which someone or something is thriving or

        doing well : WELL-BEING

   b : general condition or state

Man, “a simplified overview”….

Man is an electrical/chemical being (a simplified take)!

We are powered by electrical impulse to make muscles contract, causing animation or movement, and we are made of “chemicals” = substances, nutrients etc.!” 

Man, or the “human being,” “the whole man,” is made up of three parts!

There is the “Spirit, the Mind, and the Body”

The Spirit –  is the “animating force,” “the Life Force” which is “the electrical force or charge,” this must   be present…(note: atoms create electrical charge at the deepest level)

The Mind – The “reasoning,” fact gathering, emotional, logical, lying, justifying, a type of collector / recorder

The Body – The “physical structure,” is “the vehicle” that the Spirit “moves,” and “where the mind resides”  or what it rides around in…

Health is greatly misunderstood by many, due to the fact that most do not see, recognize, or consider “all three parts” or the make up of the whole being or man!

Hippocrates, statement:  note, there is a critically important point

It is more important to know “what sort of person” has a disease than to know “what sort of disease” a person has!

The important point is the word “sort” it is a “directive to key factors,” that can lead to “how, when and why” a disease could or did develop! Know that the word “disease” if broken down means, a state of unrest or imbalance, “dis/ease,” an un-rest, at the cellular level!

Because we are a being of complexity, or multiple levels or layers, we can have multiple levels, places, and beginnings for a state of disease or “unhealth to start!”

For “optimum health” all parts of “the whole man,” “Spirit, Mind, Body” must receive “adequate and timely requirements” for maintenance, growth, and repair, in order to maintain health, performance and length of Life!

Realizing that we are a “Spirit” being which is electrically animated or charged,” means “all negatives” in any parts of the “Spirit, Mind, or Body” can be a “draw or drain” on our animating force or electrical charge!  By compounding any negatives our “animating forces will be slowed or drawn down even more in abilities!

“Negatives” can be things like “exposures, environment, intake, output (work), ideas, thoughts, attitudes, and etc.!”

Life, is continued or found in our body by our having our “heart beating (animating) and pumping blood throughout!

Without the heart “animating, beating and pumping blood” to supply oxygen to all tissues we would die!

Without the heart beating (animating) our body would not produce the “electrical charge” (a type of static electricity) by the blood (pulsing) circulating the oxygen throughout our system!

So, the “life force” or “electrical charge,” being “the Spirit” if eliminated, would stop, leave, cease being present,” causing death!

NOTE: When there is a ceasing of brain waves, “life can still be present!” As long as “the heart is animated or beating,” this requires “electrical force or Spirit!”

When there is animation or movement, specifically meaning “that circulation of blood is happening,” this “requires” the Spirit, or electrical charge, so Life is still present! 

Ceasing of brain waves “does not determine life or death of the body or “the being!”

A body can continue to “live” without the brain waves, as long as “the heart still beats or animates” providing circulation of oxygen to the tissues and cells!

Interesting note: The heart has it’s own electrical system!

Life requires circulation (animation, movement) so that oxygen can reach cells, oxygen is necessary for cell growth, repair or rebuilding, maintenance, etc.!

The lack or absence of “Spirit” or the lack of “the electrical charge,“ (meaning no heart beats or circulation) would  determine, make, or cause “death!”

©copyright Bert Seelman 2020  

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

For YOUR HEALTH go to……

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Healing Without Fail ……HOW Wed, 18 Dec 2019 22:49:11 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9402

Healing Without Fail ……HOW

Anything, any condition can be healed, provided the whole “three part” man is addressed!

Healing, true in depth is restoration to the original state.

One must have the correct knowledge and instruction from the Creator, or if you will, the manufacturer!


It’s about people…..about “their knowledge” for maintaining the quality of health, and length of life!       (Hosea 4:6, Psalms 90:10)

Their Good, Their True Healing….

Why are more not healed, “lack of knowledge!”  (Hosea 4:6)  “Read carefully!”

Why Physicians can not heal more, – wrong approach in addressing “the physical man first or the physical ONLY”

Not Knowing “what sort of man,” as in Hippocrates saying, is the key, which of three parts has need? Those needs must be met to increase flow, which allows total restoration!

Remember always, disease, “always starts” in the Spirit man! (Hosea 4:6)

Having conscious unity is necessary! Any separation causes disconnection less flow, disruption, disease, less flow!

People are Spirit first, not just a physical or mental being or body alone –

Until the Spirit is addressed which “rights all other parts” the other two parts cannot function properly!

NO real Healing can be even attempted – until the source of unrest  in the Spirit is addressed, flow will not and cannot be full!

Man is first, and foremost a Spirit!  A Spirit, a mind, a body = 3 parts

Legally speaking –

The Spirit is the “animating force” of life or lives (spiritual and physical)

When all “electrical impulse” is ceased, we are DEAD ! (animating force is gone)

Muscle contractions / =  Heart beats / = Circulation –  etc. (it’s animations)

This is Factual and Legal –

The Spirit is the “electrical charge” – which makes animations.

When the “heart stops and circulation ceases” the “spirit” is gone!

Simply – the Electrical Flow or charge must be “full or not impeded!”

Bad or no or low flow = bad / low charge = DEAD battery = Dead body

So, if there is sickness or disease, what is, and where is the problem manifested? 

First, discern and determine the problematic cause or causes for the dis-ease in the “Spirit man!”  

Then the cause must be removed, righted, or remedied, and if required the needs also met.

Problematic causes of disease, again usually start in the Spirit – “thoughts, emotions, attitudes, actions, etc.,” they then have or make varied physical symptoms!

Consider thoughts, emotions, actions, = electric impulses = POS. or NEG. those start attitudes, which create or trigger actions, either positive or negative!

NO total healing or restoration is possible until, Spirit or flow, is restored, and needs are met!

Spirit = animating, electric charges, flow …

Mind = Thoughts, attitudes = electric charges (pos / neg)…

No Positive in Spirit = bad flow / low flow…

No Positive flow = not good for function = low function…

Know that “separation” problems with the Creator, “equal or can cause” less flow in the Spirit man, which is lowered function, which can cause or make for disease!

Dis-Ease = is unrest at the cell level, which is a low flow level / a flow problem…

Healing – requires Positive or full flow. Or, Simply… all requirements at full capacity!

Preventive health, is a self-maintaining, to not allow disease or sickness…

HyperPreventioncould also be seen as a way to heal or cure” with “excess or more than adequate materials” for treatment, after a problem is manifested… and a time of “catch-up” is desired!

Preventive is the best and only responsible way for health to be cared for!

   ©copyright Bert Seelman 2006  rev 2019

Bert Seelman          ResultsAreProof,com


Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

For YOUR HEALTH go to……

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Check out my videos channel at Youtube


TIME and TRUTH….. it is limited, so opportunities await Sun, 09 Feb 2014 22:21:49 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=1182 TIME and TRUTH….. it is limited, opportunities await
Time is limited, and how we spend it is important, and it runs out, faster for some! So what you do, day to day is going by, think about it, do not waste it, takes every opportunity to make a difference!
Health has been my passion for most all my life and I see a lot of good and bad in the field of it!
God gives us choices, free will, and some awesome guarantees, as well as some warnings, and that’s real love! Real Freedom!
We go through life effecting others, “sometimes way more than we know.” How we affect them is not always up to us, as it is how the other person wants or allows it to impact them, also!
I watch people literally “kill themselves” through multitudes of ways. However the innocent are the ones I go to bat for the most!
Look at parents and how they act, yes “ACT,” they pretend many times to be “so caring,” wrong! The parents will often say things like, “I give my child “quality time,” this is so wrong except in the parent’s eyes. They get pissed off when I say, “Ever thought of giving them ADEQUATE TIME?”  You see, children need lots of time, not just what we think is enough, or right! What is required is required, nothing less is right!
Then there are the couples who are married for years and one of them is 100 – 200 lbs over weight, on meds., sick chronically and never ever tries to do anything positive! The person who is sick says, ”oh I love my wife or husband!” WRONG….WRONG…WRONG!  If someone REALLY LOVES ANOTHER, they will want to take care of themselves, to be living long enough to be with, care for, and help that “OTHER PERSON!” Otherwise the person is selfish! Period!
I have gotten to know some very, very, VERY neat, special people. But, I have met the WORST too!
I must say there is a severely growing LACK, in peoples doing the “higher thing” which is telling the “TRUTH!” We are allowing others to go out of bounds, and not call it! You know what I mean, yes you do!
I am saying if we know someone that is getting over the edge, with bad habits, bad ways, bad anything, if we truly care should we not speak up, and say “the loving thing?” They need it, they deserve it! Or is the real issue that you do not want to offend them, so they will be around for your needs? If so, you are sick, very sick, and selfish, plus you are in need some reality therapy!
Stuff the political correctness, the so called “kind word” and all the other LIES! When we allow others to go bad, we are allowing it for others to pay also, by our “licensing them” to continue!
Perversion is what the world has come too! Pervert means to change “from the original use,” that’s Mr. Webster’s explanation of it, and I agree, and it is time to give the truth out!
If you are overweight, chronically sick, in bad health, physically out of shape, whatever and you say you care about this or that… out….you may be getting caught in your own lies!
Make a difference, start today, stop the bla bla, and get some do- da!
People who do not take care of themselves physically, do not truly care “spiritually,” they are spiritual sloths, and that’s the blatant truth! How so, because life is life, it is all connected, they are the same in importance, and value as they work together! What we do daily is about how we care or do not care, selfless or selfish!
So care, take care, give care, other than for your own selfish intents!
So can you do it?…. Can you step up?…. Dare you step up?    It is said, “Truth, will set you free”…..
So time is wasting……tell it like it is….. would “you” really want less?….I doubt it!
BERT SEELMAN……… like me or not you deserve no less! When we speak the truth, we are also saving ourselves a whole bundle of problems down the road, as we will receive what is “our due” for having been self serving in not giving the whole truth as it might cause us loss of friendship! (It is better to slapped with the truth than lied to with a kiss! (an old but great saying!)
This truth is in and all through our programs, as we “truly care!”
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

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