ADVANCE – Results are Proof Health and Wellness Development Fri, 16 Sep 2022 19:27:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Exercise – Lacking Results .…. “MOST” programs don’t have a clue…. Tue, 17 Sep 2019 17:08:56 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=8753

Exercise – Lacking Results .…. 99+% of programs don’t have a clue….

The above statement is actually, factually, “being kind”…..

IGNORANCE, is “the lack of knowledge!”  This lack of knowledge or actual facts, along with incorrect applications is “the greatest problem” in getting actual, measurable, and continual results with exercise programs, and health!

This lack of facts and correct applications is due to “EGO!” Ego says to one’s self, “I’m doing it right,” I am right in what I am doing, “I know!”

After all, in honesty most everyone uses the approach of just “watch others,” and surely they know, or they have it down, I’ll do that! …..WRONG!

People continue doing the same thing day in and day out, without “more results” and one has to ask themselves, “what is everyone doing?” I mean, really? Doing the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result, is insanity!

If someone was able to become informed, and the requirements for more serious results “required change,” most would not change what they were doing, due to looking very different! After all, the “accepted way” or style, is “accepted,” and people want to be “accepted,” and especially  to not “look different!” 

Why aren’t coaches, trainers, individuals not getting more results for all the time they spend?

What is going on with those who spend so much time exercising, and yet have little to no real noticeable changes or improvements?

Is it their lack of facts, or is it their applications? Could it be that they think they know, and their “arrogance and ego” keeps them form a different thinking? I believe it keeps them from even researching and being open.

This massive problem of going to the gym, and not getting more results is actually a plague of “Ego,” the “I know,” plus the, I am at least going to the gym, and I am NOT WRONG!

I believe after almost 50 years in gyms and health clubs, it’s LAZY! Yes, lazy, sloth, not being willing to do any research because, after all that would take “an effort!”

Arrogance, is defined as “contempt prior to investigation!” This is at least a huge part of the problem, just try asking anyone of these types, “what are the physiological facts behind your method?” Get ready to be “hated!” How dare you question that, after all “everyone does it this way!” Right here, the point will be made, proven! (seriously, watch their face when asking)

Most individuals are exercising “too much” (volume, amount), yet they are not exercising with enough effort (intensity)! Remember exercise is called a “work out,” not an “easy out,” or a “fun out!”

If an individual truly increases “intensity of effort” into exercise, they will not be able to perform at length! Another not thought of fact is, when effort or intensity is increased, time (rest) and requirements (nutrition) for recovery must be considered!

Know this, that when a program for improved health and performance “is balanced correctly,” that measured results can, and will happen on a steady basis! Results can be actually predicted, tested, and proven continuously! True Professionals and professional programs can actually predict, measure, test, and keep results continuing with “working knowledge!”

©copyright Bert Seelman 20019

For Fact based (not theory) working knowledge go to –

Over 40+ yrs. Of Unequaled Results

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ANTIBIOTICS… Fri, 16 Aug 2019 14:14:12 +0000 http://localhost/RAP-2022-9/?p=8329

ANTIBIOTICS – What most people do not know…..

The common medical model is not what our Creator had in mind

People are actually herded like the sheeple most are, into being “slanted” in their thinking to believe that medicine is “good for you!”

The reality is that medicine and the current medical model is severely broken! Many years back the Pharmaceutical industry started dictating to the medical field what, how, and when to treat all conditions! These slanted teachings were for the good financial condition of Big Pharma, period!

Drugs were designed to mask symptoms, rather than truly regenerate and restore the body! In place of a true restoration to original the drugs were used to create a constant need for relief of the irritating symptoms!

Basically those who use many pharmaceuticals must constantly re-buy them for relief! True actual healing comes from restoration of the body through nutrients to regrow or truly heal!

Know that most all conditions are self inflicted through lack of preventive maintenance, with proper intake or diet and nutrients to regrow, and restore the body the way it was designed to be!

Remember that we are brand new down to every cell every 16+ months. This fact alone should give anyone great possibilities to change their condition physically!

Today antibiotics are being way over used and are not having the desired effects sought! Why, because of over usage, but that is not the only factor! Most individuals do not understand what a antibiotic is or does, they just want better and they want it now!

This video is a basic over view of serious considerations that many should be aware of: at and Bert Seelman’s Performance Fitness Systems the long term natural answers are always a priority! Think about your intake and nutrition for your long term benefits!   ©copyright Bert Seelman 2017

Bert Seelman   520 327 2929

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