cost – Results are Proof Health and Wellness Development Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:27:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What Specific Results To Expect,… Tue, 21 Jan 2020 23:03:59 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9469

What Specific Results To Expect,…

With,….Exercise, Sports performance, Rehabilitation, Fat Loss….What’s Minimum!

With all the trainers, coaches, instructors, and various programs, how is it that fitness programs have ZERO STANDARDIZATION?

There are those programs that get Zero results, those that get slow, slow, results, and those you have to “just hope there maybe results!”

Why is it that programs vary so much with results? Because 99.999% of people selling programs are about MONEY, and EGO!

Why, because it’s about EGO, and MONEY!

It is almost always that the client gets the least benefits!

Standardization would require lots of schooling, which means lots of time, which means paying out money, and putting out effort!

People want everything now, today, immediately!

See, trainers want a professional sounding title, they want to make money! People wanting physical changes, want the results now, so they want to say they hired a “professional!” Everyone wants quick, fast, easy, and yesterday!

Why, “EGO!”

Ego on the part of the person taking the program, “ego” of them saying to themselves, o.k. I “like this program!” I’m going to the gym, I’m dieting, I have a trainer!  SAD HUH!

In reality these non-results getting individuals, have to JUSTIFY IN THEIR OWN HEAD, their continuing to pay for something they do not get, not even in part!  (their EGO needs acceptance, no matter what the truth is)

They are so insecure, they cannot face that they did something, that stupid!

But, the PROBLEM is, that most all individuals do very, very, little, to zero investigating into real physiological facts!

Most individuals are in “way to big of a hurry,” to get fat off and muscle up, and they must have it, NOW!

So, due to the “overwaiting, about overweighing,” most all use a feeling of “emotion to start” a program and “emotion to select” a program! NOTE: Using emotion is not logical nor factual! 

Most all coaches, instructors, and trainers all have an almost ZERO FACTUAL BASIS, for what they “teach others for their fee,” thus literally taking their MONEY!  

No, for sure most all or everyone of their applications, are at best  fraud, theft, lies,myths just wrong, wrong ,wrong!


When a person exercises, they are stressing tissues, trying to trigger a positive increase, to increase physical performance! (either losing fat, gaining muscle, strength, speed ,etc.)

That means “if they have not previously taken in or consumed the right nutrients” they are harming their health, FACT! Yet the person who they paid more than 98% of the time is “NOT FACT BASED” and in most cases cannot, will not and does not test to prove measurable positive results!”

So, “get the actual physiological facts,” the correct applications, “check references,” “before” you start any program!


Imagine the physical therapist works with people who have had very bad health set-backs, yet they do not know how to “HELP THE BODY RESPOND BETTER, SO THEY ARE ADDING STRESS!”

So, find the BEST, of instruction before you start! Take time to research, do your homework!

Call us at for information on what programs should contain, what to measure and test!  Get the facts… is a quick reference….

Learn what specific results should be expected…….(watch this video)

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

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Is It Weight Loss, Fat Loss, Money Loss….or A Total Loss? Mon, 26 Aug 2019 14:50:23 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=8385 Is it weight loss, fat loss or MONEY LOSS…..or a total loss?

Weight loss, the biggest money game in health and fitness, and it is not about health either!

Weight loss is usually about that overwhelming desire to be thinner, slimmer, trimmer, leaner and or “looking fit” NOW! Beware for the services seeking to help, money is too often the motivator!

As I wrote about it in my book, “The Great Fitness Fraud,” weight loss is usually “finally triggered” by one of three things slapping us into reality giving us true vision and that old reality check. I came to notice excess weight or fat is not quickly put on, nor happens overnight, not literally anyway! Extreme excess weight or fat is accumulated by several factors compounding additional weight gain!

The reality of excessive gain is it came about through NOT having a baby, nor the in-laws coming for a visit, nor was it the holidays, nor was it anything except “a person’s desires to have what they want, when they want it, and of course HOW they want it. It is about mental or physical sensations, and obsessions. Again, so called services for weight loss are about their money!

The three main motivators which trigger the individual to get going or make a move to lose the weight or fat are first, going to the closet to go somewhere special to wear, realizing there are “no clothes that work,” or meaning the person realizes they are up yet another size! Of course the reality of what they have been doing or not doing, has just now come home to their reality.

The next motivator is going to a party or social event where some person took a picture of them and they show the individual the picture. All of us are guilty of not always seeing something about ourselves. But the idea of not being able to see ourselves the way others see us, is best captured on a video or in a photo. When this person sees the reality in the picture, that inner shock of “the true image” is or can be a profound jolt.

The third way individuals seem to be greatly effected is the one that can be the most shocking. It is when they are at the Doctor’s office and the Doctor says, “this is about living or dying.” This is usually the strongest motivator and is even often not heard at the level needed, sad yet true.

Now let us consider the truth of what is desired here, which is usually emotionally decided. It is, “Oh my Gawd,” I have to do something right now! That drive from fear, disgust, frustration, shame, guilt or whatever, comes almost every time out of an EMOTIONAL RESPONSE. The decision is almost always emotionally driven, rather than one from a good, sound, logical, practical, planned, and referenced place.

This emotional decision drives us to immediate action, therefore all critical considerations are out the window so to speak. What most of these individuals do is something, anything, and they tend to do it right now. This emotionally driven immediate decision is what every weight loss business gears its marketing towards. This is why there are so many long term failures in these programs. It is about the businesses’ money and not the client’s long term benefit or about the client’s health. That is the reason why there are so many programs, all guaranteeing more weight loss, yet if actually looked at almost all are failures and lack keeping it off!

NOTE : Considerations for finding a true weight (FAT) loss program

1) Stop, breathe, slow down and let the emotion, panic or whatever subside.

2) Does the program you want, have proven long term success?

3) Does the program guarantee only fat is lost and not lean? (They should prove this through N.I.R. body composition or hydrostatic weighing.)

4) Does the program guarantee no cravings because nutrients are balanced ?

5) Does the program guarantee no hunger because blood sugar is balanced?

6) Is this program “diabetic safe” meaning it is physician endorsed? When a program is diabetic safe, and has tested proof, you are on a better course!


7) Does this program teach the basics of learning the whats, whys, and hows so that its clients learn a lifestyle to keep the weight off?

Too often individuals make hasty decisions leaving them without the tools to take charge of their health! BEWARE of programs offering fast visible external results without verified tested proof!

Fast visible external results can cause long term internal debilitating problems!

A program should teach facts, be motivating, do a lot of explaining, and especially be able to forecast progress ! A quality program will have many examples of success, with many long term examples to check with!

In other words, it is supplying the information to cause value judgments and changes within a person’s value system to continue good decisions and prevent future problems.

Beware, taking time to truly evaluate what you will be getting, it’s about your long term  health!

Our clients lose a pant or dress size every 2-3 weeks, ONLY FAT IS LOST, proven by accurate body composition every 2-3 weeks, plus blood sugar is balance being diabetic safe! There is also our common complaint that our clients cant hardly eat all the food!

On top of all this they are learning a lifestyle!


Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

EXTORTION BY MERCENARIES….Both MEDICINE and or DOCTORS Mon, 26 Feb 2018 01:42:54 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6297

A little ditty about cancer and the mistreatment of patients! ©copyright Bert Seelman 2018

MERCENARIES, = a person primarily concerned with material reward at the expense of others! Yes, that is the correct word and name for those who do the following!

I am about to give you a scenario that everyone can or could end up in!
I am about done with MODERN MEDICINE, and its NON-CARING, “STANDARDS OF CARE!” This PERSON I KNOW HAS LYMPHOMA……. both types!

He has been “TREATED” for 2+ years at a notable hospital in Phoenix, the hospital has a name like a condiment! It would have been better (much better) for my friend to USE A CONDIMENT, because they are serving him up as a FINANCIAL DISH FOR THEIR FINANCES!

It has always made me wonder how medicine costs 3-5x more here than in other countries, and it takes so many visits over so many weeks to get the so-called help patients need!

Now understand my friend has been fighting this cancer for some time now, about 3 years!

This hospital has told him that they have an absolute cure for one type of his cancers, called “immuno” therapy!

They have him running scared, after telling him that the cancer has “all of a sudden” turned to stage 4! They told him they would like him to take the special “immuno” therapy, BUT UNFORTUNATELY, he must first go through 2 complete treatments of REGULAR CHEMO, or at least ONE CHEMO and one REGULAR RADIATION TREATMENT, BEFORE HE “QUALIFIES!”

Why and where have we gone that one must QUALIFY for life saving treatment?

You see he is on MEDICADE! So, he does NOT QUALIFY!….
I’m sorry but THAT IS SIMPLY…. EXTORTION no matter what anyone says as you can go to WEBSTERS dictionary and see for yourself!

EXTORTION according to Webster’s = the practice of obtaining something, especially money through force or threat.

Modern Medicine has a long history of using FEAR, INTIMIDATION, and the practice of having rules that always COST MORE TO THE PATIENT!

Imagine you have cancer and you need treatment, the majority of cancers are so outrageous in costs, that the patient ONLY HAS HIS LIFE SAVED TO BE ABLE TO CONTINUE…. TO PAY THE BILLS FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE!

That is NOT SAVING A LIFE, it is putting a life in “financial bondage” for the duration of their life!

PREVENTION is possible, do-able, and cancer can be handled naturally, however what most do not know, is that there is a SPIRITUAL COMPONENT, that MUST BE MET!


I can only say there is way too much inhumane treatment given out, way too much evil!
How can anyone say, that “a doctor cares” when they never ever take enough in depth history, and never study how to build the body up to resist breaking down through nutrition, etc.? To say such a statement, is FAR beyond stupid, ignorant, and that is self-evident FACT!

We all need to take care of your health, use prevention, especially with the “spirit” man or being, as that is where all disease starts! Look at the word disease, it is DIS/ease or “unrest,” or imbalance, at the cellular level!

As Hippocrates said, it is more important to know what sort of man has the disease, than to know what sort of disease the man has! This simple statement shows how, what and why the disease started!

Biblically this statement shows that IF, IF, yes IF a person believes in GOD, that GOD gave man all the answers, healing, and ways to be healthy no matter what, plus it shows that man is not the answer!

HOSEA 4: 6, My people destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of GOD, I will forget thy children.

All misfortune, sickness, illness is self-brought, self-earned if you will!

So, we have guidelines to avoid problems called prevention, however that takes an effort which

is entirely, way, way, too much for most individuals, as most are lazy!

©copyright Bert Seelman 2018


Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book
