GETTING – Results are Proof Health and Wellness Development Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:27:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 WHAT ARE YOU GETTING….in reality… Mon, 25 Nov 2019 17:37:49 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9348


It is especially important to know, that just because a particular program appears” to deliver fast, visible, external results, “does not mean” that it is correct or “healthful” on an internal basis.

Now, stop, re-read, and think!

“Everything” we take into our body or do with our body has a “positive or negative” result.

If you are involved in a program that cannot or does not use multiple tests to prove healthful results, it could be because they do not care about your health as much as their profits…..”what’s important to you”….HONESTLY?

If you are involved in an exercise, diet, or health program and are actively doing you’re prescribed part and you “are not measuring results,” it should be obvious that the program is imbalanced, and your body is unable to respond. It should be a simple deduction that it is causing more harm than good. It is simply unhealthful.

Total health can be maintained with nutrition, and time! Exercise if added, only decides the level of performance!

Note: Provided there is optimal balance, if not, exercise is only an added stressor.

NOTE: Because of the requirement for “time,” to accumulate and process materials (nutrition) to make reserves (which create the physical response), many people are in debt, in that “their body cannot adequately respond,” see and or actually measure a positive result.

To realize positive results, reserves must be adequately or fully ready” prior to the stressors, stimulus, or triggering from any source. If reserves are not adequately ready, then only debt, overdraw (unhealthful) or negative effects to the system can result.

Point in case is that if an individual is exercising and is not realizing (measuring) positive results, then the body is in an over draw or a stressed state” and is unable to adequately respond to the positive. It is imperative to realize that the internal workings create the external responses! No response means inadequate reserves.

Note: In order for exercise to be effective it must exceed the momentary state of ability or little or no stimulus or triggering for change will take place. In order for exercise to be efficient it must be as effective as possible, yet also take place in as brief of a time factor as possible. With these two factors are being met, exercise can then be as effective and efficient as possible!

There is no difference between someone who is at a level of a disease getting better, than an average athlete becoming better in performance. It is all human performance.

Everyone has the same basic physiological requirements; some just require more or less than others!

So, what are you getting? Is it due to improper or incomplete information, or that someone is selling you something ?

Is your program showing you predictable, measured, tested progress, and results, or is your program being hit and miss?        ©copyright Bert Seelman 1990       


Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

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programs for fitness, imagine – REALITY Fri, 24 Apr 2015 19:43:16 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=1265 IMAGINE, Fitness Programs, THIS IS REALITY… RESULTS
So what does your workout, gym, class, trainer, coach, weight loss program include, exclude, impart, provide or lack, specialize in, supposed to deliver, and what have you actually measured for your results on a steady and ongoing basis???
COM’ON…..REALLY, stop the thinking, and trying to find something, when there is none, that is measurable on a steady and on going basis!
POINT: You are spending time, money, and efforts, doing what you are doing….WHY??
Did you ever stop to think, that NO POSITIVE MEASURED RESULTS, equal the fact that your body CANNOT ADEQUATELY RESPOND IN A POSITIVE WAY!
This non-positive, non-measurable results, is a signal you are out of balance, actually “in debt” health wise!
So, you are actually doing  things (exercise is a stress) or receiving more negative effects, than positive and actually harming your health!
Why not learn, gain working knowledge, and facts that will get you the end results of your physical desires and an education of a lifetime?
After all we can put a man on the moon, find anyone specifically with D.N.A.,…… so we can with real facts, proper applications, and engineering, get the health, wellness, and physical performance we want!
Human performance has to do with all levels of performance, from severe illness, to extreme sports, it is all about what level are you at, and where do you want to go!
A PROGRAM THAT IS “NOT JUST ANOTHER PROGRAM” and here is why, Imagine a program delivers results that are PREDICTABLE, MEASURABLE, REPEATABLE, SUSTAINABLE and that program MEASURES, TESTS, and ACTUALLY “ENGINEERS” RESULTS buy using facts, applications, and proper sequencing!
Results that are measured, tested, more than ANY OTHER PROGRAM anywhere, PERIOD!
Programs cover such things as: exercise, cardio, rehab, sports performance to extreme pro levels, minor to major nutrition, fat loss, supplements, testing, healing, overall health, and much, much more.
OUR RESULTS get delivered even with clients nationally and internationally, because of the actual facts and depth of instruction with applications! Imagine with skype, facetime, video, and modern smart phone technology it is like “being right there!”
MORE FACTS + BETTER APPLICATIONS + MORE SUPPORT = MORE RESULTS               (check our endorsements)
FREE first consult: only serious inquiries please
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

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HEALING, GETTING TO THE SOURCE Tue, 26 Nov 2013 21:32:52 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=1116 HEALING,  “GETTING TO THE SOURCE
“It’s more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.”  Quote ― Hippocrates                                                                                      ©copyright Bert Seelman 2013                                   
Let us look at this…..reread it! Seriously it is commonsense when you consider it!

“It’s more important to know (what sort of person has a disease) than to know what sort of disease a person has.”
It’s “more important” to know,-   this shows priorities = more or MOST and IMPORTANT. You, yes you, must learn, study, find out, ask, search, it is up to you!
“what sort of person” has a disease  this identifies the “ORIGIN” or major determinate of the “dis – ease”……..!!!   The SORT = TYPE = FACTOR in how or actually WHERE THE PROBLEM BEGINS.
SORT  –  definition = characteristic, a kind of, a way of acting or behaving
Doesn’t this make so much sense, after all behaviors are factors of same patterns in the way the individual would stress, rest, eat, work, think, etc, etc, etc! A pattern for a type of or SORT!
The understanding of this would lend itself to helping the ability to reduce or prevent or as this word says –  “pre-vent” or “pre”- “event” the greater onset or worsening of the disease!
Let us now look at another thought / word / condition!
Disease = dis ease or dis / ease = unrest at the cell level +  if continued =  sickness
Sickness is the result or later stage of dis/ease or continued disease (cellular unrest).
A person must first have cellular unrest or “dis – ease,” then sickness is developed.
The understanding of the above gives a different view of the facts that things we “think” as even “ideas,” actions, and even our intents could play a huge roll in our longevity, and performance on a physical level! After all we are an electrical /chemical being. Meaning that we are electrical in that we have an electrical current also called our spirit that “animates us or gives us “movement through contracting muscles.” We need “electrolytes” for muscle contraction. Thoughts are electrical impulses that are a charge of types, positives or negatives!
We are “chemical” in that our physical make up is that of nutrients i.e. minerals, vitamins, proteins etc., etc. If that “balance” of chemicals is off, then we have “unrest” at the cellular level. So we have great possibilities should we care “enough” to take charge and change our destiny through our thoughts, actions and even “intents!” HEALING is also apart with mindset!

So we are electrical = spiritual, chemical =nutrients or physical beings that can reason, think, act, and we do have an active part in our destiny and not all is chance after all.
Choices, the determinate factor in healing and sickness!
SO, are you a spiritual sloth, a physical sloth, or a mental sloth or possibly all? Sickness,disease does not hunt us down, seek us out, ambush us without warning! Where do you truly want to be, because you can go there with some effort! But it does and it will take effort on your part!
People GET HEALED and receive healing everyday, from all kinds of things, if the put effort with desire, so where are you?
Bert Seelman  520 327 2929

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