ego – Results are Proof Health and Wellness Development Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:27:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What Specific Results To Expect,… Tue, 21 Jan 2020 23:03:59 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9469

What Specific Results To Expect,…

With,….Exercise, Sports performance, Rehabilitation, Fat Loss….What’s Minimum!

With all the trainers, coaches, instructors, and various programs, how is it that fitness programs have ZERO STANDARDIZATION?

There are those programs that get Zero results, those that get slow, slow, results, and those you have to “just hope there maybe results!”

Why is it that programs vary so much with results? Because 99.999% of people selling programs are about MONEY, and EGO!

Why, because it’s about EGO, and MONEY!

It is almost always that the client gets the least benefits!

Standardization would require lots of schooling, which means lots of time, which means paying out money, and putting out effort!

People want everything now, today, immediately!

See, trainers want a professional sounding title, they want to make money! People wanting physical changes, want the results now, so they want to say they hired a “professional!” Everyone wants quick, fast, easy, and yesterday!

Why, “EGO!”

Ego on the part of the person taking the program, “ego” of them saying to themselves, o.k. I “like this program!” I’m going to the gym, I’m dieting, I have a trainer!  SAD HUH!

In reality these non-results getting individuals, have to JUSTIFY IN THEIR OWN HEAD, their continuing to pay for something they do not get, not even in part!  (their EGO needs acceptance, no matter what the truth is)

They are so insecure, they cannot face that they did something, that stupid!

But, the PROBLEM is, that most all individuals do very, very, little, to zero investigating into real physiological facts!

Most individuals are in “way to big of a hurry,” to get fat off and muscle up, and they must have it, NOW!

So, due to the “overwaiting, about overweighing,” most all use a feeling of “emotion to start” a program and “emotion to select” a program! NOTE: Using emotion is not logical nor factual! 

Most all coaches, instructors, and trainers all have an almost ZERO FACTUAL BASIS, for what they “teach others for their fee,” thus literally taking their MONEY!  

No, for sure most all or everyone of their applications, are at best  fraud, theft, lies,myths just wrong, wrong ,wrong!


When a person exercises, they are stressing tissues, trying to trigger a positive increase, to increase physical performance! (either losing fat, gaining muscle, strength, speed ,etc.)

That means “if they have not previously taken in or consumed the right nutrients” they are harming their health, FACT! Yet the person who they paid more than 98% of the time is “NOT FACT BASED” and in most cases cannot, will not and does not test to prove measurable positive results!”

So, “get the actual physiological facts,” the correct applications, “check references,” “before” you start any program!


Imagine the physical therapist works with people who have had very bad health set-backs, yet they do not know how to “HELP THE BODY RESPOND BETTER, SO THEY ARE ADDING STRESS!”

So, find the BEST, of instruction before you start! Take time to research, do your homework!

Call us at for information on what programs should contain, what to measure and test!  Get the facts… is a quick reference….

Learn what specific results should be expected…….(watch this video)

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

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THE PITY POTTY…….  (about the “constantly sick”) Sat, 14 Dec 2019 21:41:31 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9398

THE PITY POTTY…….  (about the “constantly sick”)




OK, OK, once in a very great while being sick is acceptable! (once in a rare while)

I have been working in the health field (the real health field) NOT THE MEDICAL LYING FIELD, for over 50 years now!   (that should count for some insight, understanding and experience)

Most everyone who gets sick, meaning a significant sickness, not just a cough ,cold, or flu, has been their own “engineer of that sickness!”

After all, each individual is “in charge of every decision” they made about what goes into (diet, intake) their physical body, and that same person is in charge of what their body, mind, and spirit are “exposed too!”

Now understand, “we all need reminders, outside input, varied perspectives, and “well-meaning direction” form those around us!”

However, too many, see others advice as “CONfronting,” when it could be they are “CARE-fronting!”

Why is it that “caring advice” is met with such disdain, and arrogance, Arrogance, means, contempt, prior to investigation and as said, it  is “so prevalent?  

It is like, others cannot have “well intent???”

After all, everyone today it seems, “due to peoples EGO’S,” is a “legend” of “knowing and doing everything perfectly” in their own minds!

If we as individuals, were to slow down and think (rarely if ever done), we would possibly see we have all lost perspective of “HOW WE ACTUALLY do things!”

(and in honesty most us have to cringe)

Yes, if we are “often getting or being sick,” then we obviously need to look “inwardly” at what we are lacking in our own “self-maintenance,…” because it is “obviously lacking!

However, the problem today is that the majority has selected or chosen friends, that are “suck-ups,” yes, men(or women), the “acceptance needy,”  you know, and not just “brown- noser’s, but full-blown ass-kisser’s! 🧐🙃  (those who are so needy and have to have you around)

You see the difference between a brown noser, and an ass-kisser, is simple and obvious, it’s “depth perception!”😊        (ass kissers are “in deeper” it’ almost the same though)

You see, most people “crave that acceptance, way more” than their own self-respect and being a real “truth teller!        – (telling the real truth scares many) 

Having charge of one’s own health takes effort, in that “you must first learn the actual working knowledge, and….. then you must put out effort” to build, keep or even maintain your health! Health does not just appear or just happen!

So, when that “sick person,” starts their “ACT” of “attention seeking” by complaining, whining, or any other action, REALIZE, that they brought it on themselves!

Of course, offer them some good, sound direction,…. some “outright truth!”

After all, that is “truth without brutality!”

That’s mercy, compassion, grace with using WISDOM!  That is REAL LOVE! 

Know, that if you are truly going to be a truth teller, your friends at first will be shocked, they will be extremely mad, “they will reprimand you vigorously!”

WHY, because the vast majority doesn’t have the spine to do what you did, and the mad are internally, VERY JEALOUS!”

Don’t worry, if you keep telling the truth, “the IMPORTANT individuals will respect you,” and you’ll like yourself much more,…. guaranteed!

NOTE: This is REALITY, and observation of over 50 years, and literally tens of thousands of clients! Know, this is why so many “stay sick,” their so-called ill health serves them well!”

I had to learn to “my great sadness,” that there are those “who do not, will not, nor even consider great consistent health!  Health does not “feed their insatiable sick need” for attention!

It is also my observation, that these types drove me the more intensely, to look deeper, to think harder, to understand more, to find healing for everything!

This point being,… I did not see how being sick, could serve anyone in a positive (perception) way! So, to these sick (mentally), I owe a debt of thanks too, after all we can learn from everyone!

©copyright Bert Seelman 2019

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


For YOUR HEALTH go to……

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SICKNESS, PAIN, SUFFERING,……CARING! Sat, 07 Dec 2019 19:34:51 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9380



Caring for the  Sick, Hurting Ailing, Obese, and just plain Fat…

One would think or at least hope, that an individual “would not want to allow for or give a possibility to” any kind of sickness, disease, or even a condition like obesity to work in the slightest areas of their life. 

But in reality “most are so arrogant” in that they “feel” that they can, by some special process avoid the “payments” (repercussions) to be made after having severely abused their physical body. ( eating or consuming what is totally detrimental to any or all process’s )

Yet, with all the worldly knowledge, research, and warnings “individuals still persist and insist” on doing “what they want” at any given time!

Oh yes, I have been a firsthand witness to the arrogance, pride, and self-righteous line of this thinking or action again  and yet again! 

The wrong thinking of “well that was so and so, or that’s not going to happen to me,” etc, etc.

Our bodies are all “basically” the same. We are all a chemical, electrical, spiritual charged beings, that have very specific needs and requirements. We all need the very same things, we all just need differing amounts! 

The process’s that work within us are the same, yet arrogance reins through thinking “we” are going to “get away with” what will and does happen ( it is just a matter of time) Sorry, but facts are facts!

Our physical lives in a way are like a credit card or debit card. We have the right to CHARGE on it, “HOWEVER” the bill will come in, be delivered or better yet “become due and payable” without exception.

Again, when I say that the “most persistent attitude out there” is that of “extreme arrogance” that is exactly what it is. The attitude of “well I tried”,” and it didn’t work”, so “I give up”, or “they need to like me just the way I am,” or what ever other EXCUSE one desires to use.  

It is mainly about “my way”, and “now” and or any other CONVENIENT coping mechanism that people can come up with!

It is beyond time for us as  individuals to “stop the political correctness” which has done nothing but weaken our society!

 It is time for us to “call” these individuals who choose to “do these selfish, self centered, emotional charged wrong doings to their health” by their correct name,” STUPID!”

Let’s talk the truth here! “Anyone (yes, anyone) who makes choices by their emotional or physical “feelings” is certainly not rational, logical, intelligent or responsible! 

My personal view (based on my experience of more than forty years) is that because most will not openly and assertively address them, they get to thinking and feeling “licensed, permitted, accepted” to continue. They actually find a “comfort zone” in this action or if you prefer to call it “in action!”

When an individual starts down this path of “I’m too busy, I’m tired, I will later, etc, etc, etc they are in trouble with a “four letter word” LAZY or sloth! You can try to use other descriptions like irresponsible, unlearned, etc., etc., but the real bottom line or “motive” is self, or another “four letter word” lazy! They are selfish! It is about them!

So, do you truly love them….only if, yes IF, you call them out!

Don’t wait for the problems to start!

See us about a “preventive proven plan!”

We have the proven answers that even the Doctors can’t do! That’s RIGHT!

We CARE more, that’s WHY, our clients “get well,” lose only fat, get more tested proven results, look younger, live better without the medications or the Doctor visits, FACT!


Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

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Check out my videos channel at Youtube

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ATTITUDE, Where “HEALTH” Starts……. Thu, 05 Dec 2019 17:31:30 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9369


I know, I know, …wrong!

Just because we “internally desire” to be healthy, because we “internally know” we “need” to be healthy, doesn’t excuse the “non-maintaining” of health….now ”open up, relax, before” continuing!

ARROGANCE is, contempt” prior to investigation….which “INCLUDES almost EVERYONE!”

IGNORANCE, is “what you are about,” “after you act ARROGANT!”

Note: In my field, I know that I have learned the very most, “after,” yes, “AFTER,” I learned that taking a breath, “hearing anyone, and everyone through, is the best opportunity for learning!”

We never know, (especially if you’re a “believer”) when an absolute “golden gem of insights and or knowledge,” or an “epiphany” Will come to us!…. Humble, humility,” are always the roads to the greatest of insights!

True health “is even when we can stop, breathe, control our thoughts, then make decisions with knowledge, not emotions, and feel, it’s o.k.!”

Remember Health requires care, “true care” for your “whole being!”

That looks like this!………

The Spirit needs, scriptural food for nourishment!

The Mind needs, factual logic, and knowledge for nourishment!

The Body needs, nutrition, water, and oxygen for nourishment!

Usually the unconsidered is…..the following!

The “whole being” needs or requiresrest or sleep or down time,… for processing, repair and replacement!


Chances are really high, that you as most, didn’t ever see or think about the above! We do, ALWAYS!


Don’t be an “I know it all,” it’s OK!     THINK ABOUT THE ABOVE….. “WE KNOW HEALTH!”

Our manufacturer (Creator) would like us to “maintain our whole being,” we fix and teach “Results proven Programs” that get “fast results,” for all areas of HEALTH!

©copyright Bert Seelman 2019

Learn more at


Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


For YOUR HEALTH go to……

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Check out my videos channel at Youtube


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Exercise Facts, That Irritate Some People…… Sat, 31 Aug 2019 16:35:20 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=8468

 (So most will not heed this, because they are so insecure, yet have too much ego to listen)

Realize this is about physiological facts, buy ego, runs people’s arrogance to continue in their ignorance….(people will viciously protect their ignorance)! Meaning “they do not want to hear anything different” than what they are doing, “because it takes effort to listen, the effort to think about change,” and that “possibly” could be seen as them being wrong!

One set of an exercise is adequate, if the exercise is pushed to a point of stimulus for response or momentary muscular failure. More is actually unnecessary and only wastes recovery ability slowing progress! If more exercise is better or more sets, then why don’t people just work out all day, every day? Exercise is actually a stress, or a stimulus to hopefully bring forth a positive response. Ego is a possibility here.

(why waste your efforts, because You Are So Insecure, admit it….and You did not use enough effort on what you did…see,  insecure!) SARCASM

The body is a complete unit, it needs to be rested as a whole unit, fed as a whole unit, and exercised as a whole unit. One cannot just feed the lower body one day, and feed the upper body the next day! Nor can a person just sleep the lower body one day and the upper body the next. The body must have time to accumulate recovery materials (adequate nutrients) to have a positive benefit in the form of results. Exercise does not “make” the results, the materials or nutrients do.

( think about it, but you probably know more than physiologist, and will make your body do what science can’t, right… ) SARCASM


Cardio exercise should be performed after, resistance exercise. By doing cardio after resistance exercise the body receives the benefit of elevated heart rate during resistance training that lowers glucose levels. Due to these lowered glucose levels fat burning during cardio increases faster. The body also receives the benefit of removing oxidized materials from resistance exercise due to the cardio being performed after resistance exercise.

©copyright Bert Seelman 2001

NOTE: Reality is, if a trainer, coach, or program cannot accurately predict results, and test to prove that prediction, it is fraud, and unprofessional!

Call Us for a FREE CONSULT……..40+ yrs of delivering unequaled results!   for more information   Bert Seelman 520 327 2929  


 (LOOK HOW LONG AGO THIS WAS “TRIED” TO HELP). –    ©copyright Bert Seelman 2001


For YOUR HEALTH go to……


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THINK….IF YOU DARE…then “GET OVER IT”…. Tue, 05 Mar 2019 17:25:17 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=7037


Or STOP, the whining, sniveling, griping, complaining, and attention seeking!

You are in control by your choices, and better choices, make for better results!

SICK….IT,… did not stalk you, hunt you down, search you out, or jump on you…

DEPRESSED… IT,…did not  stalk you, hunt you down, search you out, or jump on you…

SAD… IT,…did not  stalk you, hunt you down, search you out, or jump on you…

MAD… IT,…did not  stalk you, hunt you down, search you out, or jump on you…

BROKE… IT,…did not  stalk you, hunt you down, search you out, or jump on you…

HOMELESS… IT,…did not  stalk you, hunt you down, search you out, or jump on you…

ADDICTED… IT,…did not  stalk you, hunt you down, search you out, or jump on you…

LONELY… IT,…did not  stalk you, hunt you down, search you out, or jump on you…

BROKEN HEARTED… IT,…did not  stalk you, hunt you down, search you out, or jump on you…


GET THIS…ESPECIALLY WITH FAT… it takes 3500 extra, excess or too many calories, in the mouth, and down the throat for each and every extra pound a person gains – FACT!



YOU and ONLY YOU, ” along with GOD,” can change ANYTHING…..FACT!

IF, IF, you truly care, Speak Up, if people are lost in their old actions, Speaking up HELPS!

WE, IF WE CARE, many times we who care, need to speak up, “in a manner that creates, an abrupt interruption in the pattern of someone’s hearing,”… so they “can hear it!” 

I am fortunate, so very fortunate, that I “get to” help people every day, by speaking into their lives. I get to see “miracles” like weight loss, eye sight improved, heart valves healed, arthritis healed, stroke victims regain movement, and on and on, lucky me!

Speak up, while these people are “still around” to wake them up! Get Real!

ANYTHING ELSE,….is pure selfishness!                                        ©copyright Bert Seelman 2019

Bert Seelman          ph. 520 327 2929                        

WEIGHT TRAINING – the MYTHS, the LIES, the FACTS, the OBVIOUS Tue, 25 Sep 2018 14:39:07 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6476

Ever stopped, to really look around the gym or where ever you exercise, and noticed that “almost no one” meaning less than “1 %” of the members ever change physically or show results? Seriously, most are showing up in body, many very regularly, yet there is no real changes for all those attending!

Why aren’t they changing, why aren’t they making progress? Because most do what the mass population does just to look and be perceived “normal!”As an ex-bodybuilder and professional coach I can say that weight or resistance training is in the darkest of ages, and fitness has gone backward into egotism for over 50 years!

Today, myths rule over facts, and ego rules way over intelligence in health, fitness, and most all training for sports!!

There are certain actual “facts” that aren’t even known, let alone practiced! These facts are there for anyone, IF, yes IF, someone was to research and then be bold enough to actually use! Yes results are a reality “every time” some one goes to the gym IF, yes IF, they were able to be bold enough, confident enough to do something factual and of course be different!

Yet in reality, most are way too insecure, to use an approach that could be scrutinized by the other “sheep!”

Yet, these same “sheep” profess they want more results! Lies, yes actual lies, because when presented with the truth and the facts, they stay in the broken track of so-called normalcy! The following video is short, to the point, filled with self-evident facts for anyone who might possibly be open to know there is a way to actually have non-stop, continuing fast results, each and every time! Try reading my book, “The Great Fitness Fraud,” on amazon. Or read the first chapter “free on my website, see the resource button!



for More info –

Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

FITNESS / HEALTH, …WHO’S STUPID? – MOST! Tue, 22 Nov 2016 13:41:52 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=4092 FITNESS / HEALTH, …WHO’S STUPID? – MOST!
Be patient, and actually consider the following, and when given true consideration you will then be able to realize that fitness and health has become literal insanity, ego, and or emotional!
It is about your money, not your health, nor your actual measured results! They will talk a great result; they will stroke your emotions and ego! However, you will not get the real expectations that you will be led to believe. DARE TO COMPARE, DARE TO TEST INDEPENDENTLY, without the trainers and coaches knowing!

  1. Doing multiple sets, if this was truly needed why not do set after set after set, actually doing as many as you possibly can, surely you will get “more results” – NOT! EGO, maybe, insecurity perhaps! Note: An exercise done to cause or receive a result, requires the exercise to be performed to a point “exceeding the momentary existing state of ability!” The exercise must reach the point of “stimulus for response,” once this is reached additional exercise is of no benefit, and is only counter productive!
  1. Doing split routines (upper body one day, lower body the next) is the best way to get better, more productive workouts! Sure, you have one recovery system (set of organs) for the upper body and one recovery system for the lower body (another set of organs). SURE, two sets of recovery organs, NOT, the body when pushed needs time and materials (nutrients to be accumulated, then time for processing) to make adequate responses happen! There is some kind of imagining the body doing way more than is reality here! Also here again is the “more is better even” for the stress and strain of more exercise, in less time and “making believe” that this is some how better! Ego, again or more insecurity perhaps! The body requires minimum of 48 hours in between stress’s to adequately respond if responses are optimized! Remember, recovery is more important than exercise!
  1. Testing physiological factors to know and prove actual correct responses are taking place! This is almost NEVER REGULARLY DONE! Like accurate body composition tests say every 2 – 3 weeks to prove lean is actually being gained and ONLY FAT LOST! WHY NOT, why because these so called professionals ARE NOT TRUE PROFESSIONALS! Yes they may have a certificate of completion, of some CERTIFICATION PROGRAM, how ever “they do not test because they KNOW THEY DO NOT KNOW, how to predict or repeat or sustain actual measured POSITIVE results!” Do the trainers or coaches actually use all three heart rates, like RESTING, DESCENDING, OR WORKING heart rates to prove each phase of training is effective in the POSITIVE, NO!
  1. Question, measure for yourself, independently test, why not, it’s your money, your body, and your health that is at stake! IF YOU WILL NOT TEST, then you just want to justify that you are doing something, rather than nothing! Remember you are spending the time; why not get something for it? IF a trainer or coach cannot predict, measure and repeat, they are guessing, and not in the experienced levels of knowing for certain! Factual components are missing!

FOR OVER 43+ YEARS, we have predicted, repeated, sustained, more actual measured, tested, proven results, than any program, any where!
You can do it once, do it right, and learn it for life!
                                                                                                      ©copyright Bert Seelman 2016
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book
