care – Results are Proof Health and Wellness Development Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:27:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Survival, Performance, and Maintenance of the “Human Being”…. Fri, 24 Jan 2020 21:38:24 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9475

Survival, Performance, and Maintenance of the “Human Being”….


A “brief” description and or explanation:

The famous rule of three’s!

We can live 3 minutes without oxygen!

We can live 3 hours with shelter!

We can live 3 days without water!

We can live 3 weeks without food!

We are a “(3) three part” being, Spirit, Mind, and Body!

Spirit – The “animating force,” or “the electrical force or charge” which must be present…

Mind – The “reasoning,” fact gathering, emotional, logical, lying, justifying, a type of collector

Body – The “physical structure,” “the vehicle” that the Spirit “moves,” and “the mind resides” in…

“There are “(3) three constant factors” for physical life and function,” these make up our existence, and maintenance! The factors, needs, or requirements are “Nutrition, Exercise, and Rest,” or restoration!

“Nutrition,” is the materials and or nutrients that we are physically made up of!

“Exercise,” is the “action, movements, work, or stimulus” we receive daily! Which is movement or physical stress, and stress can be also nervous stress as emotional, labor, movement, recreation, and environmental!

Then there is “Rest” which can be referred to as sleep or “restoration” meaning “repair, or  rebuilding!” This type of rest could mean or be a “break” from usual physical activity, or “down time,”(lessened movement) and some see it as, “sleep!”

Even “rest or restoration” usually means lessened physical movement “outwardly!”

Yet, there is even movement at the cellular level when the body is “sleeping,” or in “restoration” mode! “Life or maintenance” requires “cellular activity” in processing nutrients for “energy, repair and future energy reserves or storage” (fat)!

“Restoration” also means “healing, rebuilding, and all the maintenance” of tissues for everything in the physical body!

“Nutrition,” the (3) priorities of intake

1 st – energy – fuel for warmth, movements, processes

2 nd – repair – growth, building or repairing

3 rd – storage –  or accumulating excess, storing fat as an “energy reserve”

Health, “the state of it,” is dependent on the level of function, that “all (3) three parts of the whole being” are operating at!

For the best performance, health, and “length of life,” function requires all (3) three parts receiving quality, adequate, and timely requirements!

FACT: Each individual has the ability to greatly influence their level of performance and length of life, all “through their knowledge (quality) and efforts of self-maintenance!”  

Bert Seelman  

For more information or greater details check our website, face-book, blogs, book, and you tubes!

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


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“HYPER-WELLNESS” PROGRAMS Thu, 26 Dec 2019 21:36:15 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9419




No More, Personal (Trainers) (Nutritionists) (Programs) No More Health (Coaches)
No More, (Anti-Aging)
No More (Keto-Diet)


NOTE: There is a new, complete, all inclusive program for “true and complete health” that considers not just the current state of an individual, but a program that considers the past, present, and their future! This new program has predictability, repeatability, and sustainability for the future!

This new program has had proven positive effects in every area of physical health and performance for over four decades! This is a program of “a true lifestyle that can be self- maintained!” There is a verifiable in-depth history of fast, long-term proven results for those who need or desire a “look, see!” (Yes, actually “physician endorsed, and actually physician Envied!”)

For your better understanding….Several things must be considered. (read below) Wellness – “definition”

The state of “being in good health,” especially as an “actively pursued” goal Wellness –

It is not “anti-aging,” it is about, “Preventive and Self-Maintenance,” it’s about “HEALTH!” “We cannot stop or slow time” as the word “anti-aging” tries to convey, however “we can”

super or hyper-maintain ourselves and avoid or slow our “wearing out at the cell levels!”

Think / Realize: We have a new stomach lining every 3-4 days! A new layer of skin every 28 days! We are all almost completely new to every cell, every 12 – 16 months!

So, each person has the opportunity (control) to optimize their health through their choices in various known ways, and to greatly varied degrees!
Those ways should be a “fact-based, correctly sequenced plan” of “Preventive and Self- Maintenance!”

(NOTE: disease, sickness and health conditions, do not hunt someone down, stalk, or pursue a person, they are events form past choices and so-called non-choices)

REALITY IS or can be “Not waiting” until a disease, sickness or condition strikes, and then “trying” to treat it!
TRUE CARE, is about “prevention of having a condition,” so that it cannot ever start, and “no suffering is experienced!”

This is reality, this is what is “actually possible,” health and wellness are actually about “preventive measures,” that are planned, implemented, and proven! (avoiding suffering and problems)


If Doctors truly cared, they would “prevent their clients” from coming down with a condition, “so their clients would never suffer at all, FACT!

FACT – If Doctors truly cared, they would help their clients to “PREVENT” getting sick or having a condition, and “avoid costly and painful treatments!”

FACT – If Doctors cannot KNOW, or GUARANTEE, and PROVE how you got a condition, then they cannot know or guarantee your treatment, (it’s logic, they just don’t know enough) FACT!

Years back, it was about Fitness! But, “Fitness” way back and is still mainly about “exercise,” yet it was missing what has always been needed, “health!” What always should have been the priority, “health!”

What most individuals do not realize is that, “exercise” is a “stimulus or stressor,” a triggering to cause a change, that is a “hopeful positive change or response!” Usually exercise is utilized to “cause” an increase in physical performance! So, exercise is about stimulus, a stressor to cause change, and “NOT” about health!

“Hyper-wellness” Programs, include nutrition, rest, and exercise, and takes into consideration the “all important insight” of Hippocrates statement, “It is more important” to know “what sort of person” has a disease, than to know the sort of disease a person has!”

Yes, “Hyper-wellness” is not just about health as most think, it is about health now, in the future, days, weeks, months and years ahead, it’s about obvious, long-term benefits that keep delivering! ….(a lifestyle, that can be “self-maintained with full benefits”)

“Hyper-wellness” is a new type of “program,” that addresses the “Whole Person,” the three (3) part man (Spirit, Mind, Body)! “Hyper-wellness” is a program designed with adequate considerations, of “health maintenance” for the immediate, close, and not so distant future!

True health would be and is “considering the preventatives also” to avoid future possibilities of disease, plus avoiding the wearing down or wearing out, in a “preventive” approach!”

“Anti-aging,” is an impossibility, after all “time will keep progressing,” so we cannot stop or slow aging or time! However, we can act in the positive toward “our wearing down and wearing out!
This is where we can have the ability to “restore, replenish, and rebuild our tissues before” by having our reserves “ready, supplied, and able to respond in advance!”

“Hyper-wellness” Programs…

What the programs are about…?
Yes, it should always have been, and always should be, “Preventive Health and Maintenance” in a “complete lifestyle designed program,” for a totally functioning, optimally maintained, well performing whole or complete, three-part human being!

These programs have a massive client history of not needing or using physicians, medications, or additional testing for 10, 15, 18 plus years! Most individuals using medications were able to greatly reduce, and actually eliminate them in most cases! (oh, by the way, we even wrote the book, “The Great Fitness FRAUD, on amazon)

Remember: Medications only mask the “symptoms” while the conditions still persist! Healing with proper nutrition, “actually restores and rebuilds the body!”
Take control, it is possible, and anyone can do it!

Bert Seelman – ©copyright Bert Seelman 2019

So, if you want to be “feeling better, looking better, fast,” and you want to be assured your health is being “considered on a much greater scale,” visit us at our website!

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops and PRIVATE PROGRAMS, and CONSULTING For a CONSULT – CALL 520. 327 2929

For YOUR HEALTH go to……

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THE PITY POTTY…….  (about the “constantly sick”) Sat, 14 Dec 2019 21:41:31 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9398

THE PITY POTTY…….  (about the “constantly sick”)




OK, OK, once in a very great while being sick is acceptable! (once in a rare while)

I have been working in the health field (the real health field) NOT THE MEDICAL LYING FIELD, for over 50 years now!   (that should count for some insight, understanding and experience)

Most everyone who gets sick, meaning a significant sickness, not just a cough ,cold, or flu, has been their own “engineer of that sickness!”

After all, each individual is “in charge of every decision” they made about what goes into (diet, intake) their physical body, and that same person is in charge of what their body, mind, and spirit are “exposed too!”

Now understand, “we all need reminders, outside input, varied perspectives, and “well-meaning direction” form those around us!”

However, too many, see others advice as “CONfronting,” when it could be they are “CARE-fronting!”

Why is it that “caring advice” is met with such disdain, and arrogance, Arrogance, means, contempt, prior to investigation and as said, it  is “so prevalent?  

It is like, others cannot have “well intent???”

After all, everyone today it seems, “due to peoples EGO’S,” is a “legend” of “knowing and doing everything perfectly” in their own minds!

If we as individuals, were to slow down and think (rarely if ever done), we would possibly see we have all lost perspective of “HOW WE ACTUALLY do things!”

(and in honesty most us have to cringe)

Yes, if we are “often getting or being sick,” then we obviously need to look “inwardly” at what we are lacking in our own “self-maintenance,…” because it is “obviously lacking!

However, the problem today is that the majority has selected or chosen friends, that are “suck-ups,” yes, men(or women), the “acceptance needy,”  you know, and not just “brown- noser’s, but full-blown ass-kisser’s! 🧐🙃  (those who are so needy and have to have you around)

You see the difference between a brown noser, and an ass-kisser, is simple and obvious, it’s “depth perception!”😊        (ass kissers are “in deeper” it’ almost the same though)

You see, most people “crave that acceptance, way more” than their own self-respect and being a real “truth teller!        – (telling the real truth scares many) 

Having charge of one’s own health takes effort, in that “you must first learn the actual working knowledge, and….. then you must put out effort” to build, keep or even maintain your health! Health does not just appear or just happen!

So, when that “sick person,” starts their “ACT” of “attention seeking” by complaining, whining, or any other action, REALIZE, that they brought it on themselves!

Of course, offer them some good, sound direction,…. some “outright truth!”

After all, that is “truth without brutality!”

That’s mercy, compassion, grace with using WISDOM!  That is REAL LOVE! 

Know, that if you are truly going to be a truth teller, your friends at first will be shocked, they will be extremely mad, “they will reprimand you vigorously!”

WHY, because the vast majority doesn’t have the spine to do what you did, and the mad are internally, VERY JEALOUS!”

Don’t worry, if you keep telling the truth, “the IMPORTANT individuals will respect you,” and you’ll like yourself much more,…. guaranteed!

NOTE: This is REALITY, and observation of over 50 years, and literally tens of thousands of clients! Know, this is why so many “stay sick,” their so-called ill health serves them well!”

I had to learn to “my great sadness,” that there are those “who do not, will not, nor even consider great consistent health!  Health does not “feed their insatiable sick need” for attention!

It is also my observation, that these types drove me the more intensely, to look deeper, to think harder, to understand more, to find healing for everything!

This point being,… I did not see how being sick, could serve anyone in a positive (perception) way! So, to these sick (mentally), I owe a debt of thanks too, after all we can learn from everyone!

©copyright Bert Seelman 2019

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


For YOUR HEALTH go to……

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Check out my videos channel at Youtube


THE “I LOVE YOU,….LIARS!” Thu, 12 Dec 2019 05:16:18 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9393



Or, if you sad “NOT ME,”… most probably “ARE ONE!”

You know those individuals, those who have got a constantly reoccurring “health problem.”

Or one who is always having to go to the Doctors, or the Urgent Care, WITH SOME CONSTANT “WHAAAA,” “WHAAA!”….

YOU KNOW, that poor person, who’s the “actual attention seeker!”

Health is something we can all have! But, “it takes effort, truth, true care at the deepest of levels!” Trouble is, it will take efforts!

STOP, and THINK, if you are constantly having a problem physically, “why is it,” after all, you make all the decisions, for everything that’s consumed, or you are exposed to! So, who do you blame, the neighbor? No, the problem is “in or with the complainer!”

If that complainer is “YOU,” do you think people are “feeling bad,” FOR YOU?  Truth is “because they aren’t” feeling bad for you, you see, they “see you!”  Yes, they see you, stupid isn’t it! 

Let’s get real, if a person, really truly wants to be better, anyone can, and will be better!  

With just some effort, some research, anyone can learn “preventive health” and not be constantly going to the urgent care for some pity potty sickness or a chronic problem!

You see a “chronic problem” is actually “lousy, self-maintaining, and lacking in self-care!” It’s from doing wrong, bad, things you know better than to do, and not doing what’s right!

Most of these are the types that are needy, attention seekers, and “then say how much they love their families, their kids, their country,,,, what-ever,”…. because it’s all lies!

If, yes IF these “really love these others”  they would take care of themselves, “to be around for those others!

But you see, the real stink and it is “a really bad stink,” is their lying mouths, yes “it’s the stink of their actually starting to believe themselves”, ….it’s “their bad breath!

Sickness is 98% self-brought on!  ….A selfish idea, a want, a desire, that is so pursued that it creates a bad or wrong attitudewhich creates bad actions, which creates bad health, that is totally self-deserved! 

NOTE: The above is 100% scriptural, fact, and if you don’t like this,” try using a mirror,”.or find a “real friend,”….. who’s not a “butt kisser,” or come have a sit down with us!

Oh, and dare you, “bring your pastor,” please, and a psychologist, DARE YOU!

Practice real LOVE this season, use more efforts for yourself, tell others what they truly need to hear, not what they may like! Take care of your physical man, and the Spiritual being! Be more caring, not by being a people pleaser, but by being a “true person CARE-FRONTER!

Care, and Love, are actions, not feelings! What do your actions PROVE?

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

For YOUR HEALTH go to……

Follow me on Linkedin and Facebook


Check out my videos channel at Youtube


SICKNESS, PAIN, SUFFERING,……CARING! Sat, 07 Dec 2019 19:34:51 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9380



Caring for the  Sick, Hurting Ailing, Obese, and just plain Fat…

One would think or at least hope, that an individual “would not want to allow for or give a possibility to” any kind of sickness, disease, or even a condition like obesity to work in the slightest areas of their life. 

But in reality “most are so arrogant” in that they “feel” that they can, by some special process avoid the “payments” (repercussions) to be made after having severely abused their physical body. ( eating or consuming what is totally detrimental to any or all process’s )

Yet, with all the worldly knowledge, research, and warnings “individuals still persist and insist” on doing “what they want” at any given time!

Oh yes, I have been a firsthand witness to the arrogance, pride, and self-righteous line of this thinking or action again  and yet again! 

The wrong thinking of “well that was so and so, or that’s not going to happen to me,” etc, etc.

Our bodies are all “basically” the same. We are all a chemical, electrical, spiritual charged beings, that have very specific needs and requirements. We all need the very same things, we all just need differing amounts! 

The process’s that work within us are the same, yet arrogance reins through thinking “we” are going to “get away with” what will and does happen ( it is just a matter of time) Sorry, but facts are facts!

Our physical lives in a way are like a credit card or debit card. We have the right to CHARGE on it, “HOWEVER” the bill will come in, be delivered or better yet “become due and payable” without exception.

Again, when I say that the “most persistent attitude out there” is that of “extreme arrogance” that is exactly what it is. The attitude of “well I tried”,” and it didn’t work”, so “I give up”, or “they need to like me just the way I am,” or what ever other EXCUSE one desires to use.  

It is mainly about “my way”, and “now” and or any other CONVENIENT coping mechanism that people can come up with!

It is beyond time for us as  individuals to “stop the political correctness” which has done nothing but weaken our society!

 It is time for us to “call” these individuals who choose to “do these selfish, self centered, emotional charged wrong doings to their health” by their correct name,” STUPID!”

Let’s talk the truth here! “Anyone (yes, anyone) who makes choices by their emotional or physical “feelings” is certainly not rational, logical, intelligent or responsible! 

My personal view (based on my experience of more than forty years) is that because most will not openly and assertively address them, they get to thinking and feeling “licensed, permitted, accepted” to continue. They actually find a “comfort zone” in this action or if you prefer to call it “in action!”

When an individual starts down this path of “I’m too busy, I’m tired, I will later, etc, etc, etc they are in trouble with a “four letter word” LAZY or sloth! You can try to use other descriptions like irresponsible, unlearned, etc., etc., but the real bottom line or “motive” is self, or another “four letter word” lazy! They are selfish! It is about them!

So, do you truly love them….only if, yes IF, you call them out!

Don’t wait for the problems to start!

See us about a “preventive proven plan!”

We have the proven answers that even the Doctors can’t do! That’s RIGHT!

We CARE more, that’s WHY, our clients “get well,” lose only fat, get more tested proven results, look younger, live better without the medications or the Doctor visits, FACT!


Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

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Check out my videos channel at Youtube

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The Great Debate – Do Doctors Truly Care….Settled! Wed, 04 Dec 2019 01:22:16 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9363

The Great Debate – “DO DOCTORS TRULY CARE…?”

This “Old Lie,” will be settled here!


Reality is in the, What the Person “Does”…….

Reality is in, What the Person “Knows”…..

Reality in this issue, is in the totality and naked revealing of just “ONE” FACTOR, ….”INTENT!”


Everything a man does is “determined” by his “intent,” which is at the deepest levels, “either Selfish, or Selfless!”  It is “one or the other!”

Man is it appears, mostly about “me, not thee!”  Selfishness is a “total negative!”

True caring at the deepest levels are about “one word that changed all of history” through one man’s life! That word is, “giving,” if anything or anyone is giving, that is “caring, or about true care!”


Know that  “intent” is what all GOD believer’s deed’s will be judged from!  (1 Corin. 3 kjv.)


Never, let it be said, “that Bert Seelman hates all Doctors!”

This is not true; I only hate those who have a “lying and deceptive Spirit!”

Note: Bert is intensely opposed in every way to those who are not of the right intent, “yet profess to be of the healing arts” at any level.


When an individual “goes into medicine,” there are two major driving forces that appear! One, of the drives is as a “profession” for financial gain! The second drive is to “make a difference” to help people, souls, individuals, to heal, to stop pain and suffering! This second drive is said, “to be caring!” These two drives “seem” to become “clouded, mixed, often scrambled” of sorts!

Note: Careful continued observance, will with a little time, will clearly divide the insincere! 


However, “everyone” has what is “right and wrong written in their Spirit, heart, or on their soul!”

Watch your so-called “health practitioner,” watch them closely, you will quickly know where their “intent” is! Either it is “truly caring” or it is a profession for finances!

Don’t try to blend these, it is either money, or health, either “giving” or receiving ($)!


We are a three part being, meaning a Spirit, a mind, and body!

Hippocrates said, “it is more important “to know what sort of man” has a disease!” This knowing “what sort of man,” will show “where” the cause of the sickness or disease got started!

Even as or more important, we should fully know “what sort of man” we are trusting our health and our lives to!


True, real, sincere, healers, medicine men, and physicians are about relieving discomfort, pain, in all ways, and it is not limited to just the “physical body,” but the whole three part being! The true, truly caring, truly loving practitioner will know about and care about the whole being, in every way!


FACT: A “truly caring person” would learn preventive measures, to actually prevent individuals from having “any suffering or discomfort,” at all, ever! 


So, please spare people from the overstated “moronic bullshit” line, “my Doctor is caring,” just prove it, oh, and in multiples of proofs, please! Unless this person is “PREVENTING,” they are a  FRAUD!                                                                                            ©copyright Bert Seelman 2019

Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929


For YOUR HEALTH go to……


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Check out my videos channel at Youtube

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SENIORS, ….ALERT…. Fri, 01 Nov 2019 15:26:10 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=9292

SENIORS, 55 – 80+  and UP…. “HOPE and REALITY”….



Memory, Balance, Energy, all vastly improved, quickly….


When we get past 55 most persons start to think “aging means close to dying, being worn out, non-functional or at least very limited!” WRONG….

Most believe aging, being a senior has to do with,……



Interrupted sleep,….


Tired, even right after waking,….

Lowered energy throughout the day,….

Overweight, or at least with slow constant gaining,…

Weight loss, lack of appetite,…..

Vast amounts of prescription medications….



Read CAREFULLY, closely,…

These “Ideas are very, very wrong”,……


Know that our body still grows a new layer of skin every twenty-eight days…

Remember, our body has most all of its cells replaced every 16+ months (bones in 10 years)!

This means we are or become BRAND NEW, down to every cell,….. so, imagine what is actually possible?

So, THINK,… with the “correct nutrition, and exercise to stimulate circulation,” for nutrient rich blood to get to our whole system, we could revitalize and rebuild most all of our body!


Our bodies are a renewable resource!  However, we, “must learn, and act to cause these internal changes,” to receive the physical revitalization!


I have an 80+ gentleman that was having MEMORY PROBLEMS, balance problems, these are common with age! These things are all easily bettered to a great degree IF….YES…IF someone who loves them will change the amounts of specific nutrients to HEAL, restore the body!….   Know that the body cannot adequately respond without the proper requirements!


I have a 65-year-old client who was “extremely improving in the following ways,….

He has severely bad knees that grind, snap, pop, and crunch, yet in just over 8 weeks he had now gotten to a point of “no more constant aches,” he is able to move about walk up hills , stairs, etc. and has no more pain!


He had lost several pant sizes, (to the point he has taken over 20 pairs of pants to the secondhand store, while doing the same with shirts, his Physical at the Doc’s was amazingly improved! He has improved energy throughout the day, and is vastly improved in depth of sleep, plus a much lower resting heart rate! By having a lowered resting heart rate, this shows his body (heart) works less to do the work needed by the heart!


Problems of aches, pains, stiffness, poor sleep, and most all other frustrations are due mainly to lack of self-maintenance!   Anyone can change these!


Most all these frustrations that appear with aging are able to be greatly reduced and eliminated…..IF…IF…an individual is willing to put forth some small constant efforts with a quality program for improving health!


It is not AGING! All the things he was dealing with were “lack of self-maintenance!”

We worked with getting the right vitamins, and minerals, adding some nutrients to his daily water, changed his diet, and gave him some “CORRECT, EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT EXERCISE….and now he is doing amazingly well, EXTREMELY WELL!


Anyone can have this better living “LIFESTYLE,” … BY simply changing how you maintain your physical body!….ANYONE CAN… me….meet these people….SEE FOR YOUR SELF!


Or you can stay with YOUR LIMITED BELIEFS, and stay on the PITY POTTY, and keep your whining and attention getting ill condition…..


Think people, your Doctor cannot even help you with specific diet changes, with any assurance of a positive outcome and he does not get into diet, vitamins, or any real positive results, ever!


Realize that we can help with memory, balance, sleep, and overall function, quickly!


BELOW is just ONE EXAMPLE, of what is REALITY!

These results are just One Person, and we have thousands…..literally!


Listen to the following PROSTATE problem, this 80-year-old was remedied QUICKLY, yet he went back to his old ways and had to do the course again!


BUT HIS TREATMENT, worked just as fast THE SECOND TIME, SHOWING you can have CONTROL over your health! FACT….REPEATABLE, and sustainable, IF,…IF you want a better life!


Think, this man’s PSA test was EXTREMELY CHANGED IN 4 WEEKS!

PSA was 8+ down to 4.   In 4 weeks





Bert is available for Lecture, Workshops


For a FREE CONSULT  –  CALL  520. 327 2929

For YOUR HEALTH go to……

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Check out my videos channel at Youtube


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THANKSGIVING – Whats It Mean to You… Tue, 20 Nov 2018 21:57:56 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6580 THANKSGIVING – if you can SEE this and You ARE ALIVE……

Let us all, each and everyone, respect life!
Remember, “For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only SON,” aren’t we all glad HE did not abort him!
OBVIOUSLY, everything here in this site is about LIFE!
We strive to continually better everyone’s quality of LIFE!
Dare to compare our tested, proven results, no matter the condition!
Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems
Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929
Email Bert Seelman
Web | LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Web-Book

FITNESS….FATNESS…FRAUD…..the REALITY Sat, 30 Jun 2018 22:03:57 +0000 http://localhost/RAP/Live/?p=6429

Fitness, fatness, the EXORCISM…… reality, and proof!

So what is fitness? What is a true state of being fit? What is fat, I mean literally? Exercise, is it spinning, aerobics, Zumba, shaka-u-butta? Com’on here really?

It is fraud mostly, lies, made up hog wash, wanna be ideas, but very little reality with actual facts being accounted for or utilized!

Fat, what is it? What is the standard for fat? One man’s ideas, standards, a perception, a guesstimate? Please everything has a so called political correctness that isn’t based on anything more than a personal preference!

Exercise was or is supposed to be a “designed stress,” to be applied to cause stimulus or enough overload to cause a chemical response, to make adjustment or response, to increase or strengthen the tissues the stress was applied to! A way to cause an increase in the tissues performance levels. But no, not in reality, there are those who think a walk is exercise, when it is not! In reality, anything that is fun is considered “recreation” whereas exercise causes increased heart rate, sweating, stress of effort, and is not fun!

It is like hiring a personal strainer, yes I spelled that absolutely correct, STRAINER! TODAY THERE ARE ALMOST NO QUALIFIED TRAINERS OUT THERE THAT COULD TRULY PASS THE TESTS OF PROOF when it comes to these listed below.

A truly qualified Professional can and will guarantee the following – without exception!

1 Guarantee only muscle gains while only fat is lost, accurately tested with bi-weekly body composition!

2 Guarantee the diet they are utilizing will create balanced blood sugar levels within 96 hours!

3 Guarantee the clients resting heart rate will improve within two weeks!

4 Guarantee the clients diet will have no hunger or cravings!

5 Guarantee the clients blood chemistry will improve within 2 -3 weeks, no matter what preexisting condition is present!

6 Guarantee the client will “if needed” lose a dress size in less than 3 weeks or a pant size in 2 weeks for men!

7 Guarantee the client will spend less than 20 minutes on resistance training three days per week!

8 Guarantee the client will not have to spend more than 21 minutes of cardio six days a week!

9 Guarantee the client will learn about which supplements to use for a lifetime to keep health!

10 Guarantee the client will receive an education of a lifetime!

IF, IF a person who puts themselves out as a professional cannot fulfill the above, leave the scene of a certain huge impending disappointment immediately!

Facts are out there, the problem is, the vast majority in the health and fitness world, especially coaches will not take the time or spend the efforts to move up to a truly professional grade!

Our programs deliver the above every time, the client is compliant!

DARE TO COMPARE! More facts, with better applications, allows more tests, to prove more results! Our program are unequaled, unsurpassed, anywhere, for over 43 yrs.!




Bert Seelman
Results Are Proof
The Great Fitness Fraud
Performance Fitness Systems

Tucson, AZ
Phone: 520.327.2929

Email Bert Seelman
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