most results program – Results are Proof Health and Wellness Development Thu, 03 Mar 2016 11:02:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 “HEALTH AND PERFORMANCE DELIVERED, EVERY TIME!” Thu, 03 Mar 2016 11:02:07 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=1329 “HEALTH AND PERFORMANCE DELIVERED, EVERY TIME!”
Your physical health and physical performance in your control…..or
Your physical performance and health improved, guaranteed!
Yes guaranteed “IF,” yes, “IF you follow and do what is laid out!”
You see, if actual facts and correct sequence are used, the outcome will be “predictable!”
Because our body is renewed or restored down to every cell, every sixteen months, it is only a question of “what have we supplied the body with” to be able to rebuild or restore.  So nothing in fitness or health is incurable or untreatable, and aging, is only wearing out!
Knowing what the body is made of, healed, and rebuilt by, all we need is “proper knowledge” as the suppliers of food, nutrients, or “the building materials,” as then the result of our health and or physical performance can be determined by us!
Through understanding our requirements, this enables us to “optimize or minimize” the current and future of our physicality, performance, and or health!
Now, knowing what actual factors cause health, strength, endurance, and length of life, “we are able if we choose” to maximally determine to a huge degree, the quality and quantity of our physical life!
For over 40 years this program has been able to predict, repeat, improve, sustain, and maintain the physical quality of performance and health through factual applications of fact based knowledge!

Our clients have this ability because they are the controlling factors through their “actions or in-actions!” They make it happen, by intake, output, plus consistency!
Literally, by knowing factors of requirements, applications, measurements, and a few simple tests the whole out come can be predictable because of actual ENGINEERING!
So a definite, predictable, positive progression is NOT ONLY POSSIBLE, IT IS AVAILABLE TODAY!
Health literally CAN and IS BUILT by the individual, SO CHOOSE!

IMAGINE, 40 years of PROOF! …..ANY CONDITION has had “measured, tested, positive proven IMPROVEMENTS! Attained by the individual themselves!
This means any person or employee, can change their HEALTH or state of physicality!  
This means any person can “be seen or known” in attitude by proven measured methods of performance of their “ACTIONS,” showing in their improvement or regression IS DELIVERED by choices!
IMAGINE actual tested knowledge or PROOF of their true desires by ACTUAL tested methods to be “HEALTHIER or NOT!”
This program is AVAILABLE now, and it can be done even by phone because of the measured factual base!
RESULTS can be a fact, every time, for every person, IF they truly want physical change!
            ©copyright 2016 bert Seelman 
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929
Email Bert Seelman
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